UG Module 5 - Lesson 9




तत्रोष्णतीक्ष्णसूक्ष्मव्यवायिविकाशीन्यौषधानि स्ववीर्येण हृदयमुपेत्य धमनीरनुसृत्य स्थूलाणुस्रोतोभ्यः केवलं शरीरगतं दोषसङ्घातमाग्नेयत्वाद् विष्यन्दयन्तितैक्ष्ण्याद् विच्छिन्दन्ति विच्छिन्नः परिप्लवन्  स्नेहभाविते काये स्नेहाक्तभाजनस्थमिव क्षौद्रमसज्जन्नणुप्रवणभावादामाशयमागम्योदानप्रणुन्नोऽग्निवाय्वात्मकत्वादूर्ध्वभागप्रभावादौषधस्योर्ध्वमुत्क्षिप्यतेसलिलपृथिव्यात्मकत्वादधोभागप्रभावाच्चौषधस्याधः प्रवर्ततेउभयतश्चोभयगुणत्वात्| इति लक्षणोद्देशः|| (Cha. Ka. 1/5)

Dravyas having uṣṇa, tīkṣṇa, sūkṣma, vyavāyi and vikāsi properties, reaches the hṛdaya by virtue of its vīrya and circulates through the dhamanis. By the āgneya property it causes viṣyandana. By the tīkṣṇa guṇa it separates the adhered doṣas located in the sthūla and aṇu srotas of the śarīra. Like honey kept in a pot smeared with sneha. The doṣas, after separation moves without adhesion in the body which has undergone snehana. finally, the aggravated doṣas reaches the āmāśaya and by the predominance of pṛthvī and jala mahābhūtas, and also by the prabhāva moves downwards and expels out through guda mārga.

Modern view:

Laxatives probably induce limited lowgrade inflammation to promote accumulation of water and electrolytes and stimulates intestinal motility. Similarly, śodhana dravyas are mild irritants to the stomach and intestinal mucosa. Due to this, the permeability of the membrane changes and the substances come out due to the changed permeability. The mass movement of the faeces drives into the sigmoid or pelvic colon. The process of defecation involves the contraction of rectum and relaxation of internal and external anal spincter. In this the distention of stomach by food causes contraction to rectum. The strong contraction and relaxation of anal sphincters occurs due to the reflex mediated by parasympathetic nerves and the reflex centre in the sacral segment of spinal cord.

Bulk purgatives: are non-metabolising, retains water and promotes peristalsis.

Faecal softners – as dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate.

Osmotic purgatives – accelerates transfer of gut contents through small intestine to colon, large volume in colon results in purgation.

Stimulant purgatives – stimulates the mucosa of gut. and irritates local reflexes.


तत्रोष्णतीक्ष्णसूक्ष्मव्यवायिविकाशीन्यौषधानि स्ववीर्येण हृदयमुपेत्य धमनीरनुसृत्य स्थूलाणुस्रोतोभ्यः केवलं शरीरगतं दोषसङ्घातमाग्नेयत्वाद् विष्यन्दयन्तितैक्ष्ण्याद् विच्छिन्दन्ति विच्छिन्नः परिप्लवन्  स्नेहभाविते काये स्नेहाक्तभाजनस्थमिव क्षौद्रमसज्जन्नणुप्रवणभावादामाशयमागम्योदानप्रणुन्नोऽग्निवाय्वात्मकत्वादूर्ध्वभागप्रभावादौषधस्योर्ध्वमुत्क्षिप्यतेसलिलपृथिव्यात्मकत्वादधोभागप्रभावाच्चौषधस्याधः प्रवर्ततेउभयतश्चोभयगुणत्वात्| इति लक्षणोद्देशः||                              (Ch. Ka. 1/5)

Dravyas having uṣṇa, tīkṣṇa, sūkṣma, vyavāyi and vikāsi properties, reaches the hṛdaya by virtue of its vīrya and circulates through the dhamanis. By the āgneya property it causes viṣyandana. By the tīkṣṇa guṇa it separates the adhered doṣas located in the sthūla and aṇu srotas of the śarīra. Like honey kept in a pot smeared with sneha. The doṣas, after separation moves without adhesion in the body which has undergone snehana. finally, the aggravated doṣas reaches the āmāśaya and by the predominance of pṛthvī and jala mahābhūtas, and also by the prabhāva moves downwards and expels out through guda mārga.