A neurological exam, also called a neuro exam, is an evaluation of a person’s nervous system that can be done in the healthcare provider’s office. It may be done with instruments, such as lights and reflex hammers. It usually does not cause any pain to the patient. The nervous system consists of the brain, the spinal cord, and the nerves from these areas. There are many aspects of this exam, including an assessment of motor and sensory skills, balance and coordination, mental status (the patient’s level of awareness and interaction with the environment), reflexes, and functioning of the nerves.
Complete neurological exam may be done:
The following is an overview of some of the areas that may be tested and evaluated during a neurological exam:
Mental status (the patient’s level of awareness and interaction with the environment) may be assessed by conversing with the patient and establishing his or her awareness of person, place, and time. The person will also be observed for clear speech and making sense while talking. This is usually done by the patient’s healthcare provider just by observing the patient during normal interactions.
This may be tested by having the patient push and pull against the healthcare provider’s hands with his or her arms and legs. Balance may be checked by assessing how the person stands and walks or having the patient stand with his or her eyes closed while being gently pushed to one side or the other. The patient’s joints may also be checked simply by passive (performed by the healthcare provider) and active (performed by the patient) movement.
The patient’s healthcare provider may also do a sensory test that checks his or her ability to feel. This may be done by using different instruments: dull needles, tuning forks, alcohol swabs, or other objects. The healthcare provider may touch the patient’s legs, arms, or other parts of the body and have him or her identify the sensation (for example, hot or cold, sharp or dull).
There are 12 main nerves of the brain, called the cranial nerves. During a complete neurological exam, most of these nerves are evaluated to help determine the functioning of the brain .
– General appearance – comfortable at rest?
– Obvious facial asymmetries?
-Position of eyes – normal alignment/strabismus
-Ptosis – is this unilateral or bilateral? -Abnormality of speech or voice Signs
– To best see pupillary reflexes the room should be dimly lit.
– Direct pupillary reflex(afferent CNII, efferent CNIII):Shine a light into the pupil and observe constriction of that pupil.
-Sluggish reaction or lack of constriction may suggest pathology–optic nerve/ brainstem/ drugs
Consensual pupillary reflex:
Againshinealightintothepupil,butthistimeobservethecontralateralpupil. Anormalconsensualresponseinvolvesthecontralateralpupilconstricting.
Assess color vision using Ishihara charts (unlikely to do this in an OSCE setting)
Sit directly facing the patient, approximately one meter away.
1. Ask the patient to cover their left eye with their left hand.
2. You should cover your right eye and be staring directly at the patient (mirroring the
3. Ask the patient to look into your eye and not move their head or eyes during the
4. Ask the patient to tell you when they can see your fingertip wiggling.
5. Outstretch your arms, ensuring they are situated at an equal distance between
yourself and the patient.
6. Position your fingertip at the outer border of one of the quadrants of your visual field.
7. Slowly bring your fingertip inwards, towards the center of your visual field until the
patient sees it.
8. Repeat this process for each quadrant – at 10 o’clock /2 o’clock / 4 o’clock / 8 o’clock.
9. If you are able to see your fingertip but the patient cannot, this would suggest a visual
field defect.
10. Map out any visual field defects you detect.
11. Repeat the same assessment process on the other eye.
a. Hold your finger about 30cm directly in front of the patient’s eyes and ask them to look at it.
Look at the eyes in the primary position for any deviation or abnormal movements.
b. Ask the patient to keep their head still and follow your finger with their eyes.
c. Ask the patient to report any double vision.
d. Move your finger through the various axes of eye movement (“H” shape).
e. Observe for restriction of eye movement and note any nystagmus.
This tests for a manifest strabismus/squint.
Assess light touch and pinprick sensation:
Jaw jerk (afferent CN V, efferent CN V):
Corneal reflex (afferent CN V, efferent CN VII):
Forehead wrinkles
Ask the patient to perform specific facial movements
Reflexdefinition:Areflex,orreflexaction,isaninvoluntaryandnearlyinstantaneous movement in response to a stimulus.
Types of reflexes :
The terms such as tendon reflexes, deep tendon reflexes, periosteal reflexes and myotactic reflexes are also used synonymously.
This term denotes a series of rhythmic, involuntary muscle contractions, induced by sudden passive stretch of a tendon. At times, it may occur spontaneously too. A true clonus persists as long as the stretch on the muscle is maintained. This occurs in extensive UMN lesions, and is always associated with exaggerated muscle stretch reflexes and spasticity.
Types of response :
Brisk reflexes refer to an above-average response during a reflex test.
Reflex | Center | Note |
Jaw jerk (Master and temporalis muscles ) | Pons
| Ask the pt to open his mouth partially. Keep your left index finger horizontally on the patients chin gently pressing it downwards. Strike on your finger with the knee hammer
Normally this reflex is absent or very slight. Exaggerated response occurs in bilateral umn lesion of fifth cranial nerve |
Bicep reflex (biceps muscles ) | C5, c6
| The patient’s arm can be positioned in one of two ways: 1. Allow the arm to rest in the patient’s lap, forming an angle ofslightlymorethen90degrees at the elbow. 2. Support the arm in yours, such that your thumb is resting directly over the biceps tendon (hold the right arm with your |
| right; and vice versa).
Typically brisk reflexes are found in lesions of upper motor neurons, and absent or reduced reflexes are found in lower motor neuron lesions. | |
Supinator reflex (Brachioradialis muscles) | C5. c6
| This is most easily done with the patient seated. The lower arm should be resting loosely on the patient’s lap.
Strike this area with your reflex hammer. Usually, hitting anywhere in the right vicinity will generate the reflex.
Absent response : LMN lesion at c5,c6 root Exaggerated response : umn lesion above c5 spinal segment |
Triceps reflex (triceps muscles) | C6, c7 | The arm can be placed in either of 2 positions: |
| Gently pull the arm out from the patient’s body, such that it roughly forms a right angle at the shoulder. The lower arm should be angle directly downward at the elbow. 2.Have the patient place their hands on their hips. If the target is not clearly apparent or the tendon is surrounded by an excessive amount of subcutaneous fat (which might dissipate the force |
| of your strike),place your index or middle finger firmly against the structure. Then strike your finger. Absent response : lmn lesions at c6, c7 spinal segment Exaggerated reflex : umn lesion above c6 spinal segment Paradoxical flexion response :
Instad of extension flexion of the forearm takes place due to lesion at c6 and c7 spinal segment | |
Knee reflex (quadriceps femoris Mainly vastus medialis muscle ) | L2,l3,l4
| Strike the tendon directly with your reflex hammer. If you are having trouble identifying the exact location of the tendon(e.g. if there is a lot of subcutaneous fat), place your index finger firmly on top of it. Strike your finger, which should then transmit the impulse. |
For the supine patient, support the back of their thigh with your hands such that the knee is flexed and the quadriceps muscles relaxed. Then strike the |
| tendon as described above.
Absent response : lmn lesion at l2,l3,l4 spinal segment | |
Ankle reflex (calf muscles , gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris ) | L5 , s1 ,s2
| 1feet dangling over the edge of the exam table. If they cannot maintain this position,
2havethemliesupine,crossing one leg over the other in a figure Or,
3failingthat,arrangethelegsin a frog-type position
Strike the tendon directly with your reflex hammer. Be sure that the calf if exposed so that you can see the muscle contract. A normal reflex will cause the foot to plantar flex (i.e. move into your supporting hand).
Absent response : lmn lesion at l5 segment
Exaggerated response : due to umn lesion above l5 spinal segment |
Superficial reflexes
Visual reflex Direct pupillary light reflex | Cranial nerve 2 and 3
| Pass light rays with torch in one eye and see pupil reaction in same eye
Response : constriction of pupil |
Visual reflex
Indirect pupillary reflex | Pass light rays with torch in one eye and see pupil reaction in opposite eye
Response : constriction of pupil in opposite eye | |
Corneal reflexes | Cranial nerve 5
Ask the pt look sealing and touch the cornea with cotton wool swab at its conjunctival margin |
Conjunctival reflexes | Cranial nerve 5
| Subject is asked to look upward. The lateral part of the sclera is touched with the cotton. The person will blink his eye and the conjunctival reflex is positive |
Pharyngeal reflexes | Cranial nerve 9
evoked by touching the roof of the mouth, the back of the tongue, the area around the tonsils, the uvula, and the back of the throat.
absence of the gag reflex and pharyngeal sensation can be a symptom of damage to the glossopharyngeal nerve, the vagus nerve, or braindeath |
Palatal reflexes | Cranial nerve 9 | |
Scapular reflex | C5,T1 |
Abdominal reflexes | T6 to L1
stroking the skin of the abdomen causes the underlying abdominal wall muscle to contract
An absent response can be physiological. Physiological absent response can be due to obesity, tolerance, children, multiparous lax abdominal wall. Pathological absence can be due to ● Motor neuron disease (late) |
Cremasteric reflexes | L1.l2
This reflex is elicited by lightly stroking or poking the superior and medial (inner) part of the thigh—regardless of the direction of stroke.[1]The normal response is an immediate contraction of the cremaster muscle that pulls up the testis ipsilaterally (on the same side of the body).
The cremasteric reflex may be absent with testicular torsion, upper and lower motor neuron disorders, as well as a spine injury of L1-L2.Itcanalsooccurifthe ilioinguinal nerve has accidentally been cut during a hernia repair |
Plantar reflexes | L5 s1, s2 |
The lateral side of the sole of the foot is rubbed with a blunt instrument
There are three responses possible:
● Flexor: the to escurve down and inwards, and the foot inverts; this is the response seen in healthy adults. ● Indifferent: there is no response. Extensor: the hallux dorsiflexes, and the other toes fan out; this is Babinski’s sign, which indicates damage to the centralnervous system if elicited in an adult, but normal reflex if elicited in infants (see below). The Babinski sign can indicate upper motor neuron |
Anal reflex | S3, s4, s5
gently stroke the anal margin with a suitable implement such as an orange stick. Watch for motion of the anal sphincter.
