The process by which the pudding or Pāyasa, prepared with Ṣāṣṭika rice is smeared over the body.
Procedure similar to ṢāṣṭikaŚālī PiṇḍaSveda.
Indications: Muscular Atrophy, Motor Neuron Disease, Premature Senility
VālukaSveda is done as a Rūkṣa Kriya. It can be done in whole body or locally on a specific part. It relieves pain and inflammation. Commonly done as ĒkāṅgaSveda in SandhigataVāta, Āmavāta etc.
Materials and methods:
Preparation of Poṭṭali:
Clean sand, which is devoid of gravel and other waste materials, collected from a good place is used for this purpose. It should be washed and dried. A vessel preferably of iron is placed on a stove and sand is heated. Poṭṭalis are made using this sand. If required crystalline salt can be added. Poṭṭalis are reheated using sand bath.
Pre-operative procedure:
The patient should be seated on the Droṇiwith leg extended.
The patient should sit comfortably exposing the part to be sudated. The hot Poṭṭalishould be gently applied over the body, after confirming the temperature. Just pressing the body with Poṭṭaliis advised; no need of kneading. The Poṭṭalisshould be used alternately after reheating to maintain uniform temperature throughout the procedure. For whole body, it should be done for about 15-20 minutes in the 7 positions as mentioned in Kāyaseka. Same Poṭṭaliscan be used for three days.
Post-operative procedure:
After procedure RāsnādiCūrṇashould be applied over Mūrdha. Patient should take complete rest for at least half an hour and should take bath in hot water if indicated.
Complications and management:
Common complication is burns for which application of Murivennaand ŚatadhaḥutaGhṛtacan be advised.
ĀmaPradhānaRōga, ĀmaVāta, Ūrustambha,MedoRōga, KaphaĀvaraṇa conditions
IṣṭikāSveda involves the immersion of intensely heated piece of brick into medicated liquids thereby generating vapour.
Pādābhyaṅga should be done to patient who is made to sit comfortably on achair. Then bricks should be taken and heated on fire until they become red hot.The heated bricks are placed on tray. The DasamulaKaṣāya is poured over the bricks. When the bricks start emitting fumes, the patient is asked to keep his feet and exposing them to fumes. The temperature of the bricks should be checked. Once the temperature comes down, they should be replaced by other bricks. DasamulaKaṣāya is once again heated and poured over heated bricksand feet is exposed to fumes and is repeated for 4-5 times.
Indications: Calcaneal spur, Plantar fasciitis, Achillistendonitis,Tarsel tunnel syndrome.