ततस्तं पुरुषं स्नेहस्वेदोपपन्नमनुपहतमनसमभिसमीक्ष्य सुखोषितं सुप्रजीर्णभक्तं शिरःस्नातमनुलिप्तगात्रं स्रग्विणमनुपहतवस्त्रसंवीतं देवताग्निद्विजगुरुवृद्धवैद्यानर्चितवन्तमिष्टे नक्षत्रतिथिकरणमुहूर्ते कारयित्वा ब्राह्मणान् स्वस्तिवाचनं प्रयुक्ताभिराशीर्भिरभिमन्त्रितां मधुमधुकसैन्धवफाणितोपहितां मदनफलकषायमात्रां पाययेत्|| (Cha. Su. 15/9)
The Vāmaka Yoga should be administered on an auspicious day, Karaṇa and Muhūrta afterthe patient has undergone Abhyaṅga and Svedana procedures, patient had a sound sleep with peaceful mind, patient has digested previous day’s food well, anointed his body, taken head bath, worn a garland and untorn cloth, worshipped the Deity, fire, Brāhmana, Guru, elders and the physicians, being blessed by the chanting of the brahmins.
अथच्छर्दनीयमातुरंद्व्यहंत्र्यहंवास्नेहस्वेदोपपन्नंश्वश्छर्दयितव्यमितिग्राम्यानूपौदकमांसरस-क्षीर-दधि-माष-तिल-शाकादिभिःसमुत्क्लेशितश्लेष्माणंव्युषितंजीर्णाहारंपूर्वाह्णेकृतबलिहोममङ्गलप्रायश्चित्तंनिरन्नमनतिस्निग्धंयवाग्वाघृतमात्रांपीतवन्तं, (Cha. Ka 1/14)
Abhyaṅga followed by Svedana should be done for 2 or 3 days before Vamana. The patient should be fed with Grāmya, Anūpaand AudakaMāṃsarasa, Kṣīra, Dadhi, Maṣa, Tilaand saka in the night prior to Vamana, in order to excite Kapha. Next day when the diet on previous day get digested properly, after performing offering, oblations, auspicious and expiatory rites, he should be in empty stomach or can take Yavāgu mixed with Ghṛta which is not too unctuous.
आकण्ठंपायितान्मद्यंक्षीरमिक्षुरसंरसम्|| (A. H. Su. 18/14)
If the patient is aged, child, delicate, coward, having fear of Vamana ask him to drink either wine, milk, sugarcane juice, or mutton soup for Akaṇṭhapāna.
Administration of Vamana Yoga.
तासां फलपिप्पलीनामन्तर्नखमुष्टिं यावद्वा साधु मन्येत जर्जरीकृत्य यष्टिमधुकषायेण कोविदार-कर्बुदार-नीप-विदुल-बिम्बी-शणपुष्पी-सदापुष्पी-प्रत्यक्पुष्पीकषायाणामन्यतमेन वा रात्रिमुषितं विमृद्य पूतं मधुसैन्धवयुक्तं सुखोष्णं कृत्वा पूर्णं शरावंमन्त्रेणानेनाभिमन्त्रयेत्
(Cha. Ka. 1/14)
AntarnakhamuṣṭiPramāna of Madanaphala should be soaked in the Kvātha of Vamanopaga drugs such as Yaṣṭīmadhu(Glycyrrhiza glabra), Kovidāra (Bauhinia purpurea), Karbudāra (Bauhinia varigata), Nīpa (Anthocephaluscadamba), Vidula (Barringtonia acutangula), Bimbi (Coccinia indica), Śaṇapuṣpī (Crotalaria verrucose), Sadāpuṣpi (Calotropis gigantea), Pratyakpuṣpi (Achyranthes aspera) for the whole (previous) night. In the morning, this mix should be pressed and filtered, added with honey and rock salt and heated slightly. Then given to the patient by chanting Mantra.
अथास्मैजानुसममसम्बाधंसुप्रयुक्तास्तरणोत्तरप्रच्छदोपधानंसोपाश्रयमासनमुपवेष्टुंप्रयच्छेत्, प्रतिग्रहांश्चोपचारयेत्, लालाटप्रतिग्रहेपार्श्वोपग्रहणेनाभिप्रपीडनेपृष्ठोन्मर्दनेचानपत्रपणीयाःसुहृदोऽनुमताःप्रयतेरन्||११||
(Cha. Su. 15/11)
After the administration of Vamana drug, the patient is allowed to sit on a comfortable knee height chair which is furnished well with bed-spreads, coverlets, cushions and pillows. Spittoons should be laid nearby and during the whole process he should be watched carefully. Affectionate and sympathetic friends before whom the patient is free from shyness, should endeavor to hold his forehead, to support his sides, to press his navel and to massage his back to facilitates emesis.
प्रपीडयेत्तथानाभिंपृष्ठंचप्रतिलोमतः| (A. H. Su. 18/18-20)
The patient should sit facing towards east while administering the Vamana Auṣadhi. After consumingemetic drug one should wait for a MuhūrtaKāla(48 minutes) for the commencement of vomiting with keenintent. After the appearance of oppression in the chest and salivation one should try to vomit. Forcefulexpulsion should not be done. To encourage the urge, tickling the throat, with either of his fingers or withthe stalks of lotus, lily or castor. Patient’s head should be supported while vomiting. The attendant shouldgivegentlemassageintheupwarddirection over theumbilical region andback.
पित्तस्यदर्शनंयावच्छेदोवाश्लेष्मणोभवेत्|| (A. H. Su. 18/22)
Emesis should be conducted till the expulsion of vitiated Kapha, or the medicine administered comes out or till the appearance of Pitta in the vomiting material.
(A. H. Su. 18/23)
After administering the emetics, in the state of absence or insufficient bouts Kaṇa / Pippali(Piperlongum), Dhātri / Āmalaka (Emblica officinalis), Siddhartha / Sveta Sarṣapa(Brassica campestris var. sarspnPrain)kalkais to be given with rock salt and warm water to induce vomiting.
हीनवेगं तु पिप्पल्यामलक-सर्षपवचाकल्कलवणोष्णोदकैः पुनः पुनः प्रवर्तयेदापित्तदर्शनात्| (Cha. Ka. 1/14)
If the Vamana Vegas are not proper, then the Auṣadhi should be augmented by the repeated administration of the Kalka of Pippali, Āmalaka, Vacā, Sarṣapaand Saindhava along with luke warm water.