Test findings: A normal response would involve visible contraction of the anal sphincter, where as positive finding would be if this were absent. This may indicate alocallesion such as caudaequine syndrome, ora pyramidal tractlesion |
Bulbocavernosus reflexes | S3, S4
1.The test involves monitoring internal/external anal sphincter contraction in response to squeezing the glans penis or clitoris,
The absence of there flexina person with acute paralysis |
An assessment of muscle strength is typically performed as part of a patient’s objective assessment and is an important component of the physical exam that can reveal information about neurologic deficits. It is used to evaluate weakness and can be effective in differentiating true weakness from imbalance or poor endurance. It may be referred to as motor testing, muscle strength grading, manual muscle testing, or any other synonyms. Muscle strength can be assessed by a number of methods-manually, functionally, or mechanically.1Strength depends on the combination of morphological and neural factors including muscle cross-sectional area and architecture, musculotendinous stiffness, motor unit recruitment, rate coding, motor unit synchronization, and neuromuscular inhibition2
Importance :The function of muscle strength testing is to evaluate the complaint of weakness, often when there is a suspected neurologic disease or muscle imbalance/weakness. It is an important part of the assessment in many client groups including-
0 | No contraction |
1 | Flicker or trace of contraction |
2 | Active movement, with gravity eliminated |
3 | Active movement against gravity |
4 | Active movement against gravity and resistance |
Distal strength can be semi quantitatively measured with a handgrip ergometer (or with an inflated BP cuff squeezed by the patient) to record grip strength. Requires specialized equipment, most commonly dynamometers. Dynamometry is a more precise measurement of the force that a muscle can exert and can allow for differences in strength to be recorded over time.
Resistance felt by the examiner when moving a joint passively through its R.O.M
Hypotonia is a state of low muscle tone (the amount of tension or resistance to stretch in a muscle), often involving reduced muscle strength. Hypotonia is not a specific medical disorder, but a potential manifestation of many different diseases and disorders that affect motor nerve control by the brain or muscle strength. Hypotonia is a lack of resistance to passive movement, whereas muscle weakness results in impaired active movement.
Caused by LMN Lesion –Flaccidity
Eg: Cerebellar disease, Cerebral / spinal shock with muscle wasting, weakness and hyporeflexia.
Hypertonia is a term sometimes used synonymously with spasticity and rigidity in the literature surrounding damage to the central nervous system, namely upper motor neuron lesions. Impaired ability of damaged motor neurons to regulate descending pathways gives rise to disordered spinal reflexes, increased excitability of muscle spindles, and decreased synaptic inhibition. These consequences result in abnormally increased muscle tone of symptomatic muscles.
Pyramidal tract Lesion (UMN)- spasticity- Arm – supinator
-Leg-Clasp knife
Extrapyramidal Tract lesion – Rigidity
Method of procedure
1-Support the elbow with your left hand.
2-Hold pt hand like as it shaking hands.
3- Rapidly supinate and pronate the arm.
4- Use the same technique on each arm.
5-Always use the same hand to assess movement for the pt RT and left
6-If tone is normal there will be no resistance to these movements
Testing spasticity in the legs
1-pt the hand on the thigh and roll the whole leg
2-observe the movement of the foot
3-if tone normal: ROM=Rotation of the leg
Or 1-flex and extend the knee
2-if tone normal-No resistance to this movement.
-Pt with the knee flexed and the hip externally rotate.
-Do sharply dorsiflex the foot.
-Normal tone -The foot will not move.
But 2-3 beats of clonus (plantar flexion f/b dorsiflexion of the foot) can be within normal limits
Sustained clonus is a sigh of an upper motor neuron problem.
Rest Tremor
Parkinson disease
ET Variants
Mid brain lesions
Action Tremor
Awkward , Extraneous , Uneven , Inaccurate movements = Abnormal motor function
Coordination deficits due to dysfunction of cereballam, basal ganglia, dorsal columns
Causes of coordination deficits
Equilibrium Test
Non Equilibrium Test
An upper motor neuron exists in the brain and sends higher-level motor information to the medulla, located in the brain, or to the correct spinal cord level outside of the brain. From the medulla or the spinal cord, lower motor neurons carry motor information to muscle fibers, making them much more directly responsible for movement than upper motor neurons.
The lower motor neuron is responsible for transmitting the signal from the upper motor neuron to the effector muscle to perform a movement. There are three broad types of lower motor neurons: somatic motor neurons, special visceral efferent (branchial) motor neurons, and general visceral motor neurons.
SI NO. |
| UMN | LMN |
1 | Tract | Pyramidal and extra pyramidal tract are involved | A and v motor neuron of spinal cord and neurons of cranial nerve nuclei are involved |
2 | Condition | vascular accidents space occupying lesions | Poliomyelitis |
3 | Nutrition | group of muscle attached | Single muscle attached |
4 | Tone | increased | Lost |
5 | Power | no loss of power | Lost |
6 | Reflex | superficial and deep reflex-exaggerated | Lost |
7 | Babinski’s sign | +ve | -ve |
8 | Clonus | present | -ve |
9 | Paralysis | spastic | Absent |
10 | Clasp knife reflex | present | absent |
Determine whether the pain originates from a joint (arthralgia) , muscle (myalgia) or other soft tissue.
The site may be well localised and suggest the diagnosis, e.g. the first metatarsophalangeal joint in gout, or in several joints suggesting an inflammatory arthritis.
– How many joints are involved?
– One joint is a monoarthritis;
– 2–4 jointsoligoarthritis;
– >4 is polyarthritis.
-Are the small or large joints of the arms or legs affected? Different patterns of joint involvement help the differential diagnosis.
-Surrounding structures can be painful and include ligaments, tendons, tendon sheaths, bursae, muscleand bone
-It may be difficult to determine the source of referred pain. Almost all adults with arthritis (inflamed and swollen joints) have arthralgia (joint pain), but only a minority of patients with arthralgia have arthritis.
-Pain from traumatic injury is usually immediate and is exacerbated by movement or haemarthrosis (bleeding into the affected joint).
-Pain from inflammatory arthritis can develop over 24 hours, or more insidiously.
-Crystal arthritis (gout and pseudogout) causes acute, sometimes extreme pain which develops quickly, often overnight. Joint sepsis causes pain that develops over a day or two.
-Bone pain is penetrating, deep or boring, and is characteristically worse at night.
-Localised pain suggests tumour, osteomyelitis (infection), osteonecrosis or osteoid osteoma (benign bone tumour)
-Generalised bony conditions, such as osteomalacia, usually cause diffuse pain.
-Muscle pain is often described as ‘stiffness’ and is poorly localised, deep and aggravated by use of the affected muscle(s). It is associated with muscle weakness in some conditions, e.g., polymyositis, but not in polymyalgia rheumatica.
-Partial muscle tears are painful; complete rupture may be less so.
-Fracture pain is sharp and stabbing, aggravated by attempted movement or use, and relieved by rest and splintage.
-Shooting’ pain is often caused by mechanical impingement of a peripheral nerve or nerve root: e.g., buttock pain which ‘shoots down the back of the leg’, caused by lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion.
-Chronic joint pain in patients >40 years with progression over years is commonly caused by osteoarthritis.
-Neurological involvement in diabetes mellitus, leprosy, syringomyelia and syphilis (tabes dorsalis) may cause loss of joint sensation, so pain is less than expected from examination. In these conditions, even grossly abnormal joints may be pain-free (Charcot joint).
-Chronic pain syndrome (fibromyalgia) causes widespread, unremitting pain with little diurnal variation that is poorly controlled by conventional analgesic/ anti-inflammatory drugs. Chronic pain syndrome is defined as pain present for more than 3 months. It is due to pain pathway sensitisation and is commonly associated with sleep disorders, psychological stress and depression. Examination is normal except for the presence of typical tender points .
-Pain from nerve compression radiates to the distribution of that nerve, e.g., lower leg pain in prolapsed intervertebral disc or hand pain in carpal tunnel syndrome.
-Neck pain radiates to the shoulder or over the top of the head.
-Hip pain is usually felt in the groin but may radiate to the thigh or knee.
-Pain caused by a mechanical problem is worse on movement and eases with rest.
-Pain due to inflammation is worse first thing in the morning and eases with movement.
-Pain from a septic joint is present both at rest and with movement.
-A history of several years of pain with a normal examination suggests chronic pain syndrome.
-A history of several weeks of pain, early-morning stiffness and loss of function is likely to be an inflammatory arthritis. ‘Flitting’ pain starting in one joint and moving to others over a period of days is a feature of rheumatic fever and gonococcal arthritis.
-If intermittent with resolution between episodes it is likely to be palindromic rheumatism.
-Pain from joints damaged by intra-articular derangement or osteoarthritic degeneration will worsen with exercise.
-Apart from trauma, the most severe joint pain occurs in septic and crystal arthritis.
Establish what the patient means by stiffness. Is it:
Stiffness may relate to the soft tissues rather than the joint itself. In polymyalgia rheumatica stiffness commonly affects the shoulder and pelvic areas.
There are characteristic differences between inflammatory and non-inflammatory presentations of joint stiffness:
-Inflammatory arthritis presents with early-morning stiffness that takes at least 30 minutes to wear off with activity.
– Non-inflammatory, mechanical arthritis has stiffness after rest which lasts only a few minutes on movement.
Establish the site, extent and time course of any swelling.
-Active inflammatory arthritis from any cause results in swelling.
-When vascular structures, e.g., bone and ligament, are injured, bleeding into the joint or soft tissues produces tense swelling within minutes. This is even more rapid and severe if the patient takes anticoagulants or has an underlying bleeding disorder, e.g., haemophilia.
-If avascular structures, e.g., the menisci, are torn or articular cartilage is abraded, it can take hours or days to produce a significant effusion.
