The first chapter of charaka samhita siddhi sthāna is “snehadhyaya, which comes under kalpānachatushka. kalpānachatuskas describes how to achieve the successful completion of purification therapies like vāmana, virecana etc. Kalpānachatushka follows the Vātakālakaliya Adhyaya, the last chapter of Nirdesha Chatushka which outlines the guidelines for successful clinical practice.
This sequential order suggests the logical progression in the clinical training of āyurvedic students (sishya) – from a foundation in therapeutics to more specialized therapeutics (including all the purificatory therapies, which also includes snehana, swedana, pachana etc.
प्रकुपित दोष शोधनार्थं उपयुज्यमान स्नेहः
अरुष्कस्फोट पिडकाकण्डूपामाभिरर्दिताः।
कुष्ठिनश्च प्रमीठाश्च वातशोणितिकाश्चयो॥
नातिबह्वाशिनश्चैव मृदुकोष्ठस्तथैव च।
पिबेयुर्मध्यमां मात्रां मध्यमाश्चापि ये बले॥
मात्रेषा मन्द विभ्रंशा न चातिबलहारिणी।
शुद्धयेन च स्नेहयतिशोधनार्थ च युज्यते॥ – च.सू.13/35-37
शोधनाङ्गस्नेह should be administered for those suffering from eruptions all over the body, boils of various kinds, pimples, itching, papules, various skin disorders, urinary diseases, gout, those who cannot take good quantity food, those who are soft bowels and those who have moderate strength (Physically and mentally). The oleation therapy in this form does not create many complications or affect the strength of the patient.
Śodhanaanga snehapānais best for various psychological disorders like bipolar, psychosis, depression. It is also very good for chronic diseases, various skin diseases and non-healing ulcers.
Inference for indication of Madhyama-mātrā-snehapāna
Diseases | Inference |
Arushka, sphota, pidaka, kaṇḍu, pāma, kuṣṭa, pramida, vatha-shonitha | Māṃsa, meda are Madhyama-dhātuand kuṣṭadi disease involvement seen in Madhyama-dhātulevel. |
Roga-Marga | Shaka or Madhyama Roga marga |
Vyādhi Swarupa | Utkleśa sanchari doṣas: |
Other condition Those who do not eat more quantity of food, who has soft bowel movement, who are of moderate body strength | Koṣṭha plays an important role to determine amount & duration of sneha |
In the diseases like kaṇḍu, kuṣṭa etc. there will be involvement of Madhyama dhathu’s, diseases strength is moderate in nature, so for this sake medium dose of sneha is appears to be sufficient.Person who eats a moderate quantity of food daily and his strength also will be the moderate one, so Madhyama mātrā is to be given.Doṣa’s are in utkleśa avastā, as majority of them have viruddha ahara as nidana and hence the Madhyama sneha pānashould be advised under ‘puna-puna’ ‘sthokam-sthokam’ rules of śodhana (clarified by Cakrapani in kuṣṭa cikitsāsiddhanta)
For the dose fixation should assess the koṣṭha, as it is found with Madhyama type, one can go for oleation for 3-5 days and with Madhyama-mātrā individual strength is not affected.
Charaka may indicate medium dose as producing less complications (maṇḍa vibhransha) and hence recommended as dose for snehapānabefore śodhana.
Vagbhata suggests medium dose for shāman purpose. This is the dose which should be used as pūrvakarma. Here we have to understand the very important aspect that śodhana can create complications if snehapāna is not done in a proper manner.
Ācārya susruta did not use the word shodanaga or Madhyama mātrā sneha. He explained the benefits of snehana which are digested in 12 hours as it is good for glāni, mūrchā, mada.
रोगस्यशमनार्थं उपयुज्यमानस्नेहः
The snehapāna which is used for the alleviation of the vitiated doṣas
प्रभूतस्नेह नित्या ये क्षुत्पिपासासहा नराः।
पावकश्चोत्तमबलो येषा ये चोत्तमा बले॥
गुल्मिनः सर्पदष्ठाश्च विसर्पोपहताश्च ये।
उन्मत्ताः कृच्छ्रमात्राश्च गाढवर्चस एव च।
पिबेयुरुत्तमा मात्रां तस्याः पाने गुणाञ्छृणु।
विकाराञ्छमयत्येषा शीघ्रं सम्यकप्रयोजिता। – च.सू.13/30-33
Śamana Sneha is indicated in those, who are habituated to ‘sneha’ intake, those who can withstand hunger or thirst, those who have excellent digestive fire, in very strong persons, if the person is suffering from gulma, snake bite, visarpa, insanity, dysuria and hard stools etc.
