Kāyaseka is a Snigda Sveda in which the warmed oil is poured all over the body/specific part for a stipulated period, in a specific manner. It has the advantage of producing Snēhana & Svedana simultaneously. Pizhichil is a modified form of Kāyaseka developed by Keraleeya Vaidyas & extensively practiced. This process is described here.
Materials required:
1. Suitable oil – 3 litres
2. Cotton cloth (40 cm x40 cm) – 4
3. Vessels (5 liters) – 3
4. Soft towels – 2
5. Oil for Talaṃ – 10 ml
6. Rāsnādi Cūrṇa – 5 g
7. Gauze (60 cm) – 1
8. Earplugs – 2
9. Hot waterbath – 1
10. Coconut leaves – 2
11. Gandharvahastādi Kaṣāya (Pāthi Kaṣāya) – 90 ml
12. Medicated water – Q.S.
13. Masseurs – 2
14. Attendant – 1
Pre-operative procedure:
Patient should sit on the Droṇi with legs extended, with minimum cloths. Talaṃ is applied with suitable oil/Cūrṇa, along with Karṇa Pūraṇa. Gauze should be tied around the head above the eyebrows. Ears should be plugged with cotton and oil smeared all over the body (mild Abhyaṅga).
The oil for seka should be heated in a vessel kept in a hot water bath. The temperature of the oil must be 42oC-45oC.The cotton pieces dip in the warm oil and should be poured by squeezing cloth pieces held in one hand of masseurs. The oil should flow, in a uniform stream from the thumb facing downwards, from a height of 6-9 inches as per the condition. The process should be carried out in seven positions as follows.
1. Sitting
2. Supine
3. Right lateral
4. Supine
5. Left lateral
6. Supine
7. Sitting
Prone position can be adopted if necessary. Oil flowing out should be collected and used after reheating. A gentle massage should be given along the stream. It is desirable to use fresh oil daily. As the medicated oil is very costly the same oil may be used for 3 days after removing sediments. This should be preserved after removing moisture. Small quantity of fresh oil should be added to this to maintain the quantity. On the fourth day fresh oil should be taken & used for next 2 days. On the seventh day both these batches of oil can be used.
Postoperative procedure:
The oil is wiped off with the help of coconut leaves. Body should be cleaned with soft towel. Talaṃ should be removed and appropriate Cūrṇa like Rāsnādi is applied on the head. Gandharvahastādi Kaṣāya should be given for drinking. Take rest for ½ an hour and take bath. Head bath can be done with Āmalakī Kvātha and body with Eraṇḍa Kvātha.
45 minutes-1hour for 7, 14 or 21 days.
Time of procedure:
Preferably done in morning hours in moderate climate.
1. Temperature should be maintained at the same level throughout the procedure.
2. Stream should be uniform and continuous.
1. Fainting – stop the procedure and treat accordingly.
2. Fever – stop the procedure and treat accordingly.
3. Hypotension, Giddiness, Fatigue – treat accordingly.
4. Burns – Śatadhaḥuta Ghṛta application
Indications: – Vāta Pradhāna diseases like Pakṣāghāta, Vātarakta, Ākṣepa, Ardita, Apatānaka
Kāyaseka with Kṣīra Kaṣāya is a Variety of Drava Sveda in which the warm Kṣīra Kvātha is poured all over the body. Mainly it is indicated in Vāta Vyādhis with Kapha or Pittānubandha. Drugs can be selected as per Dōṣa condition. It can be done locally or generally.
Materials required:
1. Suitable Kvātha – 4 liters
2. Galanthika/ Varṣaṇika/ mugs with pointed tip – 4
3. Vessels (5 liters) – 4 m
4. Soft towels – 2
5. Oil for Talaṃ – 10ml
6. Rāsnādi Cūrṇa – 5 g
7. Suitable oil for Abhyaṅga – 100 ml
8. Gauze (60cm) – 1
9. Earplugs – 2
10. Gandharvahastādi Kaṣāya (Pāthi Kaṣāya) – 90 ml
11. Medicated water – Q.S.
12. Masseurs – 2
13. Attendant – 1
Preparation of medicine:
500gm of drug is boiled in 4 litres of milk and 16 litres of water & reduced to the quantity of milk.
Pre-operative procedure:
Patient should sit on the Droṇi with minimum cloths. Talaṃ is applied with suitable oil. Gauze is tied around the head above the eyebrows. Ears are plugged with cotton and Abhyaṅga is done. In some specific conditions, this procedure may be done without Abhyaṅga.
The Kvātha for Seka should be heated on the stove. The temperature of the Kvātha must be around 40oC. Two masseurs standing on either sides of the patient should pour Kvātha in a uniform stream through the Galanthika / Varṣaṇika/ mugs from a height of 6 -9 inches. The process should be carried out in seven positions as mentioned in Kāyaseka with oil. Kvātha flowing out should be collected and used after reheating. Fresh Kvātha is used every day. If no massage is to be done, cover body with thin cotton cloth.
Post-operative procedure:
Body should be cleaned with soft towel. Talaṃ should be removed and appropriate/ Rāsnādi Cūrṇa should be applied on the head. Gandharvahastādi Kaṣāya (Pāthi Kaṣāya) should be given for drinking. Bathing can be done after a rest of 1 hour.
45minutes-1 hour for 7, 14 or 21 days.
Time of procedure:
Preferably done in morning hours in moderate climate.