-Erythema is common in infective, traumatic and crystal-induced conditions and may be mildly present in inflammatory arthritis. All joints with an inflammatory or infective component will be warm.
-Erythema associated with distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint swelling helps to distinguish DIP joint psoriatic arthritis from the Heberden’s nodes of osteoarthritis.
Weakness suggests joint, neurological or muscle disease. The problem may be focal or generalised.
-Weakness due to joint disorders is either from pain inhibiting function or to disruption of the joint or its supporting structures.
-For neurological disorders producing weakness. Always consider nerve entrapment as a cause, e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome at the wrist and leg weakness due to spinal root compression caused by a prolapsed intervertebral disc or spinal stenosis.
-Muscle disorders can produce widespread weakness associated with pain and fatigue, e.g., in polymyositis and with a rash in dermatomyositis. Proximal muscle weakness can occur in endocrine disorders, e.g., hypothyroidism.
‘Locking’ is an incomplete range of movement at a joint because of an anatomical block. It may be associated with pain. Patients use ‘locking’ to describe a variety of problems, so clarify exactly what they mean. True locking is a block to the normal range of movement caused by mechanical obstruction, e.g., a loose body or torn meniscus, within the joint. This prevents the joint from reaching the extremes of normal range. The patient is characteristically able to ‘unlock’ the joint by trick manoeuvres.
-Pseudo-locking is a loss of range of movement due to pain.
Triggering is a block to extension, which then ‘gives’ suddenly when extending a finger from a flexed position. In adults it usually affects the ring or middle fingers and results from nodular tendon thickening or fibrous thickening of the flexor sheath due to chronic low-grade trauma, e.g., occupational or associated with inflammatory arthritis. Triggering can be congenital, usually affecting the thumb.
Patients may present with features of extra-articular disease which they may not connect with musculoskeletal problems. The pattern of the joint condition (a/symmetric, flitting) and extent (mono-, oligo- or polyarthritis) suggests the diagnosis and directs the history.
-Ask about rashes (psoriasis, vasculitis, erythema nodosum) and whether they are photosensitive (systemic lupus erythematosus: SLE).
-Weight loss, low-grade fever and malaise are associated with rheumatoid arthritis and SLE.
-High-spiking fevers in the evening with a rash occur in adult-onset Still’s disease. Headache, jaw pain on chewing (claudication) and scalp tenderness are features of temporal arteritis.
-Connective tissue disease may present with Raynaud’s phenomenon, sicca symptoms (dryness of mouth and eyes), rash, mouth ulcers, dysphagia and gastrointestinal problems.
-Dyspnoea may be related to lung disease associated with rheumatoid arthritis or connective tissue disease.
-Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, bloody stool and mouth ulcers may suggest an arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease.
Ask the patient to walk ahead in a straight line for several steps, then turn and walk back towards you. Look for smoothness and symmetry of the gait.
Stand in front of the patient.
-Ask him to clench his fists, and then open his hands flat. This tests both wrists and hands.
-Inspect the dorsum of the hands and check for full finger extension at the MCP, PIP and DIP joints.
-Ask him to squeeze your index and middle fingers. This tests the strength of the power grip.
-Have him touch each fingertip with his thumb. This tests precision grip and problems in co-ordination or concentration.
-Gently squeeze the metacarpal heads. Tenderness suggests inflammation, e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, involving the MCP joints.
-Show him how to make a ‘prayer sign’, bending the wrist back as far as possible. Put the backs of the hands together in a similar fashion. This tests wrist flexion and extension.
-Ask him to put his arms straight out in front of the body. This tests elbow extension.
-Ask the patient to bend the arms up to touch the shoulders. This tests elbow flexion.
-Have him place the elbows by the side of the body and bend them 90°. Turn the palms up and down. This tests pronation and supination at the wrist and elbow.
-Ask him to put his hands behind the head, with the elbows going back. This tests abduction and external rotation of the glenohumeral joint.
-Firmly press the midpoint of each supraspinatus to detect hyperalgesia.
-Ask the patient to lie supine (face up) on the couch.
-If there is no contraindication, perform Thomas’s test for fixed flexion deformity on both hips.
-Palpate each knee for warmth and swelling. Check for patellar tap. These detect inflammation and effusions.
-Flex each hip and knee with your hand on the patient’s knee. Feel for crepitus in the patellofemoral joint and knee .
-Flex the patient’s knee and hip to 90°, and passively rotate each hip internally and externally, noting pain or limited movement.
-Look at the feet for any abnormality. Examine the soles, looking for calluses and ulcers, indicative of abnormal load bearing.
-Gently squeeze the metatarsal heads for tenderness.
Abnormal findings :
Hypermobility Some patients have a greater than normal range of joint movement. They may present with recurrent dislocations or sensations of instability if this is severe, but frequently only complain of arthralgia.
Mild hypermobility is normal but two inherited conditions affecting connective tissues – Marfan’s syndrome and Ehlers–Danlos syndrome – cause hypermobility.
The GALS screen provides a rapid, but limited, assessment. This section describes the detailed examination required for better evaluation.
Gait is the cyclical pattern of musculoskeletal motion that carries the body forwards. Normal gait is smooth, symmetrical and ergonomically economical, with each leg 50% out of phase with the other.
For each leg, gait has two phases: stance and swing. The stance phase is from foot-strike to toe-off, when the foot is on the ground and load bearing. The swing phase is from toe-off to foot-strike, when the foot clears the ground. When both feet are on the ground this is double stance.
A limp is an abnormal gait due to pain or structural change, e.g. lower limb length discrepancy, tone abnormality (including spasticity and co-contraction, in both of which there is inappropriate muscle contraction) or weakness.
An antalgic gait is one altered to reduce pain. Pain in a lower limb is usually aggravated by weight-bearing, so minimal time is spent in the stance phase on that side. This results in a ‘dot–dash’ mode of walking. If the source of pain is in the spine, axial rotatory movements are minimised, resulting in a slow gait with small paces. Patients with hip pain may lean towards the affected side as this decreases the compression force on the hip joint.
Patients with limb-length discrepancy may walk on tiptoe on the shorter side, with compensatory hip and knee flexion on the longer side. Assess for limb-length discrepancy with block testing. Other structural changes producing an abnormal gait include joint fusion, bone malunion and contracture.
This may be due to nerve or muscle pathology or alteration in muscle tone. In a normal gait the hip abductors of the stance leg raise the contralateral hemipelvis. In Trendelenburg gait, abductor function is poor when weight bearing on the affected side, so the contralateral hemipelvis falls.
Common causes of a Trendelenburg gait are:
Foot drop occurs in common peroneal nerve palsy. The gait is high-stepping to allow clearance of the weak foot.
This occurs following an upper motor neurone lesion, e.g., cerebrovascular accident (stroke) or cerebral palsy. The gait depends on the specific lesion, contractures and compensatory mechanisms. A common pattern in cerebral palsy is the crouch gait, in which the hips and knees are always flexed.
Ask the patient to walk barefoot in a straight line; then repeat in shoes.
The spine is divided into the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral segments. Most spinal diseases affect multiple segments, causing alteration in the posture or function of the whole spine. Spinal disease may occur without local symptoms and present with pain, neurological symptoms or signs in the trunk or limbs. Accurate diagnosis depends on knowing the underlying bony and neurological anatomy , a careful history, and eliciting signs and symptoms to differentiate between mechanical (non-inflammatory) and inflammatory causes
Definitions :
-Scoliosis is lateral curvature of the spine .
-Kyphosis is curvature of the spine in the sagittal (anterior–posterior) plane, with the apex posterior. The thoracic spine normally has a mild kyphosis.
-Lordosis is curvature of the spine in the sagittal (anterior–posterior) plane, with the apex anterior.
-Gibbus is a spinal deformity caused by an anterior wedge deformity localised to a single vertebra, producing an increase in forward flexion.
-Spondylosis is degenerative change in the spine. Spondylolysis is a defect in the pars interarticularis of a vertebral arch.
-Spondylolisthesis is one vertebra slipping anteriorly on an inferior vertebra.
-Retrolisthesis is one vertebra slipping posteriorly on an inferior vertebra.
The most common symptoms are pain and difficulty turning the head and neck. Patients find difficulty driving, especially when attempting to reverse. Neck pain is usually felt posteriorly but may be referred to the head, shoulder, arm or interscapular region. Cervical disc lesions cause radicular pain in one or other arm, roughly following the dermatomes of the affected nerve roots. If the spinal cord is compromised (cervical myelopathy), then lower limb weakness, difficulty walking, loss of sensation and sphincter disturbance may occur.
Be particularly careful when examining patients with rheumatoid arthritis, as atlantoaxial instability can lead to spinal cord damage when the neck is flexed.
In patients with neck injury, never move the neck. Splint it and check for abnormal posture. Check neurological function in the limbs and X-ray to assess bony injury.
Examination of the cervical spine :
Ask the patient to remove enough clothing for you to see the neck and upper thorax, then to sit on a chair.
Face the patient. Observe the posture of the head and neck. Note any abnormality or deformity, e.g. loss of lordosis (usually due to muscle spasm).
-Feel the midline spinous processes from the occiput to T1 (the T1 process is usually the most prominent).
-Feel the paraspinal soft tissues.
-Feel the supraclavicular fossae for cervical ribs or enlarged lymph nodes.
-Feel the anterior neck structures, including the thyroid.
Note : any tenderness in the spine, trapezius, interscapular and paraspinal muscles.
-Assess active movements.
-Ask the patient to put his chin on to the chest to assess forward flexion. -The normal range is 0 (neutral) to 80°. Record a decreased range as the chin–chest distance.
-Ask him to look upwards at the ceiling as far back as possible, to assess extension. The normal range is 0 (neutral) to 50°. Thus, the total flexion–extension arc is normally ∼130°.
-Ask him to put his ear on to the shoulder, to assess lateral flexion. The normal range is 0 (neutral) to 45°.
