The definition of Physiotherapy provided by the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT) is as follows “the services to individuals and populations to develop, maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout the lifespan. This includes providing services in circumstances where movement and function are threatened by ageing, injury, disease or environmental factors. Functional movement is central to what it means to be healthy”
Physiotherapy / Physical Therapy can be explained as the science of treating people with special physical needs, to help them minimize and / or maintain their basic functional abilities like sitting standing, walking etc and minimize their condition from progressing as much as possible[i].
According to World Physiotherapy (a global body for 121 physiotherapy member organisations), physiotherapy / physical therapy is concerned with identifying and maximising quality of life and movement potential within the spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment / intervention, habitation and rehabilitation.
According to Australian Physiotherapy Council, physiotherapy involves the holistic approach to the prevention, diagnosis and therapeutic management of pain, disorders of movement or optimisation of function to enhance the health and welfare of the community from an individual or population perspective.
According to Canadian Physiotherapy Association, the heart of physiotherapy profession is understanding how and why movement and functions take place. Physiotherapy is anchored in movement sciences and aims to enhance or restore function of multiple body systems.
[i] Batten Disease Handbook, Nancy Carney, Batten Disease and Research, 2004
All movements and changes in movement arise from the action of forces, both internal and external. A change in the force acting on an object is necessary for moving an object from a stationary position or for changing its velocity. Newtons’s laws of motion give a clear relationship between the changing force and the resultant change in movement, and this is applicable to all forms of movement, including human locomotion.
Movement of the joint can be performed by the internal or external force. The internal force can be produced by the muscles and the external force may be produced by manually or mechanically. The movement of a joint results in angulations of that joint. The angulation of the movements are referred as the range of motion. The ROM will be perfect in one joint if the soft tissues are intact. If any change occurs in any soft tissues results in disturbance or alteration of the range of motion. Generally, in the hypomobile joint the ROM will be less than the normal prescribed ROM of that joint. In hypermobile joint it is vise versa. This ROM can be measured with the help of goniometer.
There are 2 kinds of range of motion, one being the active motion and the other the passive motion.
Active motion: -the ROM which is achieved without any external force, that is by the effort of the patient itself.
Passive motion: – the ROM which is achieved with the help of external force. When comparing to the active ROM, through passive motion, one can achieve a greater ROM.
The ROM may vary from joint to joint and also on individual depending on the size, variety and bony prominence.
| Flexion | 0 – 180* |
| Extension | 0 – 45* |
| Abduction | 0 – 180* |
| Adduction | 0* |
| Internal Rotation | 0 – 90* |
| External Rotation | 0 – 90* |
ELBOW | ||
| Flexion | 0 – 135* |
| Extension | 0* |
| Supination | 0 – 90* |
| Pronation | 0 – 90* |
WRIST | ||
| Flexion | 0 – 90* |
| Extension | 0 – 70* |
| Ulnar Deviation | 0 – 40* |
| Radial Deviation | 0 – 20* |
HIP | ||
| Flexion | 0 – 120* |
| Extension | 0 – 30* |
| Abduction | 0 – 55* |
| Adduction | 0 * |
| Internal Rotation | 0 – 45* |
| External Rotation | 0 – 35* |
KNEE | ||
| Flexion | 0 – 120* |
| Extension | 0* |
ANKLE | ||
| Plantar Flexion | 0 – 45* |
| Dorsi Flexion | 0 – 20* |
| Inversion | 0 – 45* |
| Eversion | 0 – 15* |
(0 – 180* – from zero degree to 180 degree change)
These are the points that can be included under the biomechanics of human movement.
Whenever an increase in muscular activity occurs, there is a need for more Oxygem and RBC supply to the acting muscles. This is achieved by an increase in Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Cardiac Output, Venous Return, by reducing the blood flow to the inactive muscles and non-vital organs, by redistributing the blood from the non-vital organ to vital organ.
Prolonged exercise causes the enlargement of heart. Generally, athletes develop hypertrophy of the heart due to sternous exercises. This condition is totally different from that of the diseased enlarged heart. Because of this, hypertrophied heart the athletes will have the strength to work harder.
The enormous increase of the heart rate is observed at the beginning of the exercise and after some time the rasing ration of the heart rate comes down. During the early stage of exercise, the raising of the heart rate due to the cerebral activation on the medullary cardiac centre. Normally while performing exercise atheletes are said tohave a reduced heart rate than a normal person.
Cardiac output tremendously increases with sternous exercise. In athletes the output may be 30 liters per minute but the same will be around 22 liters per minute for a normal man.
Muscular exercise increases the systemic BP. The raise of BP may be due t0 increase in BP, increased cardiac output, increased vasoconstriction in the non vital organ.
Pulmonary ventilation is so stable up to the severe exercise is done. The pulmonary ventilation is not increasing with the increasing of consumption of the O2 by the muscle tissue or the O2 lack. This pulmonary ventilation increases with the severe increasing of the workload.
The O2 demand during the strenuous exercise increases the respiratory rate of an individual, it may be due to Increased production of the CO2 by the working muscles, Proprioceptive activation of the joint, Reflex effect by the respiratory centers, Increases temperature, Adrenaline hypersecretion.
During the normal or moderate exercise the O2 flow to the muscles, lung and the heart is increased. The O2 tension raises in the alveoli and the arteries. Generally, the O2 saturation goes up to 4 lt/min. In the severe exercise the O2 will be lacking due to production of lactic acid by the active muscles. So, the lactic acid quantity increases in the blood plasma and active muscles. To reduce the lactic acid metabolism, excess amount of O2 is needed; this lack is called O2 debt.
Heat application also called as Thermo therapy is typically used in the second phase of rehabilitation to increase blood flow and to promote healing in the injured area. It is the therapeutic application of heat in order to cure various ailments. It is mainly used to control pain, increase circulation, increase soft tissue extensibility and accelerate the healing process. The vasodilatation and the increased circulation results in the influx of oxygen and the nutrients into the area to promote healing of damaged tissues.
Mainly thermotherapy is indicated for relief of a variety of painful conditions both subacute and chronic injuries. It can include conditions such as muscular and rheumatic pain, sciatica, fibrositis and lumbago, also indicated for sports or similar injuries.
Acute inflammation or injuries, Impaired or poor circulation, subacute or chronic pain, impaired or poor sensation, impaired or poor sensation, impaired thermal regulation, malignancy,
Before studying in detail regarding thermotherapy it is very necessary to understand the modes of heat transfer. It is very much needed for understanding the different types of heat therapy. As we all know heat is transferred from a point of higher concentration to a point of lower concentration. This occurs by 5 different methods.
Some of the most common physiological effects of heat transfer are as follows.
Superficial and Deep heating therapy: –
In superficial heating therapy the heat is applied over to the external surface of the skin, whereas in deep heating methodology, as the name suggests, the heat penetrates deep into the tissues. Superficial heating is achieved using paraffin wax, fluidotherapy such as whirlpool, contrast bast etc. Whereas coming to deep heating, diathermic instruments and ultrasounds are used for the generation of heat.
In superficial heating the depth achieved is about 0.5 cm, where a prolonged use of about 15 to 30 minutes helps to achieve heating upto about 1 to 2 cms deep. Whereas in deep heating about 5 to 6 cm of height is achieved.
Some of the examples of both are –
SUPERFICIAL HEAT THERAPY – Wax Therapy, Moist heat, Contrast bath, Fluidotherapy, Whirlpool Bath, Infra-Red Therapy.
DEEP HEATING THERAPY – Short Wave Diathermy, Microwave Diathermy, Ultrasound Therapy, Ultraviolet Therapy, Laser Therapy.