General precautions during Sāgni Svedana
वृषणौ हृदयं दृष्टी स्वेदयेन्मृदु नैव वा| मध्यमं वङ्क्षणौ शेषमङ्गावयवमिष्टतः|
सुशुद्धैर्नक्तकैः पिण्ड्या गोधूमानामथापि वा| पद्मोत्पलपलाशैर्वा स्वेद्यः संवृत्य चक्षुषी|
मुक्तावलीभिः शीताभिः शीतलैर्भाजनैरपि| जलार्द्रैर्जलजैर्हस्तैः स्विद्यतो हृदयं स्पृशेत् |
If sudation is to be employed for treatment, then Mṛdu Sveda should be done particularly in cardiac region, scrotum and eyes. Madhyama Sveda done in groin region.
According to Ācārya Charaka Mṛdu Sveda should be restricted or better avoided in and around the eyes, scrotum and heart.Madhyama Sveda done in groin region.
Before Svedana , eyes should be covered with clean cloth, Godhuma Piṇḍa or with leaves of Padma, Utpala or Palāśa. Heart region should be kept cool by local application of Pearls, cold water, wet hands, cool substance.
शीतशूलव्युपरमे स्तम्भगौरवनिग्रहे| सञ्जाते मार्दवे स्वेदे स्वेदनाद्विरतिर्मता |
(Cha. Su. 14/13)
Ācārya Suśruta mentioned Vyādhi Hāni (subsidence of disease) and Laghutva (lightness of body) in Samyak Svinna Lakṣaṇa.
If the Svedana performed is not sufficient or proper, then the Lakṣaṇas opposite to the Samyak Svinna Lakṣaṇas occur ie Sveda Apravṛtti, Stambha Apraśama,Śīta Apraśama, Śūla Apraśama. Ḍalhaṇa adds that heaviness of the body, Uṣṇābhilāṣa,Vyādhivridhi and hardness of the body occur.
वातस्य अप्रगुनत्वं च गुरुत्वं स्तब्धगात्रता ।
मन्द स्विन्नेन च ग्लानि तृष्णादीनां च विभ्रमः ॥ (kas. Sam.)
Improper Anulomana of Vāta, heaviness of body, stiffness throughout the body, increase in the thirst and weakness are the Ayoga Lakṣaṇa
पित्तास्रकोप तृण्मूर्च्छा स्वराङ्ग सदन भ्रमाः
संधिपीडा ज्वरः श्यावरक्त मण्डल दर्शनम्
स्वेदातियोगात् छर्दिश्च | (A. H. Su. 17/15)
Ācārya Caraka included Dāha (burning sensation) and Ācārya Suśruta mentioned Klama (tiredness) in Ati Sveda Lakṣaṇa
सन्धिपीडा ज्वरः श्यावरक्तमण्डलदर्शनम्||
स्वेदातियोगाच्छर्दिश्च (A.H. Su.17/17)
Increase in Pitta, Rakta, Mūrchā, Svarasāda, Aṅgsāda, Bhrama, Sandhi Pida, Jvara, Śyāva Rakta Maṇḍala Darshana (multiple eruptions all over the body) and Chardi.
तत्र स्तम्भनमौषधम्|
विषक्षाराग्न्यतीसारच्छर्दिमोहातुरेषु च||
Stambhana is the best line of treatment in complications. And also to be given the treatment of the complications caused by Viṣa, Kṣāra, Agni and from diarrhoea, vomiting and fainting.
Staṃbana Cikitsā, Grīṣma Ṛtucaryā Vidhi Pālanā, Rakta-Pitta Naśaka Cikitsa, Madhura, Sīta, Drava, Snigdha Bhōjana and Pāna, Sīta Maṅtha, Srita Sītajala Pāna, Candana Lepa, Ṣatadhouta Ghṛta Lēpa, Sītagraha Vāsa.
Cold water sprinkling on face, Drākṣādi Kaṣāya can be given incase of Mūrchā. In excessive Dāha, management of dehydration should be done. In case of Sphoṭa or Vraṇa, application of Jātyādi Taila, Shatadhaḥuta Ghṛta should be applied.
भोज्योऽन्नं मात्रया पास्यन् श्वः पिबन् पीतवानपि|
द्रवोष्णमनभिष्यन्दि नातिस्निग्धमसङ्करम्||
उष्णोदकोपचारी स्याद्ब्रह्मचारी क्षपाशयः|
न वेगरोधी व्यायामक्रोधशोकहिमातपान्||
प्रवातयानयानाध्वभाष्यात्यासन संस्थितीः|
नीचात्युच्चोपधानाहः स्वप्नधूमरजांसि च||
यान्यहानि पिबेत्तानि तावन्त्यन्यान्यपि त्यजेत्|
सर्वकर्मस्वयं प्रायो व्याधिक्षीणेषु च क्रमः|| (AH.Su.16/25-28)
अल्पं वङ्क्षणयोः, स्वल्पं दृङ्मुष्कहृदये न वा|| (AH.Su.17/14)
Svalpa Sveda should be done particularly in cardiac region, scrotum and eyes. Alpa Sveda done in groin region.
शीतशूलव्युपरमे स्तम्भगौरवनिग्रहे|
सञ्जाते मार्दवे स्वेदे स्वेदनाद्विरतिर्मता|| (Ch.Su.14/13)
Reduction of cold, reduction of pain, reduction of stiffness, reduction of heaviness, softness of body are the Lakṣaṇa of proper Svedana
वातस्य अप्रगुणत्वं च गुरुत्वं स्तब्धगात्रता ।
मन्द स्विन्नेन च ग्लानि तृष्णादीनां च विभ्रमः ॥ (Kas.Sam)
Improper Anulomana of Vāta, heaviness of body, stiffness throughout the body, increase in the thirst and weakness are the Ayoga Lakṣaṇa.
सन्धिपीडा ज्वरः श्यावरक्तमण्डलदर्शनम्||
स्वेदातियोगाच्छर्दिश्च तत्र स्तम्भनमौषधम्|
विषक्षाराग्न्यतीसारच्छर्दिमोहातुरेषु च|| (A.H.Su.17/17)
Complications of Svedana are Sveda Atiyoga Lakṣaṇa itself. Increase in Pitta, Rakta, unconsciousness, weakness of body parts, excessive thirst, burning sensation, weakness of voice, weakness in body parts, pain in joints, Rakta Maṇḍala Darśana (multiple eruptions all over the body), giddiness, fever, vomiting.
Stambhana is the best line of treatment in complications. And also to be given the treatment of the complications caused by Viṣa, Kṣāra, Agni and from diarrhoea, vomiting and fainting.