-Ask the patient to look over his right/left shoulder. The normal range of lateral rotation is 0 (neutral) to 80°.
-If active movements are reduced, gently perform passive movements. -Establish if the end of the range has a sudden or a gradual resistance and whether it is pain or stiffness that restricts movement. Pain or paraesthesia in the arm on passive neck movement suggests nerve root involvement.
-Perform a neurological assessment of the upper and lower limbs.
– Examination of the thoracic and lumbar spine
Ask the patient to undress to expose the neck, chest and back.
With the patient standing, inspect the posture from behind, the side and the front, noting any deformity, e.g., rib hump or abnormal curvature.
Feel the midline spinous processes from T1 to T12. Feel for increased prominence of one or more posterior spinal processes, implying anterior wedge-shaped collapse of the vertebral body – often related to osteoporosis.
Feel the paraspinal soft tissues for tenderness.
Ask the patient to sit with his arms crossed. Ask him to twist round both ways and look at you.
The surface markings are the spinous processes of L4/5, which are level with the pelvic brim, and the ‘dimples of Venus’, which overlie the sacroiliac joints. The normal lordosis may be lost in disorders such as ankylosing spondylitis and lumbar disc protrusion.
The principal movements are flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation. Most patients can bring the tips of their fingers at least to the level of the knees in forward and lateral flexion. Extension should be approximately 10–20°. In flexion, the upper segments move first, followed by the lower segments, to produce a smooth lumbar curve. However, even with a rigid lumbar spine, patients may be able to touch their toes if their hips are mobile.
In the adult, the spinal cord ends at L2. Below this, the spinal nerve roots may be injured or compressed by disc protrusion. Above this level the spinal cord itself may be involved.
The history :
Low back pain is extremely common. Most is ‘mechanical’, and due to degenerative disease. Radicular back pain due to nerve root compression radiates down the posterior aspect of the leg to the lower leg or ankle. Pain due to inflammation of the sacroiliac joints is commonly felt in the buttocks, but may be referred down both legs to the knees. Groin and thigh pain in the absence of hip abnormality suggests referred pain from L1–2.
Red flag features suggest significant spinal pathology. Consider abdominal and retroperitoneal pathology too, e.g., abdominal aortic aneurysm, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer and renal disorders.
Important spinal conditions :
Are acute disc protrusion, spinal stenosis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoporotic fracture, infection and tumours. Infection and tumours are associated with fever or weight loss. In many patients, however, backache reflects age- related degenerative change in discs and facet joints (spondylosis).
Mechanical low back pain is common after standing for too long or sitting in a poor position. Symptoms worsen as the day progresses and improve after resting or on rising in the morning.
Insidious onset of backache and stiffness in an adolescent or young adult suggests inflammatory disease of the sacroiliac joints and lumbar spine, e.g. ankylosing spondylitis . Symptoms are worse in the morning or after inactivity, and ease with movement. Morning stiffness is more marked than in osteoarthritis, lasting at least 30 minutes. Other clues to the diagnosis are peripheral joint involvement, extra-articular features or a positive family history.
Acute onset of low back pain in a young adult, often associated with bending or lifting, is typical of acute disc protrusion (slipped disc). The acute episode may be superimposed on a background of preceding episodic backache due to disc degeneration. Activities such as coughing or straining to open the bowels exacerbate the pain. There may be symptoms of lumbar or sacral nerve root compression. Cauda equina syndrome involves a central disc prolapse, or similar space-occupying lesion, impinging on the cauda equina. There are features of sensory and motor disturbances, including diminished perianal sensation and bladder function disturbance. The motor disturbance may be profound, e.g. paraplegia.
Acute back pain in the middle-aged, elderly or those with risk factors, e.g., steroid therapy, may be due to osteoporotic fracture. This is eased by lying, exacerbated by spinal flexion and not usually associated with neurological symptoms.
Acute onset of severe progressive pain, especially associated with malaise, weight loss or night sweats, may indicate pyogenic or tuberculous infection of the lumbar spine or sacroiliac joint. The patient may have a past history of diabetes mellitus or immunosuppression, e.g., steroid therapy or HIV infection, and complain of pain and great difficulty in moving. The infection may involve the intervertebral discs and adjacent vertebrae and may track into the psoas muscle sheath, presenting as a painful flexed hip or a groin swelling.
Consider malignant disease involving a vertebral body in patients with unremitting spinal pain of recent onset, disturbing sleep. Other clues are a previous history of cancer, and systemic symptoms or weight loss. Tumours rarely affect intervertebral discs.
Cauda equina syndrome and spinal cord compression are neurosurgical emergencies. If suspected, refer the patient immediately for assessment and possible surgical decompression.
Intermittent discomfort or pain in the lumbar spine occurring over a long period of time is typical of degenerative disc disease. There is stiffness in the morning or after immobility. Pain and stiffness are relieved by gentle activity but recur with, or after, excessive activity. Over years there is gradual loss of lumbar spine mobility, sometimes with spontaneous improvement in pain as the facet joints increasingly stiffen.
Diffuse pain in the buttocks or thighs brought on by standing too long or walking is the presenting symptom of lumbosacral spinal stenosis. This can be difficult to distinguish from intermittent claudication. The pain may be accompanied by tingling and numbness and difficult for the patient to describe. Typically, it is relieved by rest or spinal flexion. Stooping or holding on to a supermarket trolley may increase exercise tolerance. Narrowing of the spinal canal or neural exit foramina is caused by degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs and facet joints, and there is a long preceding history of discomfort typical of degenerative joint disease.
Ask the patient to stand with the back fully exposed.
Look for obvious deformity, such as decreased/increased lordosis, obvious scoliosis, soft-tissue abnormalities like a hairy patch or lipoma that might overlie a congenital abnormality, e.g., spina bifida.
Palpate the spinous processes and paraspinal tissues. Note the overall alignment and focal tenderness (the L4/5 interspinous space is palpable at the level of the iliac crests).
After warning the patient, lightly percuss the spine with your closed fist and note any tenderness.
Flexion: ask the patient to try to touch his toes with his legs straight. Record how far down his legs he can reach. Some of this movement depends on hip flexion. Usually, the upper segments flex before the lower ones, and this progression should be smooth.
Extension: ask the patient to straighten up and lean back as far as possible (normal 10–20° from neutral erect posture).
Lateral flexion: ask him to reach down to each side, touching the outside of the leg as far down as possible while keeping the legs straight.
Schober’s test for forward flexion
-Mark the skin in the midline at the level of the posterior iliac spines (L5), which overlie the sacroiliac joints (mark A).
-Use a tape measure to draw two more marks: one 10 cm above (mark B) and one 5 cm below this (mark C).
-Place the end of the tape measure on the upper mark (B). Ask the patient to touch his toes. The distance from mark B to mark C should increase from 15 to more than 20 cm.
-Root compression tests Intervertebral disc prolapse causing nerve root pressure occurs most often in the lower lumbar region, leading to compression of the corresponding nerve roots.
-The femoral nerve (L2–4) lies anterior to the pubic ramus, so straight-leg raising or other forms of hip flexion do not increase its root tension. Problems with the femoral nerve roots may cause quadriceps weakness and/or diminished knee jerk on that side.
The sciatic nerve (L4–5; S1–3) runs behind the pelvis, so manoeuvres to put tension on the lower nerve roots (L4 exiting the L4/5 foramen, L5 exiting the L5/S1 foramen) differ from those for the upper lumbar nerve roots (L2, L3).
Straight-leg raise tests L4, L5, S1 nerve root tension (L3/4, L4/5 and L5/S1 disc prolapse respectively).
With the patient lying supine, lift the foot to flex the hip passively, keeping the knee straight.
Measure the angle between the couch and the flexed leg to determine any limitation (normal 80–90° hip flexion) caused by thigh or leg pain.
If a limit is reached, raise the leg to just less than this level, and dorsiflex the foot to test for nerve root tension.
Tibial nerve stretch test
With the patient supine, flex the hip to 90°.
Extend the knee. In this position the tibial nerve ‘bowstrings’ across the popliteal fossa.
Press over either of the hamstring tendons, and then over the nerve in the middle of the fossa. The test is positive if pain occurs when the nerve is pressed, but not the hamstring tendons.
With the patient lying on his front (prone), flex the knee and extend the hip. This stretches the femoral nerve. A positive result is pain felt in the back, or the front of the thigh. This test can, if necessary, be performed with the patient lying on his side (with the test side uppermost).
Ask the patient to sit on the end of the couch with the hips and knees flexed to 90° .
-Examine the knee reflexes.
Extend the knee, as if to examine the ankle jerk. A patient with nerve root impingement will lie back (‘flip’).
The prime function of the upper limb is to position the hand appropriately in space. This requires shoulder, elbow and wrist movements. The hand may function in both precision and power modes. The intrinsic muscles of the hand allow grip and fine manipulative movements, and the forearm muscles provide power and stability.
Distinguish between systemic and local conditions. Systemic conditions, e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, usually cause pathology at several sites. Differentiate local conditions from referred or radicular pain. Establish whether the condition is inflammatory or not on the pattern of diurnal stiffness and pain.
The wrist joint has metacarpocarpal, intercarpal, ulnocarpal and radiocarpal components. There is a wide range of possible movements, including flexion, extension, adduction (deviation towards the ulnar side), abduction (deviation towards the radial side) and the composite movement of circumduction (the hand moves in a conical fashion on the wrist). When examining and documenting the fingers, use their names to avoid confusion. The PIP and DIP joints are hinge joints and allow only flexion and extension. The metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints allow flexion and extension, and some abduction/adduction that is greatest when the MCP joints are extended.
History :
The patient will often localise complaints of pain, stiffness, loss of function, contractures, disfigurement and trauma. If symptoms are vague or diffuse, consider referred pain or a compressive neuropathy, e.g. median nerve compression as it traverses the carpal tunnel in the wrist, which leads to symptoms and signs of carpal tunnel syndrome. If PIP or MCP joint swelling is prominent consider inflammatory arthritis.