This dose will mitigate the disorders quickly if properly administered, expels the doṣas from all channels, When the person has good and strong digestive capacity can digest any type of fat daily and can withstand any type of discomfort. Maximum limit for snehapāna(chakrapani commentary on Ch.Si. 1/6
If we consider these indications, it is clear all these conditions mentioned above need quick elimination (śodhana). This is the reason why Charaka writes about the virtues of maximum dose . This spreads all over the body containing Abhyantara, Madhyama and Bāhya marga and attracts all the doṣas to Koshtha and is expelled out.
शमनस्नेहपान कालः
पिबेत्संशमनस्नेहं अन्नकाले प्रकाक्षितः। – च. सू .१३/६०
शमनःक्षुद्वतोऽनन्नोमध्यममात्राश्चशस्यते। – अ.हृ.सू.१६/१९
For शमन purpose, snehapāna should be administered when the person is hungry without food and in उत्तममात्रा. According to Aṣṭāṅga hṛdaya & Saṅgraha मध्यममात्रा should be used. It is not clear why there is a difference of opinion.
रोगस्यशमनार्थं उपयुण्यमानस्नेहः॥ अरुणदत्त
बुभुक्षस्य शस्यते – It is good to be administered when the person is hungry.
If it is administered without hunger (without good appetite) it will not act as शमनस्नेह, because in अबुभुक्षित person the channels are covered by kapha and the स्नेहद्रव्या cannot pervade सर्वशरीर due to कफावृतस्रोतस् and the un pervaded sneha cannot do Doṣa shaāmaka which is the main purpose of śamana sneha. That’s why it should be given only in an empty stomach.
If śamana Sneha is administered properly, it is highly helpful in pacifying the aggravated Doṣa’s and is a rejuvenator of the body and mind.
For शमन Patya for śamana sneha purpose only अच्छस्नेह (Unmixed, pure ghee or oil) Should be used. Not विचारण (Oleation substances mixed with food etc.)
अत्र च उत्तमयामात्रयास्नेहपानानन्तरंपथ्यंकार्यं। अरुणदत्त
After the intake of शमनस्नेह the patient is advised to follow पथ्य.
Do’s and don’ts of शमनस्नेह is similar to that of विरेचन i.e: – very light food must be given to the patient or he must be advised fasting.
ह्रस्व / बृंहण स्नेहं – NOURISHING OLEATION :
परिहारे सुख च येषा मात्रा स्नेहन बृंहणि
वृष्या बल्या निराबाधा चिरं च अपि अनुवर्तते || – Cha.Su.13/ 40
तत्र दुर्बल मन्दाग्नि बाल वृद्ध सुखात्मै:|
अपथ्य रिक्त कोष्ठ ज्वर अतिसार कसिभि:||
ह्रुस्वा पेया सूखा सा हि परिहारे न वर्तते |
चिरास्च बाल्या न रुजे व्यापन् नापि प्रकल्पते || – अस.सू .२५/२४-२५
वृंहणो रसमद्याद्यैः सभक्तोऽल्पः
Persons suitable for lowest dose and its benefits
Those who are old, young (children), those with tender physique, living luxurious life, those who cannot tolerate hunger or have difficulty with empty stomach, those suffering from poor digestion, patients suffering from fever, diarrhea and cough, those having poor body strength are advised to consume the smallest dose of sneha.
The quantity of unctuous substance that can be digested in 6 hours is considered as the minimum dosage.
स्नेहार्ह – Persons eligible for internal oleation
स्वेद्यः शोधयितव्याश्च रूक्षा वातविकारिणः।
व्यायाम मद्यस्त्रीनित्याः स्थुर्ये च चिन्तकाः॥ – च.सू.१३/५२
Oleation is advised for those who are to be given sweating treatment or elimination therapy, those who have excessive roughness in the body, those suffering from diseases due to vāta vitiation, those who do physical exercise every day. Those who are involved in wine and women and those who suffer from excessive mental strain, aged, weak, children, syanda, timira, low quality of semen and blood. Sharangadhāra has the same opinion.
Kashyapa says before giving snehapāna one must think about bala, aāyu and sātmya of the patient.