1. Temperature should be maintained at the same level throughout the procedure.
2. Stream should be uniform and continuous.
1. Hypotension, Giddiness, Fatigue – cold water is sprinkled over the face.
2. Fainting – stop the procedure and treat accordingly.
3. Burns – Śatadhaḥuta Ghṛta application.
Indications: Pittānubandha Vāta conditions, Vātarakta
Kāyaseka with Kaṣāya is a Variety of Drava Sveda in which the warm Kvātha is poured all over the body. Mainly it is indicated in Vāta vyādhi with Kapha or Pittānubandha. Drugs can be selected as per Dōṣa condition. It can be done locally or generally.
Materials required:
1. Suitable Kvātha – 4 liters
2. Galanthika / Varṣaṇika/ mugs with pointed tip – 4
3. Vessels (5 liters) – 4
4. Soft towels – 2
5. Oil for Talaṃ – 10 ml
6. Rāsnādi Cūrṇa – 5 g
7. Suitable oil for Abhyaṅga-100 ml
8. Gauze (60cm) –1
9. Earplugs-2
10. Gandharvahastādi Kaṣāya (Pāthi Kaṣāya) – 90 ml
11. Medicated water- Q.S.
12. Masseurs -2
13. Attendant – 1
Preparation of medicine:
800 gram of drug is boiled in 16 litres of water & reduced to ¼ th quantity.
Pre-operative procedure:
Patient should sit on the Droṇi with minimum cloths. Talaṃ is applied with suitable oil. Gauze is tied around the head above the eyebrows. Ears are plugged with cotton and Abhyaṅga is done. In some specific conditions, this procedure may be done without Abhyaṅga.
The Kvātha for Seka should be heated on the stove. The temperature of the Kvātha must be around 40oC. Two masseurs standing on either sides of the patient should pour kvātha in a uniform stream through the Galanthika / Varṣaṇika / mugs from a height of 6 -9 inches. The process should be carried out in seven positions as mentioned in Kāyaseka with oil. Kvātha flowing out should be collected and used after reheating. Fresh Kvātha is used every day.If no massage is to be done, cover body with thin cotton cloth.
Post-operative procedure:
Body should be cleaned with soft towel. Talaṃ should be removed and appropriate/ Rāsnādi Cūrṇa should be applied on the head. Gandharvahastādi Kaṣāya (Pāthi Kaṣāya) should be given for drinking. Bathing can be done after a rest of 1 hour.
45minutes-1 hour for 7, 14 or 21 days.
Time of procedure:
Preferably done in morning hours in moderate climate.
1. Temperature should be maintained at the same level throughout the procedure.
2. Stream should be uniform and continuous.
1. Hypotension, Giddiness, Fatigue – cold water is sprinkled over the face.
2. Fainting – stop the procedure and treat accordingly.
3. Burns – Śatadhaḥuta Ghṛta application.
Indication: – Āma Pradhāna Rōga, Āragvadhādi / Mañjiṣṭhādi Kaṣāya for Skin diseases, Daśamūla / Balāmūla Kaṣāya for Musculoskeletal disorders
It is a type of Kāyaseka, included under Drava Sveda. Dhānyāmla is included under Sandhāna Kalpanā. It is used in Vāta Rōgas, especially with Kaphānubandha.
Materials required:
Preparation of medicine:
On the auspicious day, the following drugs are to be collected for the preparation of Dhānyāmla.
Taṇḍula – 10 Prastha
Pṛthuka – 10 Prastha
Kulattha – 10 Prastha
Lāja – 40 Prastha
Kaṅgu – 4 Prastha
Kodrava – 4 Prastha
Nāgara – 2 Prastha
Danta Śāta – 4 Prastha
Dīpyaka – 2 Prastha
All these drugs should be separately made in to loose bundles in piece of clean cloth. Then these bundles should be added to water kept in an earthen pot or copper vessel (200 Prastha of water should be kept in the vessel) and subjected to Pāka, with fire of paddy husks for a period of 7 days.
On the eighth day the required quantity of the liquid is taken out and allowed to ferment, by keeping in a suitable vessel in a proper place for 3 days. This fermented liquid is known as Dhānyāmla.
Pre-operative procedure:
Patient should sit on the Droṇi; Talaṃ should be kept on head and Sarvāṅga Abhyaṅga should be done. Sometimes Abhyaṅga is not done according to the condition of the patient. Gauze should be tied around the head above the eyebrows. Ears should be plugged with gauze. The patient should be covered with a thin cloth below the neck. This procedure may also be practiced without covering the body.
Dhānyāmla shoud be made warm by hot water bath is poured with Galanthika / Varṣaṇika by two attendants standing on either sides of the Droṇi. The temperature should be around 40oC. Dhāra should be poured at a medium speed and from a height of 6-12 cm. This is to be done in the seven positions mentioned in Kāyaseka. Can be done hot or cold according to condition.
Post-operative procedure:
After Dhāra clean the body & head using the soft towel. Ear plugs and gauze are removed & Rāsnādi Cūrṇa is applied to the head. Rest is advised for 1 hour and then asked to take bath. Abhyaṅga before bath is optional.
Duration: 45 minutes. Preferably done in morning hours in moderate climate.
Complications and management:
Chills & rigors- it usually occurs due to uneven maintenance of the temperature of Dhānyāmla or prolonged time gap between the changing up of fresh warm Dhānyāmla or if body is exposed to cold breeze immediately after the procedure. In this condition, body is covered with thick cloth or warm liquid for drinking or hot fomentation should be given.
Indications: Burning sensation of limbs, SarvangaVāta, Vāta Vyādhi, Pakṣāghāta, Kaṭīśūla