Seat the patient, facing you, with arms and shoulders exposed. Start examining the hand and fingers first, and move proximally.
Swelling of MCP joints produces loss of interknuckle indentation on the dorsum of the hand, especially when the MCP and IP joints are fully flexed (loss of normal ‘hill–valley–hill–valley’ aspect; . Swelling at the PIP joints produces ‘spindling’ .
Deformity of phalangeal fractures may produce rotation. Ask the patient to flex the fingers together and then in turn. Normally, with the MCP and IP joints flexed, the fingers should not cross, and should point to the scaphoid tubercle in the wrist.
Extra-articular signs :
Active movements
Passive movements
Ask the patient to put the palms of his hands together and extend the wrists fully – the ‘prayer sign’ (normal is 90° of extension) .
Abnormal findings
Look Erythema suggests acute inflammation caused by soft-tissue infection, septic arthritis, tendon sheath infection or crystalopathy (gout and pseudogout). Swelling at the MCP and/or IP joints suggests synovitis. Spindling is typically seen in rheumatoid arthritis and collateral ligament injuries.
At the DIP joints , a ‘mallet’ finger is a flexion deformity which is passively correctable. This is usually caused by minor trauma disrupting the terminal extensor expansion at the base of the distal phalanx, with or without bony avulsion.
Boutonnière (or buttonhook) deformity is a flexion deformity at the PIP joint with hyperextension at the DIP joint and fixed flexion at the PIP joint . ‘Swan neck’ deformity is hyperextension at the PIP joint with flexion at the DIP joint.
There may be subluxation and ulnar deviation of the MCP joints in rheumatoid arthritis . Dupuytren’s contracture affects the palmar fascia, resulting in the MCP and PIP joints of the little and ring fingers becoming fixed in flexion . Anterior (or volar) displacement (partial dislocation) of the wrist may be seen in rheumatoid arthritis.
Feel Hard swellings may be due to osteophytes (characteristic of osteoarthritis), mucous cysts or, rarely, tumours. Heberden’s and Bouchard’s nodes occur at the DIP and PIP joints respectively.
Sponginess suggests synovitis. Swelling, tenderness and crepitus are found over the tendon sheaths of abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis in De Quervain’s tenosynovitis. Symptoms are aggravated by movements at the wrist and thumb. Crepitus at this site is often felt as a creaking sensation and may even be audible. Crepitus may also occur with movement of the radiocarpal joints in osteoarthritis, most commonly secondary to old scaphoid or distal radial fractures.
Move Lack of full extension of one or more fingers may indicate tendon rupture.
Examination sequence
Flexor digitorum profundus: ask the patient to flex the DIP joint while you hold the PIP joint in extension .
Use ‘Paper – scissors – stone – OK’ as an aide-mémoire.
Ask the patient to:
Fully extend the wrist and fingers (‘paper sign’). The radial nerve supplies the wrist and finger extensors.
The ulnar nerve supplies the hypothenar muscles, interossei, two medial lumbricals, adductor pollicis, flexor carpi ulnaris and the ulnar half of flexor digitorum profundus.
The median nerve supplies the thenar muscles that abduct and oppose the thumb, the lateral two lumbricals, the medial half of flexor digitorum profundus, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus and pronator teres. Because of inconstant cross-over in the nerve supply to the thenar eminence muscles other than abductor pollicis brevis, the best test of median nerve motor function is the ability to abduct the thumb away from the palm. However, clenching a fist fully (‘rock’ sign) also depends on median function because of its flexor supply.
The anterior interosseous nerve (commonly injured in supracondylar fractures) is a purely motor terminal branch of the median nerve. It supplies flexor pollicis longus, the index finger flexor digitorum profundus and pronator quadratus. Making the OK sign depends on both flexor pollicis longus and index finger flexor digitorum profundus functioning.
The elbow joint has humero-ulnar, radio-capitellar and superior radio-ulnar articulations. The medial and lateral epicondyles are the flexor and extensor origins respectively for the forearm muscles. These two prominences and the tip of the olecranon are easily palpated. They normally form an equilateral triangle when the elbow is flexed to 90°, and lie in a straight line when the elbow is fully extended. A subcutaneous bursa overlies the olecranon and may become inflamed or infected (bursitis). Elbow pain may be localised or referred from the neck. Rheumatoid arthritis and epicondylitis commonly cause elbow pain.
Examination sequence
The shoulder joint consists of the glenohumeral joint and the acromioclavicular joint, but movement also occurs between the scapula and the posterior chest wall. Movements of the shoulder girdle, especially abduction and rotation, also produce movement at the sternoclavicular joint. The rotator cuff muscles are supraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor and infraspinatus. They and their tendinous insertions help stability and movement (especially abduction; at the glenohumeral joint.
Pain is common and frequently referred to the upper arm. Glenohumeral pain may occur over the anterolateral aspect of the upper arm. Pain felt at the shoulder may be referred from the cervical spine, radicular pain caused by central nerve root compression, or diaphragm and subdiaphragmatic peritoneum via the phrenic nerve. The most common cause of referred pain is cervical spondylosis, where disc space narrowing and osteophytes cause nerve root impingement and inflammation.
Stiffness and limitation of movement around the shoulder, caused by adhesive capsulitis of the glenohumeral joint, are common after immobilisation or disuse following injury or stroke. This is a ‘frozen shoulder’. However, movement can still occur between the scapula and chest wall.
Some rotator cuff disorders, especially impingement syndromes and tears, present with a painful arc where abduction of the arm between 60 and 120° causes discomfort .
Ask the patient to sit or stand and expose the shoulder completely.
Examine from the front and the back and in the axilla for deformity the deformities of anterior glenohumeral and complete acromioclavicular joint dislocation are obvious ,but the shoulder contour in posterior glenohumeral dislocation may only appear abnormal when you stand above the seated patient and look down on the shoulder
To screen for shoulder dysfunction:
If there is pain, swelling or limitation of movement, proceed to examine the shoulder fully.
Range of movement :
Palpate the inferior pole of the scapula between your thumb and index finger to detect scapular rotation and determine how much movement occurs at the glenohumeral joint. In all, 50–70% of abduction occurs at the glenohumeral joint (the rest with movement of the scapula on the chest wall). This increases if the arm is externally rotated. Note the degree and smoothness of scapular movement. If the glenohumeral joint is excessively stiff, movement of the scapula over the chest wall will predominate. If there is any limitation or pain (painful arc) associated with abduction, test the rotator cuff .
Rotator cuff :
Impingement (painful arc) :
Pain occurring between 60 and 120° of abduction occurs in painful arc.
Pain on active movement, especially against resistance, suggests impingement.
Ligamentous tears and injuries :
Discrepancy between active and passive ranges suggests a tendinous tear in particular subscapularis, where there may be an excessive range of passive internal rotation. To test the component muscles of the rotator cuff, it is necessary to neutralise the effect of other muscles crossing the shoulder.
Bicipital tendonitis :
Patient history:
This medical background can help give a better picture of what might need further investigation.
A posture deformity in flexion or a deformity with a lateral pelvic tilt, possibly a slight limp, may be seen.
A patient with low back pain may splint the spine in order to avoid painful movements.
Range of movements
Sacroiliac joint:
Hip joint:
Special tests
Root compression tests
Straight Leg Raise Test (SLR Test)
Straight leg raise tests for L4, L5, S1 nerve root tension (L3/4, L4/5 and L5/S1 disc prolapse).
Procedure :
Cross leg SLR
Bragard’s test
Schober’s test
Tibial Nerve Stretch Test
Tibial nerve stretch tests for L4–5, S1–3 nerve root tension
Procedure :
Femoral Nerve Stretch Tests
Femoral nerve stretch tests for L2–4 nerve root tension
Flip Test
Examine the reflexes
Knee reflex
Babinski’s sign
Ankle Reflex Test
Examination of the shoulder joint
Ask the patient to sit or stand and expose the shoulder completely.
Swelling :
-Muscle wasting especially of the deltoid, supraspinatus and infraspinatus.
-Wasting of supraspinatus or infraspinatus indicates a chronic tear of their tendons
Movement :
Internal rotation:
External rotation:
Deltoid: Ask the patient to abduct the arm out from his side, parallel to the floor, and resist while you push down on the humerus. Compare each side.
Rotator cuff :Ask the patient to start abducting the arm from his side against your resistance. If abduction cannot be initiated or is painful, this suggests a rotator cuff problem.
Impingement (painful arc) :
Ligamentous tears and injuries
Discrepancy between active and passive ranges suggests a tendinous tear – in particular subscapularis, where there may be an excessive range of passive internal rotation. To test the component muscles of the rotator cuff, it is necessary to neutralise the effect of other muscles crossing the shoulder.
Subscapularis and pectoralis major (internal rotation of the shoulder):
To isolate subscapularis, test internal rotation with the patient’s hand behind his back. Loss of power suggests a tear. Pain on forced internal rotation suggests tendonitis.
With the arm by his side, test abduction. Loss of power suggests a tear. Pain on forced abduction at 60° suggests tendonitis.
Infraspinatus and teres minor:
Test external rotation with the arm in the neutral position, and 30° flexion to reduce the contribution of deltoid. Loss of power suggests a tear. Pain on forced external rotation suggests tendonitis.
Bicipital tendonitis :
Cervical spondylosis is a term that encompasses a wide range of progressive degenerative changes that affect all the components of the cervical spine (i.e., intervertebral discs, facet joints, ligamentum flava, and laminae). It is a natural process of aging and presents in the majority of people after the fifth decade of life.
In the cervical spine this chronic degenerative process affects the intervertebral discs and facet joints, and may progress to disk herniation, osteophyte formation, vertebral body degeneration, compression of the spinal cord, or cervical spondylotic myelopathy.
Symptomsof cervical spondylosis manifest as neck pain and neck stiffness and can be accompanied by radicular symptoms when there is compression of neural structures.