The general indications of Snehana under different scenario:
1 | As a Pūrva Karma | i) Swedya i) Samsodhya |
2 | Different Stage of Life | i) Vṛddha ii) Bāla |
3 | In Different Conditions | i) Rooksha ii) Krusha iii) Abala |
4 | In Different Viharas | i) Vyāyāma nitya ii) Madhya nitya iii) Stree nitya iv) Chintaka v) Srāma |
5 | In Different Diseases | i) Vāta Vikāra ii) KshinaAsrak iii) KṣīṇaRetasa iv) Abhiṣyanda v) Timira |
संशोधनास्तेयेषांरूक्षणं संप्रवक्ष्यते।
न तेषां स्नेहनं शस्तमुत्सन्न कफ मेदसां॥
अभिष्यण्णाननगुदा नित्यमन्दाग्नयश्च ये।
अन्नद्विषश्छर्दयन्तो जठरामगरार्दिताः॥
दुर्बलाश्च प्रतान्ताश्च स्नेहग्लाना मदातुराः।
न स्नेह्या वर्तमानेषु न नस्तोबस्ति कर्मसु॥
स्नेहपानात् प्रजायन्ते तेषां रोगाः सुदारुणाः। – च.सू.१३/५३-५६
Oleation therapy should not be administered to the persons who are eligible for Rūkṣana therapy except for administering the śodhana therapy also to those in whom kapha and medas are aggravated. Excessive mucus secretion from mouth and anus due to excessive kapha, those who are weak in digestion, those who suffer from excessive thirst and fainting, pregnant women, dried palate, those who have aversion to food, those who suffer from vomiting, abdominal disease, disease due to improper digestion, those who are affected with artificial poison, the weak, the emaciated. Those having aversion to unctuous substances, intoxicated and those being administered inhalation and enema therapy, if it is administered in the above-said conditions then it may lead to complications of different nature.
Elimination therapy causes too much dryness in the body hence snehapāna must be administered first followed by śodhana.
In ūrustambha, snehana & pañca karmas are contraindicated because of the presence of āma. -Chakrapani
Susruta adds that other than the above-said persons the following persons should also avoid snehapāna. Those who suffer from recent fever, obesity, the persons who are given basti, virecana and vamana and on a bad day. The snehapāna should not be given to navaprasūtā.
Kashyapa says snehapāna should not be given to a kṣīrapa child, in those persons whom agnikarma is done, in a very old person, śleṣma pītvā upahata agni (Loss of appetite due to śleṣma & pitta). Vagbhata adds those who suffer from ūrustambha, atisāra and garaviṣa must avoid snehapāna.
ह्यस्तने जीर्ण एवान्ने स्नेहोऽच्छः शुद्धये बहुः। (AH.Su – 16/19)
In śodhana sneha, maximum dose is to be given early in the morning without mixing with any other substances and after the completion of the digestion of the food taken in the previous night.
प्रकुपित दोष शोधनार्थं उपयुज्यमान स्नेहः
अरुष्कस्फोट पिडकाकण्डूपामाभिरर्दिताः।
कुष्ठिनश्च प्रमीठाश्च वातशोणितिकाश्चयो॥
नातिबह्वाशिनश्चैव मृदुकोष्ठस्तथैव च।
पिबेयुर्मध्यमां मात्रां मध्यमाश्चापि ये बले॥
मात्रेषा मन्द विभ्रंशा न चातिबलहारिणी।
शुद्धयेन च स्नेहयतिशोधनार्थ च युज्यते॥ (Ch.Su – 13/35-37)
शोधनाङ्गस्नेह should be administered for those suffering from aruṣka, sphoṭa, piḍaka, kaṇḍū, pāmā, kuṣṭha, pramīṭha, vātaśoṇita, those who cannot take good quantity food, those having soft bowels and those who have moderate strength (physically and mentally). The oleation therapy in this form does not create many complications or affect the strength of the patient.
शमनः क्षुद्वतोऽनन्नो मध्यमात्रश्च शस्यते॥ (AH.Su.16/19)
Administration of the sneha internally in the medium dose, in the empty stomach when the person gets hungry, is known as śamana sneha.
प्रभूतस्नेहनित्या ये क्षुत्पिपासासहा नराः।
पावकश्चोत्तमबलो येषां ये चोत्तमा बले॥
गुल्मिनः सर्पदष्टाश्च विसर्पोपहताश्च ये।
उन्मत्ताः कृच्छ्रमूत्राश्च गाढवर्चस एव च॥
पिबेयुरुत्तमां मात्रां तस्याः पाने गुणाञ्छृणु।
विकाराञ्छमयत्येषां शीघ्रं सम्यक्प्रयोजिता॥ (Ch.Su.13/30-33)
Śamana Sneha is indicated in those, who are habituated to sneha intake, those who can withstand hunger or thirst, those who have excellent digestive fire, in very strong persons, if the person is suffering from gulma, sarpadaṣṭa, visarpa, unmatta, kṛcchramūtra and gāḍhavarca etc.
