Upanāha is a type of ĒkāṅgaSveda. The word Upanāha means to tie. It can be done with or without heating the medicine. If Upanāha is done during day, it is removed at night and if done during night, it is removed in the morning. It is usually done in osteoarthritis, Tennis elbow&VātaKaṇṭaka.
Materials required:
Cūrṇaetc. according to the DoṣaPrādhānya) – 50 – 100g
Pre-operative procedure:
Medicine for Upanāha can be prepared with or without heating according to disease. Cūrṇa,Saindhava, Taila, Amla Dravyaare added in order to make a paste. Then it must
be heated in case of SāgniUpanāha up to 39oC – 41oC or applied as such in case of NiragniUpanāha. Skin sensitivity should be tested before tying.
The patient should be allowed to be in a comfortable position, exposing the joint or body part to be tied with UpanāhaDravya. The part is cleaned and the prepared UpanāhaDravyasshould be pasted on the affected part thickly and uniformly about 1-2 cm thickness and is covered with available VātāhāraPatras (after slight warming). Then it should be tied with a bandage cloth.
According to region, suitable bandaging techniques should be adopted.Bandhana is usually done in ĒkāṅgaUpanāha. Apply suitable bandage in a position comfortable for the patient.
Post-operative procedure:
After removing UpanāhaDravyafrom the body, the part should be washed well with lukewarm water. The process should be done on consecutive days for prescribed period.
Complications and management:
Sometimes some drugs may produce itching and reddish discolorations and burning sensation. Stop the procedure temporarily and manage the condition accordingly. Local application with drugs like Nālpāmarādi Kera /ElādiKera is advised. The treatment can be restarted within few days.
It is usually done in Osteoarthritis, Tennis elbow, VātaKaṇṭakaandŚopha.