Clinical Presentation
Cervical spondylosis presents in three symptomatic forms as:
Diagnostic Procedures
Cervical spondylosis is often diagnosed on clinical signs and symptoms alone.
Most patients do not need further investigation and the diagnosis is made on clinical grounds alone however, diagnostic imaging such as X-ray, CT, MRI, and EMG can be used to confirm a diagnosis
Plain radiographs of the cervical spine may show a loss of normal cervical lordosis, suggesting muscle spasm, but most other features of degenerative disease are found in asymptomatic people and correlate poorly with clinical symptoms
MRI of the cervical spine is the investigation of choice if more serious pathology is suspected, as it gives detailed information about the spinal cord, bones, discs, and soft tissue structures.
Pain provocation tests such as Spurling’s test can be used to differentiate between shoulder disorders and cervical spondylosis.
Axial neck pain
Commonly complain of stiffness and pain in the cervical spine that is most severe in the upright position and relieved with bed rest when removing the load from the neck
Neck motion, especially in hyperextension and side-bending, typically increases the pain
In upper and lower cervical spine disease, patients may report radiating pain into the back of the ear or occiput versus radiating pain into the superior trapezius or periscapular musculature, respectively.
Occasionally, patients can present with atypical symptoms cervical angina such as jaw pain or chest pain.
Cervical radiculopathy
Radicular symptoms usually follow a myotomal distribution depending on the nerve root(s) involved and can present as unilateral or bilateral neck pain, arm pain, scapular pain, paraesthesia, and arm or hand weakness
Pain is exacerbated by head tilt toward the affected side or by hyperextension and side-bending toward the affected side
Cervical myelopathy
Cervical myelopathy is a cluster of complaints and findings due to intrinsic damage to the spinal cord itself.Numbness, coordination and gait issues, grip weakness and bowel and bladder complaints with associated physical findings may be reported.
Typically has an insidious onset with or without neck pain (frequently absent). It can initially present with hand weakness and clumsiness, resulting in the inability to complete tasks requiring fine motor coordination (e.g., buttoning a shirt, tying shoelaces, picking up small objects). Frequent reports of gait instability and unexplained falls.
Patient history:
This medical background can help give a better picture of what might need further investigation.
Range of movements:
Flexion– Ask the patient to bend the head forwards – chin should be able to touch the chest – Normal : 80°
Extension– Ask the patient to look up and back – Normal : 50°
Lateral flexion – ask the patient to touch his shoulder with the ear – involve atlanto-axial and atlanto-occipital joints – Normal : 45°
Rotation – ask the patient to look over his shoulder – Normal : 80° – restricted and painful in cervical spondylitis
Special Tests
Examination of hands :
Lymph nodes- palpate and palpation of spleen
Cancer of lymph nodes can cause a wide range of symptoms from painless long-term slowly growing swelling to sudden, rapid enlargement over days or weeks
Lymph node involvement is often a key part in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer,
Respiratory examination
Divided in to 2 parts
1.Upper respiratory examination
2.Lower respiratory examination
1.Upper respiratory examination
-See the nasal septum
-Look mucous membrane
Examine- Tongue, Teeth , Gum, Cheek , Pharyngeal wall , tonsillar fossa, position of uvula pharyngeal arches
look for – Redness, Secretions, any patch present
(a)Direct laryngoscopy
(b)Indirect laryngoscopy
Inspection of the chest
Marked forward protrusion of the sternum and adjacent costal cartilages.
Causes: congenital anomalies, chronic nasal or nasopharyngeal obstruction, respiratory disease, rickets in childhood.
In order to accommodate the increased bulk of the lungs in hypertrophic emphysema, the thoracic cage becomes cylindrical or barrel like other causes include old age, severe kyphotic deformity of spine, chronic asthma with bronchitis.
Structural deformity of the anterior thoracic wall in which the sternum and rib cage are shaped abnormally Causes: familial or hereditary, an occupational deformity as in cobblers, rickets in childhood.
In child hood rickets, the bones are unduly soft and liable to yield to various pressure and pulls. Which predisposes the rickety deformities.
May results from unilateral tuberculosis, fibrosis of lung, collapse of lung, long standing pleurisy, wasting of muscles, acute anterior poliomyelitis.
Types or Act of respiration:
Respiratory rate :
Average resting respiratory rates by age are:
-Birth to 6 weeks: 30–40 breaths per minute
-6 months: 25–40 breaths per minute
-3 years: 20–30 breaths per minute
-6 years: 18–25 breaths per minute
-10 years: 17–23 breaths per minute
-Adults: 12-18 breaths per minute
-Elderly ≥ 65 years old: 12-28 breaths per minute.
-Elderly ≥ 80 years old: 10-30 breaths per minute.
Causes: sepsis, diabetic ketoacidosis or other metabolic acidosis, pneumonia, pleural effusion, carbon monoxide poisoning, pulmonary embolism, asthma, COPD, laryngospasm, allergic reaction, foreign body aspiration, congestive heart failure, anxiety states.
Causes: Exposure to drugs or toxins, Surgery, Hormonal imbalances, Problems with the brain stem, Problems with the heart, electrolyte imbalance.
Ask the patient to do deep inspiration and expansion, there should be equal expansion on both sides. -This means equal quantity of air is going in both the lungs.
observe the movement from back, observe the movements of scapular on both sides.
– It should be equally prominent on both sides .
-Which indicates the trachea is in central .
-In different diseases trachea can be pulled on one side or push on the side.
It should be in 5th intercostal space in mid clavicular line
–If any are dominant or vigorously acting like
-ali nasi in pneumonia in children
-sternocleidomastoid in severe attack of bronchial asthma
-normally accessory muscles are not prominent
Palpation – touch the dorsal surface of the hand for the temperature to find out the local rise of Temperature.
-Local rise of temperature indicates suspicious cancers and tumours.
-Palpation for tenderness – palpation with the palm of the hand Measurement of the chest
-Measurement of the chest- with tape and cord board boards for posterior and anteroposterior diameter.
-Expansion is measured in the form of circumference of the chest with tape at nipple level during expansion and then after deep inspiration Chest expansion is expected about 5cm after deep inspiration.
-Palpation of respiratory movements of chest expansion
1.From front
-Ask the patient to take a deep breath and comparison is made between the displacement of the tip of each thumb.
-Hands are transversely placed, the tips of the fingers in the axillary region and tip of the thumbs over mid sternum.
-Ulnar border of the hand over the costal borders while thumbs placed in xiphoid process.
2.From back
Now ask the patient to turn on back side, keep hands at mid scapular region, here also thumb should move equal distance on both sides.
3.From apex
Examination at apices is also important because T.B. mainly occurs at apex of lungs
– for examination of apex keep 4 fingers on shoulder and thumb in mid portion of scapulae
-ask the patient to do deep inspiration and expiration
-upward movement of four fingers or shoulder will equal on both sides.
It should be in 5th left intercostal space, in mid clavicular line The apex beat, also called the apical impulse, is the pulse felt at the point of maximum impulse (PMI)
Sound waves travel faster and louder in solid medium as compared to fluid or air medium So subject asked to Say 1-1-1 or 9-9-9.
With ulnar border of the palm, we palpate the chest for vibration.
❖ From front, back, infra and axillary area
❖ Position of the patient – sitting, standing, or recumbent position
❖ Sitting up position is the choice of position
❖ For percussion back of the patient bends slightly forwards and head flexed on the chest
❖ Should starts from apices of the lungs
– The middle phalanx of the third finger of the examiner left hand must be placed firmly on the chest wall.
– Third finger of the examiner’s right hand is kept flexed at a right angle and must hit in the middle phalanx of the pleximeter finger
-Percussion should proceed from more resonant to less resonant Findings:- hyper resonance – emphysema , pneumothorax Impaired resonance or dullness
– consolidation, fibrosis and collapse of lungs Shifted dullness
– if dullness shifts when the pt changes position, it is called shifting dullness. To detect the air and fluid in the pleural cavity. Eg Hydropneumothorax
Auscultation of the lungs yields more information than any of the other three classical methods of physical examination.
Position of the patient:- same as percussion of the chest
Vesicular breath sounds are soft and low pitched with a rustling quality during inspiration and are even softer during expiration. These are the most commonly auscultated breath sounds, normally heard over most of the lung surface. They have an inspiratory/expiratory ratio of 3 to 1 or I:E of 3:1.
bronchial breath sounds over the trachea has a higher pitch, louder. It is like blowing of air through pipe
Principle is similar to as TVF
Tubes called airways carry air into and out of your lungs. If you have COPD, these airways may become partly blocked from swelling or mucus. This makes it hard to breathe.
Causes : cigarette smoking, dust, air pollution, or certain chemicals for long periods of time. In rare cases, your genes may put you at risk for COPD.
when the linings of the tiny air sacs in your lungs become damaged beyond repair. Over time, your lung damage gets worse. Here’s what happens:
-The fragile tissues between air sacs are destroyed and air pockets form in the lungs.
– Air gets trapped in these pouches of damaged tissue.
-The lungs slowly get larger, and you find it harder to breathe.
– cause of sarcoidosis is unknown, but experts think it results from the body’s immune system responding to an unknown substance. Some research suggests that infectious agents, chemicals, dust and a potential abnormal reaction to the body’s own proteins (self-proteins) could be responsible for the formation of granulomas in people who are genetically predisposed.
The cardiovascular (CVS) examination is essentially an examination of the patient’s heart; however it is a complex examination which also includes examination of other parts of the body including the hands, face and neck. The CVS examination aims to pick up on any cardiovascular pathology that may be causing a patient’s symptoms, such as chest pain, breathlessness, or heart failure. This examination is performed on every patient that is admitted to hospital and regularly in clinics and general practice.
