Ḍalhaṇa, the commentator of SuśrutaSaṃhitaclassified Sveda in to two distinct types based on the Kārmukatā.
द्विविधःस्वेदः–संशमनीयः,संशोधनाङ्गभूतश्च|तत्रसंशमनीयःसामेषुव्याधिषुरूक्षएवयोज्यः,तद्गुणाःपुनः‘अग्नेर्दीप्तिं’इत्यादिश्लोकोक्ताज्ञातव्याः;संशोधनाङ्गभूतस्तुस्नेहपूर्वोयोज्यः,तस्यगुणस्तु‘स्नेहक्लिन्ना’ इत्यादि (Su. Chi. 32/22, Ḍalhaṇa commentary)
Sudation is of two types – ŚodhanāṅgaandSaṃśamanīya. Of them, the former should be used as Rūkṣaṇain disorders associated with Āma, the features of which is described in the Sloka beginning with ‘Agnerdīpti.’ The ŚodhanāṅgaSvedashould follow the Snēhana and features of which are mentioned in the verse beginning with ‘Snehaklinna’.
When Svedana is done as independent therapy for purification of Dōṣas in various disorders as PradhānaKarma.
कुर्यात्स्वेदोहन्तिनिद्रांसतन्द्रांसन्धीन्स्तब्धांश्चचेष्टयेद्आशुयुक्तः[i] | (Su. Chi .32/20)
Benefits of SaṃśamanīyaSvedaare
Agnidīpti–Svedana causes increased digestion and metabolism.
TvakMārdava–Svedana reduces the stiffness and thereby produces flexibility
TvakPrasādana–Svedana improves the skin texture by mechanism of sweating
BhaktaŚraddhā–Svedana results in increased appetite.
SrotoŚuddhi–Svedana clears the body channels
Svedana done after the DīpanaPācanaand SnehapānaPūrvaKarmas, for the purpose of Śodhanais called ŚodhanāṅgaSveda. This brings out KlinnaDōṣas from the Dhātusto Koṣṭha.
सम्यक्स्वेदैरश्रूयोजितैस्तेद्रवत्वंप्राप्ताःकोष्ठंशोधनैरन्त्यशेषम्[ii]॥ (Su. Chi. 32/19))
When Svedana is done as PūrvaKarma for purification of Dōṣain ŚodhanaKarma.
ŚodhanāṅgaSveda performed after Snēhana helps in liquefaction of the Dōṣas which are situated deeply in Dhātus. Then reaches Koṣṭha andDōṣas are expelled through Śodhana.
[i] Su.Chi.32/20
[ii] Su.Chi 32/19
वृषणौहृदयंदृष्टीस्वेदयेन्मृदुनैववा| मध्यमंवङ्क्षणौशेषमङ्गावयवमिष्टतः[i]| (Cha. Su. 14/10)
सुशुद्धैर्नक्तकैःपिण्ड्यागोधूमानामथापिवा| पद्मोत्पलपलाशैर्वास्वेद्यःसंवृत्यचक्षुषी|
मुक्तावलीभिःशीताभिःशीतलैर्भाजनैरपि| जलार्द्रैर्जलजैर्हस्तैःस्विद्यतोहृदयंस्पृशेत्[ii] |
(Cha. Su. 14/11)
If sudation is to beemployed for treatment, thenMṛduSvedashouldbedoneparticularly in cardiacregion, scrotum and eyes. MadhyamaSvedadone in groin region. According to ĀcāryaCaraka,MṛduSvedashouldberestricted or betteravoided in and around the eyes, scrotum and heart.MadhyamaSvedadone in groin region.
BeforeSvedana, eyes should be covered with clean cloth, GōdhūmaPiṇḍa or with leaves of Padma, Utpala or Palāśa.Heartregionshouldbekept cool by local applicationofPearls, coldwater, wethands, cool substance.
[i] Cha.Su.14/10
[ii] Cha.Su.14/11