This dose will mitigate the disorders quickly if properly administered, expels the doṣas from all channels, When the person has good and strong digestive capacity can digest any type of fat daily and can withstand any type of discomfort.
बृंहणो रसमद्याद्यैः सभक्तोऽल्पःहितः स च।
स्त्री स्नेहनित्यमन्दाग्निसुखितक्लेशभीरुषु।
मृदुकोष्ठाल्पदोषेषु काले चोष्णे कृशेषु च॥ (AH.Su.16/ 20-21)
It is indicated for children, aged, suffering from thirst, having aversion towards unctuous substances, habituated to take alcoholic drinks, sexual indulgence and taking unctuous substances, persons having poor digestive power, leading comfortable life, delicate persons, those afraid of difficulties, mṛdu koṣṭha etc. where there is mild increase of doṣas, emaciated, and also, for others, during summer.
ये तु वृद्धाश्च बालाश्च सुकुमाराः सुखोचिताः।
रिक्तकोष्ठत्वमहितं येषां मन्दाग्नयश्च ये॥
ज्वरातीसारकासाश्च येषां चिरसमुत्थिताः।
स्नेहमात्रां पिबेयुस्ते ह्रस्वां ये चावरा बले॥ (Ch.Su.13/38-39)
Those who are old, young (children), those with tender physique, living luxurious life, those who cannot tolerate hunger or have difficulty with empty stomach, those suffering from poor digestion, patients suffering from jvara, atisāra and kāsa, those having poor body strength are advised to consume the smallest dose of sneha.
परिहारे सुखा चैषा मात्रा स्नेहनबृंहणी।
वृष्या बल्या निराबाधा चिरं चाप्यनुवर्तते॥ (Ch.Su.13/40)
The lowest dose of sneha has minimal restrictions for its consumption. It does oleation and produces stoutness in the body, acts as an aphrodisiac, gives strength to the body, never causes any complication and can be used for longer duration.
स्वेद्याः शोधयितव्याश्च रूक्षा वातविकारिणः।
व्यायाममद्यस्त्रीनित्याः स्नेह्याः स्युर्ये च चिन्तकाः॥ (Ch.Su.13/52)
Oleation is advised for those who are to be given swedana or śodhana, those who have excessive roughness in the body, those suffering from diseases due to vāta vitiation, those who do physical exercise every day. Those who are involved in wine and women and those who suffer from excessive mental strain.
—–न त्वतिमन्दाग्नितीक्ष्णाग्निस्थूलदुर्बलाः॥६॥
मूर्च्छाच्छर्द्यरुचिश्लेष्मतृष्णामद्यैश्च पीडिताः॥७॥
अपप्रसूता युक्ते च नस्ये बस्तौ विरेचने। (AH.Su – 13/6-7)
Those having very weak and strong digestive power, sthūla and durbala, persons suffering with ūrustambha, atisāra, āma, galaroga, garaviṣa, udara, mūrccha, chardi, aruci, increased kapha, tṛṣṇa and madya, abnormal delivery, immediately after performing nasya, basti and virecana etc. are not eligible for administering the Sneha internally.
न तेषां स्नेहनं शस्तमुत्सन्नकफमेदसाम्||
अभिष्यण्णाननगुदा नित्यमन्दाग्नयश्च ये|
तृष्णामूर्च्छापरीताश्च गर्भिण्यस्तालुशोषिणः||
अन्नद्विषश्छर्दयन्तो जठरामगरार्दिताः|
दुर्बलाश्च प्रतान्ताश्च स्नेहग्लाना मदातुराः||
न स्नेह्या वर्तमानेषु न नस्तो बस्तिकर्मसु|
स्नेहपानात् प्रजायन्ते तेषां रोगाः सुदारुणाः|| (Ch.Su.13/53-56)
Snehana should not be administered to the persons who are eligible for rūkṣana therapy except for administering the śodhana therapy also to those in whom kapha and medas are aggravated. Excessive mucus secretion from mouth and anus due to excessive kapha, those who are weak in digestion, those who suffer from excessive thirst and fainting, pregnant women, dried palate, those who have aversion to food, those who suffer from vomiting, abdominal disease, disease due to improper digestion, those who are affected with artificial poison, the weak, the emaciated. Those having aversion to unctuous substances, intoxicated and those being administered nasya and basti, if it is administered in the above-said conditions then it may lead to complications of different nature.