Like most major examination stations this follows the usual procedure of:
Inspect the patient from the end of the bed whilst at rest, looking for clinical signs suggestive of underlying pathology:
Look for objects or equipment on or around the patient that may provide useful insights into their medical history and current clinical status:
The hands can provide lots of clinically relevant information and therefore a focused, structured assessment is essential.
Inspect the hands for clinical signs relevant to the cardiovascular system:
Finger clubbing involves uniform soft tissue swelling of the terminal phalanx of a digit with subsequent loss of the normal angle between the nail and the nail bed. Finger clubbing is associated with several underlying disease processes, but those most likely to appear in a cardiovascular OSCE station include congenital cyanotic heart disease, infective endocarditis and atrial myxoma (very rare).
To assess for finger clubbing:
There are several other signs in the hands that are associated with endocarditis including:
Place the dorsal aspect of your hand onto the patient’s to assess temperature:
Measuring capillary refill time (CRT) in the hands is a useful way of assessing peripheral perfusion:
Palpate the patient’s radial pulse, located at the radial side of the wrist, with the tips of your index and middle fingers aligned longitudinally over the course of the artery.
Once you have located the radial pulse, assess the rate and rhythm.
Assessing heart rate:
Normal and abnormal heart rates
In healthy adults, the pulse should be between 60-100 bpm.
A pulse <60 bpm is known as bradycardia and has a wide range of aetiologies (e.g. healthy athletic individuals, atrioventricular block, medications, sick sinus syndrome).
A pulse of >100 bpm is known as tachycardia and has a wide range of aetiologies (e.g. anxiety, supraventricular tachycardia, hypovolaemia, hyperthyroidism).
An irregular rhythm is most commonly caused by atrial fibrillation, but other causes include ectopic beats in healthy individuals and atrioventricular blocks.
Radio-radial delay describes a loss of synchronicity between the radial pulse on each arm, resulting in the pulses occurring at different times.
To assess for radio-radial delay:
Causes of radio-radial delay include:
A collapsing pulse is a forceful pulse that rapidly increases and subsequently collapses. It is also sometimes referred to as a ‘water hammer pulse’.
To assess for a collapsing pulse:
Causes of a collapsing pulse
Palpate the brachial pulse in their right arm, assessing volume and character:
Types of pulse character
Measure the patient’s blood pressure in both arms (see our blood pressure guide for more details).
A comprehensive blood pressure assessment should also include lying and standing blood pressure.
In a cardiovascular examination OSCE station, are unlikely to have to carry out a thorough blood pressure assessment due to time restraints, however, one should demonstrate that you have an awareness of what this would involve.
Blood pressure abnormalities include:
The carotid pulse can be located between the larynx and the anterior border of the sternocleIdomastoid muscle.
Prior to palpating the carotid artery, you need to auscultate the vessel to rule out the presence of a bruit. The presence of a bruit suggests underlying carotid stenosis, making palpation of the vessel potentially dangerous due to the risk of dislodging a carotid plaque and causing an ischaemic stroke.
Place the diaphragm of your stethoscope between the larynx and the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle over the carotid pulse and ask the patient to take a deep breath and then hold it whilst you listen.
Be aware that at this point in the examination, the presence of a ‘carotid bruit’ may, in fact, be a radiating cardiac murmur (e.g. aortic stenosis).
If no bruits were identified, proceed to carotid pulse palpation:
Provides an indirect measure of central venous pressure. This is possible because the internal jugular vein (IJV) connects to the right atrium without any intervening valves, resulting in a continuous column of blood. The presence of this continuous column of blood means that changes in right atrial pressure are reflected in the IJV (e.g. raised right atrial pressure results in distension of the IJV).
The IJV runs between the medial end of the clavicle and the ear lobe, under the medial aspect of the sternocleidomastoid, making it difficult to visualise (its double waveform pulsation is, however, sometimes visible due to transmission through the sternocleidomastoid muscle).
Because of the inability to easily visualise the IJV, it’s tempting to use the external jugular vein (EJV) as a proxy for assessment of central venous pressure during clinical assessment. However, because the EJV typically branches at a right angle from the subclavian vein (unlike the IJV which sits in a straight line above the right atrium) it is a less reliable indicator of central venous pressure.
Causes of a raised JVP
Right-sided heart failure: commonly caused by left-sided heart failure. Pulmonary hypertension is another cause of right-sided heart failure, often occurring due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or interstitial lung disease.
Tricuspid regurgitation: causes include infective endocarditis and rheumatic heart disease.
Constrictive pericarditis: often idiopathic, but rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis are also possible underlying causes.
The hepatojugular reflux test involves the application of pressure to the liver whilst observing for a sustained rise in JVP.
To be able to perform the test, there should be at least a 3cm distance from the upper margin of the baseline JVP to the angle of the mandible:
Conditions associated with hepatojugular reflux :
Look for clinical signs that may provide clues as to the patient’s past medical/surgical history:
Palpate the chest to assess the location of the apex beat and to identify heaves or thrills.
Valve locations:
Mitral valve: 5th intercostal space in the midclavicular line.
Tricuspid valve: 4th or 5th intercostal space at the lower left sternal edge.
Pulmonary valve: 2nd intercostal space at the left sternal edge.
Aortic valve: 2nd intercostal space at the right sternal edge.
Auscultate the four heart valves
A systematic routine will ensure you remember all the steps whilst giving you several chances to listen to each valve area. Your routine should avoid excess repetition whilst each step should ‘build’ upon the information gathered by the previous steps. Ask the patient to lift their breast to allow auscultation of the appropriate area if relevant.
Accentuation manoeuvres
2.. Sit the patient forwards and auscultate over the aortic area with the diaphragm of the stethoscope during expiration to listen for an early diastolic murmur caused by aortic regurgitation.
Bell vs diaphragm
The bell of the stethoscope is more effective at detecting low-frequency sounds, including the mid-diastolic murmur of mitral stenosis.
The diaphragm of the stethoscope is more effective at detecting high-frequency sounds, including the ejection systolic murmur of aortic stenosis, the early diastolic murmur of aortic regurgitation and the pansystolic murmur of mitral regurgitation.
Posterior chest wall:
Inspect the posterior chest wall for any deformities or scars (e.g. posterolateral thoracotomy scar associated with previous lung surgery).
Auscultate the lung fields posteriorly:
Sacral oedema:
Inspect and palpate the sacrum for evidence of pitting oedema.
Causes :
Legs :
Suggest further assessments and investigations to the examiner:
Approach to the patient
Systemic examination of abdominal system:
– Distension of abdomen-fat, fluid, flatus, fetus, full urinary bladder, feces.
-Aortic pulsation is anemic or nervous patient
-Expansible pulsation in aortic aneurysm
-Normally the distance between xiphi sternum and umbilicus and
Umbilicus and symphysis pubis is same
Clinical importance :
-In cases of ascitis the distance between xiphisternm and umbilicus is increased.
-In cases of ovarian tumor the distance between umbilicus and symphysis pubis is increased .
– Dilated veins on sides of the abdomen -Inferior vena cava obstruction.
-Dilated veins radiating away from umbilicus-portal vein obstruction.
-Caput medusae, sometimes called a palm tree sign, refers to the appearance of a network of painless, swollen veins around your bellybutton. While it’s not a disease, it is a sign of an underlying condition, usually liver disease.
-Peristalsis is a series of wave-like muscle contractions that moves food to different processing stations in the digestive tract.
-Gastric/intestinal peristalsis -Stomach peristaltic wave moving from left to right
-Large colon –right to left
-Smooth and glossy in abdominal distension
-Abdominal striae (stretch marks) rupture of sub epidermal connective tissue
-past abdominal distension. In pregnancy, obesity, massive ascites.
Tenderness: note the areas involved and the severity of the pain
Rebound tenderness-pain is worsened on releasing the pressure-peritonitis
Guarding-involuntary tension in the abdominal muscles- localised or generalised?
Masses-large/superficial masses may be noted on light palpation
– Liver palpation
– Spleen palpation
-Kidney palpation
-Try to locate the local rise of temperature with the dorsal surface hand.
Tenderness is pain on touch palpate the abdomen for superficially for tenderness
Clinical note:
-Tenderness in epigastrium – peptic ulcer Tenderness in right hypochondria- hepatitis and cholecytitis
-Tenderness in rt iliac fossa – appendicitis
-Guarding – contraction of muscle of abdomen as a part of defense over tender region
-Rigidity-contractions of muscles of abdomen as part of defense over inflamed region or organ
-Supine position of the patient.
-To relax abdominal muscles – leg should be semiflexed at knee joint and hip.
-This is the ideal position for the palpation of viscera and deep palpation
Deep palpation
-Start deep palpation from right iliac fossa upwards, towards right hypochondrium
At the height of inspiration press fingers firmly inwards and upwards .
-Try to make hook of fingers and insert under right lower costal margins.
-Used in ascites patients as fluid is accumulated in the abdominal cavity.
-Do same as classical method tat press more deeply.
Clinical note:
-Normally liver is not palpable.
-Liver is palpable : Hepatomegaly-infective hepatitis, hepatic tumors
-Start deep palpation from right iliac fossa toward left hypochondrium
-As spleen enlargement occurs in direction of umbilicus.
– put one hand on posterior surface of left lower ribs and try to deep palpate With other hand in left hypochondrium
– try to make hook of fingers and insert under left lower costal margine
– Used in ascites patients as fluid is accumulated in the abdominal cavity
– Do same as classical method but press more deeply
Clinical note:
– Normally spleen is not palpable palpable
-Spleen is palpable :Spleenomegaly – malaria, kala- azar, leukemia
-For right kidney put one hand on posterior side of right lumbar region and do deep
palpation with the other hand on the anterior side of right lumbar region
Clinical note:
-Not palpable-normal
-Palpable in – Renomegaly -acute renal failure, amyloidosis, renal lymphoma
Pyogranulomatous nephritis
Tidal percussion for the identification of the upper border of the liver Identify and ICS, start percussion downwards till resonant note is converted to doll note. This is the upper border of the liver.
– Borders of the liver: Right;5th ICS in mid Clavicular line
Right 7th ICS in anterior axillary line
Right 9th ICS in scapular line
Horseshoe shaped dullness:
-Percuss outward from umbilicus,Mark the point when tympanic note is converted to dull note due to the presence of fluid as in case of ascites patients.
-It is only present in ascites patients
-Marking points formed as u shaped so only it is appeared as horseshoe shaped dullness
Shifting dullness:
-Percus out wards from umbilicus.
-Mark the point when tympanic note is converted to dull note due to the presence of case of ascites patients
-Wait for 15 second,put your finger on the same point and tell patient to rotate on the opposite side ,percuss same point again you will hear tympanic note as fluid has been moved to the opposite side.
Fluid thrill :
– Supine position of the patient.
-Tell patient to put ulnar border of hand midway over the abdomen.
-Make a stroke with middle finger on one side of the abdomen while placing other hand on opposite side where you have to feel fluid thrill.
Peristalsis :
– A distinctive pattern of smooth muscle contraction that propels foodstuffs distally through the oesophagus and intestine.
– Stomach peristalsis occurs at the rate of 3 waves per min, each wave moves at the rate of 0.5 cm/sec .
-Intestinal peristalsis occurs at the rate of 6 waves/min.
they may be loud enough to be heard with bare ears and are known as stomach rumble or borborygmi.
The rectal exam is important to make sure cause of rectal bleeding such as hemorrhoids,rectal prolapse etc are not missed.
A rectal exam should be performed on most patients with abdominal pain and any concern for blood loss. Here, we review some important steps of a compete rectal exam.
There are multiple positions that you can ask your patient to stand or lie. These include:
Inspection of Anus
Look for external hemorrhoids, fissures (90% of time they are located in midline posteriorly), skin tags, warts or discharge.
Palpate Rectum.
[i]References as end note
1.https://stanfordmedicine25.stanford.edu/the25/rectal.html[i] browsed on 3rd jan 2022.
Does the patient have any chronic medical problems or recent illness which may suggest a systemic cause of skin findings. Example: Viral exanthema such as rash of measle
Known allergic reaction to medication, food, topical agents, hay fever and asthma
Eg: Egg, pea nut, pollen grains.
Essential to note both systemic and topical medications
If any medication recently discontinued
Even though new medications to cause drug reaction, even those taken continuously for years may cause reactions.
To rule out contagious etiology, hereditory conditions.
Assess surface characteristics of the lesion
Texture – smooth/rough – e.g. roughness in hyperkeratosis (scales)
Crust – if present, are you able to remove crust and see what is underneath?
Temperature – is the lesion warm?
Consistency – hard/soft/firm/fluctuant
Mobility – is the lesion attached to the underlying/overlying tissue?
Tenderness – is the lesion tender on palpation?
Aflatcircumscribedlesionshowingchangeincolorwithoutchangeinits consistency.
-Discolorationmaybebrown,blue,redandhypopigmentedor hyperpigmented
– May havescaling.
Eg :- Vitiligo, melasma,pityriasis alba
-raised above the surface of surrounding skin & hence palpable.
-Papules may be of various colors.
-Itisanindurated(hard)areaofskinlargerthan0.5cmindiameterwhichmayberaisedor depressed from skinsurface.
Pityriasis rosea
Seborrheic dermatitis Tinea pedis
-A large ( 0.5 – 5.0 cm ), firm lesion raised above the surface of surrounding skin.
-It is the depth of involvement that differentiates a nodule from a large papule.
-Could be warm, soft,fluctuant,movable,fixed or painful.
Basal cell carcinoma |
Hemangioma |
Prurigo nodularis |
-Surface-smooth,keratotic,ulcerated or fungating.
-A small, fluid filled lesion, <0.5 cm in diameter, raised above the plane of surrounding skin.
-Fluid is often visible and the lesions are translucent (semitransparent)
-A fluid filled, raised, often a translucent lesion >0.5cm in diameter
-AvesiclefilledwithpusItisformedduetocollectionofinflammatoryexudaterichin leucocytes.
-It may contain bacteria or may be sterile.(n0 signs of bacteria )
acne |
Pustular psoriasis |
folliculitis |
-A localized collection of pus deep in dermis or subcutaneous tissue.
-It is a transient swelling of skin disappearing within 24 hrs.
-Itisformedduetosuddenextravasationoffluidinthedermis. Eg:urticaria
Urticaria |
dermographism |
-Itisasphericalorovalsacoranencapsulatedcavitycontainingfluidorsemisolidmaterial. Itislinedwithtrueepithelium.
Eg:- mucous retention cyst
Excessdeadepidermalcellsthatareproducedbyabnormalkeratinization(theprocessin which cellsfrom beneath the skinare convertedto hairand nails.made of keratin) and shedding
Eg: Psoriasis, Icthyosis
Ichthyosis vulgaris |
-Dried exudate of body fluids (blood / serous fluid)
-A focal loss of epidermis
-Erosionsdonotpenetratebelowthedermoepidermaljunctionandthereforehealwithout scarring
Herpes simplex
-A focal loss of epidermis and/or dermis
-Scarring depends on the depth of the ulcer
Chancroid, Pyoderma
Chancroid Pyoderma gangrenosum
Finger fissure
-It is replacement of normal skin by fibrous tissue in the process of healing of damaged skin.
-Scars are of two types hypertrophic and atrophic.
Eg:- acne, burns, herpes zoster, keloid
Acnescar scar ofherpeszoster Burnscar
-areaofovergrowthoffibroustissuethatusuallydevelopsafterhealingofskininjury &extendsbeyondtheoriginaldefect.
Repeatedrubbingofskinresultsinthickeningandhyperpigmentationofskin The skin markings becomeprominent.
Eg:- Lichen simplex chronicus, Atopic Dermatitis.
Skin Diseases :Dry skin, scabies, drug eruptions, urticaria, dermatitis herpetiformis.
SystemicDiseases:Diabetesmellitus,uremia,anemia,liverdiseases,obstructivejaundice, internalmalignancy
Localized Itching: Dermatophytosis, neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis, pediculosis, papularurticaria, lichen planus.
Assess the nails, hands, elbows for signs associated with dermatological diseases.
Special tests are performed to elicit diagnostic signs.
Scrapingthesurfaceofapsoriaticlesioninanonhairyareawithaglassslidereleasessilvery scales,asifoneisscratchingthesurfaceofacandle.Thisiscalled“candlegrease”sign.Onceallthe scales are removed a thin membrane is exposed and on removing this membrane multiple pinpoint bleeding is seen. This is called Auspitz’ssign and it is pathogenic of active psoriasis.Itmaynotbepositiveinahealinglesion.
In cases of active pemphigus vulgaris, if tangential pressure is applied with the thumb on a normallookingskinoverabonyprominenceasonthemedialsurfaceofthetibia,theskingets separated from the underlying wider area than on the vesicles themselves. This test may be positiveintoxicepidermalnecrolysisandsomeformsofepidermolysisbullosa
Pressureisappliedovertheedgeofabulla.Thefluidwillspreadtothesurroundingnormal lookingarea.ThebasisisthesameasthatofNikolsky’ssign.
Strokingtheskinwithabluntobjectproducesanexaggeratedtripleresponse,theredline, flareandedema.Thisispositiveinsometypesofurticariaandalsoinmastocytosis.White dermographismistheoneinwhichpallordevelopsinsteadoftheflare.Thisisafeatureof atopy.
Rubbing the macular lesions in urticaria pigmentosa induces a wheal.
Thelesionispressedwithaflattransparentglassslide.Thishelpstodifferentiatebetween purpura and erythema. In purpura, the lesion does not blanch, but in erythema the lesion blanches on pressure and the color returns on releasing the pressure. In lupus vulgaris a yellowishbrownapplejellyappearancemaybeseenondiascopy.
Itemitslongwavelengthultravioletradiation(360nm)whichwillcausehairandskinto fluoresce.Theexaminationshouldbedoneinadarkroom.
This is done to detect immediate type of allergy such as anaphylaxis and urticaria. 0.05 ml of suspected antigen is injected intradermally on the flexor aspect of the forearm. Several antigens can be injected simultaneously in different parts. A control with 0.05 ml of normal saline or the diluent should also be given on the other forearm. The test is read after30 minutes. Increase in diameter of the wheal and erythema are noted. If the diameter of the wheal is more than 1½ times the control, the test is considered positive.
It is similar to intradermal test. Here a drop of antigen is placed on the forearm and two scratches are made with a needle through the solution in the epidermis. Development of a whealatthesiteofscratchistakenaspositive.Thepatientshouldnothaveanyactivelesion andshouldnotbeonantihistaminesorsteroidsatthetimeoftest.
This is done in cases of suspected allergic contact dermatitis. The antigen solution is applied on 0.5 cm2 lint and pasted on the forearm or back and secured with adhesive plaster for 48 hours after which the reaction is noted for erythema, edema, or vesicles. Several antigens can be applied simultaneously. The antigens are applied in low concentrations which will not cause direct irritation when kept under occlusion for 48hours.
Whenphotocontactdermatitisissuspected,thepatchtestisdoneintheusualway.Ifthereis no reaction after 48 hours, the test site is exposed to sunlight for 30 minutes and occluded againforafurther48hoursandthenread.
Demonstration of fungus by microscopy
Thisisdonetodifferentiatepyogenicinfectionsfromsterilepustulesofpustularpsoriasisand subcorneal pustulardermatoses.
Portionsofthehaircanbeexaminedonaglassslideaftercoveringthemwithadropofcedar woodoilandapplyingacoverslipontop.Conditionssuchaspiedra,trichorrhexisnodosaand pilitorticanbediagnosedbymicroscopy.
Awell-developedlesionshouldbeselectedforbiopsyexceptinvesiculobullousdiseasesin whichtheearlylesionshouldbetakenintotowithsomesurroundingski