Ayurveda emphasizes the concept of protecting the health of a healthy person and curing the disease of a diseased person. It comprises of two major treatments, Samśodhana and SamśamanaCikitsā. Pañcakarma is a unique treatment modality which is designed by five procedures mainly Vamana, Virecana, ĀsthāpanaBasti, AnuvāsanaBasti and Nasya. Whereas Raktamokṣana is considered as one among the Pañcaśodhana. Pañcakarma plays a vital role in Promotive, preventive and curative aspects. It is not concised only to ŚodhanaCikitsā, but it has other therapeutic effects such as Bṛṃhaṇa, Lekhana, Stambhana, Rasāyana and Vṛṣya, etc.
Among the Pañcakarma, Basti Karma is considered as the prime treatment modality because different formulations are combined to make a single Basti. It is also recognized as a complete treatment as it is a treatment of choice for variety of diseases caused by the Vāta, Pitta, Kapha, Saṃsargaja and SannipātajaDoṣa and it can also treat the diseases arise in all the Rogamārgas.
The term Basti is derived from the verb root ‘Vas’ by ad ding ‘Tich’ Pratyaya and it is a PullingaShabda. According to Vācaspatyam:
वस्निवासे| – means to reside, to stay, to dwell.
वस्आच्छादने| – to cover.
वस्स्नेहाच्छादनप्रहरणेषु| – overlaid with Sneha for the elimination
वस्वासनेसुरभिकरणे| – produce fragrance.
बस्तेआवृणोतिमूत्रम्। – denotes an organ which upholds urine.
नाभिरधोभागेमूत्राधारेस्थाने। – denotes an organ which is situated below the Nābhi
Pradeśa, which holds the urine.
औषधदानार्थेद्रव्यभेदे। – it is an instrument which is used for the administration of
We can say that Basti Karma is a procedure, in which the drugs are administered through the anal canal and is retained for a specific time duration and draws the malas from all over the body and eliminates out, resulting a desired effect. It is also considered as an organ for the collection of urine.
बस्तिना दीयत इत् बस्तिः| (A.Hr.Su.19/1)
बस्तिना दीयते बस्तिंवा पूर्वमन्वेत्यतो बस्तिः| (A.Sa.Su.28/2)
बस्तिभिदीयतेयस्मात्तस्माद्बस्तिरितिस्मृतः।(Vangasena, Sha.Sam)
It is a procedure by which bladder of the animals are used for the administration of BastiDravya.
The drug administered in BastiKarma reaches the Basti area (Nabheradhobhāga) first. That’s why it is called as Basti.
नाभिप्रदेशं कटिपार्श्वकुक्षिं गत्वा शकृद्दोषचयं विलोड्य ||Cha.Si.1/4०||
संस्नेह्य कायं सपुरीषदोषः सम्यक् सुखेनैति च यः स बस्तिः |४१|
The procedure in which the medicine is administered through the anal canal reaches the nabhi,kati,parshva,kukshipradesha, churnsthe accumulated Doṣas and purisha, spreads the sneha to all over the body and easily gets eliminated out along with the purisha and Doṣas is called as Basti.
Basti plays a vital role in promotive, curative, and rejuvinative aspects. Basti treatment can be administered to any age starting from age one and also at any stage of diseases.
Basti is a preventive treatment modality advised to be administered in VarṣaṚtuas a part of ṚtuŚodhanato prevent the occurance of VātajaRogasin Prāvṛṭ.
It is treatment done for various diseases, based on the selection of dravyas. It is effective in MarmābhighātajanyaVikārasand also MarmaVikāras. It is effective in Ekadoṣaja, Dvidoṣaja, Tridoṣaja, Raktaja, Saṃsargaja and SannipātajaVikāras.
तत्र स्नेहादीनां कर्मणां बस्तिकर्म प्रधानतममाहुराचार्याः |
कस्मात्? अनेककर्मकरत्वाद्बस्तेः; इह खलु बस्तिर्नानाविधद्रव्यसंयोगाद्दोषाणां संशोधनसंशमनसङ्ग्रहणानि करोति, क्षीणशुक्रं वाजीकरोति, कृशं बृंहयति, स्थूलं कर्शयति, चक्षुः प्रीणयति, वलीपलितमपहन्ति, वयः स्थापयति ||३||
शरीरोपचयं वर्णं बलमारोग्यमायुषः |
कुरुते परिवृद्धिं च बस्तिः सम्यगुपासितः || (Su.chi.35/3-4)||
तथा ज्वरातीसारतिमिरप्रतिश्यायशिरोरोगाधिमन्थार्दिताक्षेपकपक्षाघातैकाङ्गसर्वाङ्गरोगाध्मानोदर– योनिशूलशर्कराशूलवृद्ध्युपदंशानाहमूत्रकृच्छ्रगुल्मवातशोणितवातमूत्रपुरीषोदावर्त– शुक्रार्तवस्तन्यनाशहृद्धनुमन्याग्रहशर्कराश्मरीमूढगर्भप्रभृतिषु [१] चात्यर्थमुपयुज्यते || (Su.Chi.35/5) ||
Bastichikitsa is considered as the most important line of treatment among Pañcakarmabecause it performs many functions as it is done by the combination of various Dravyas. It does the Karma of Śodhana, Śamana, and Saṅgrahaṇaof the Doṣas due to the combination of different Dravyas. It does the Vajīkaraṇaof KṣīṇaŚukra, makes the Kṛśato Bṛṃhita, makes the Sthūlato Kṛśa, does Prīṇanato the Cakṣu, removes the Valīpalitaand sustains the youthfulness (Vayaḥsthāpayati). When Bastiis administered properly, it promotes Varṇa,Bala,Ārogyaand it isĀyuṣya.
It is also essential for the curing of different diseses such as Jvara, Atisāra,Timira,Pratiśyāya,Śiroroga,Adhimantha,Ardita,Ākṣepaka,Pakṣāghāta,SarvāṅgaRoga,Ādhmāna Udara YonīŚūla, etc diseases, if administered properly.
सिराव्यधश्चिकित्सार्धं शल्यतन्त्रे प्रकीर्तितः |
यथा प्रणिहितः सम्यग्बस्तिः कायचिकित्सिते || (Su.Sa.8/22-23)
Sirāvyadhais considered as the Ardhacikitsā in Śalya Tantra and Bastiin Kāyacikitsā. Kāyacikitsāis a branch of Āyurvedawhich deals with the treatment of almost all diseases occurring to any part of the body, then BastiCikitsāis the best line of management in curing of the diseases.
बस्तिर्वाते च पित्ते च कफे रक्ते च शस्यते |
संसर्गे सन्निपाते च बस्तिरेव हितः सदा || (Su.Chi.35/6)
BastiCikitsā is essential for the diseases caused by the derangement Vāta, Pitta, Kapha, Rakta, Sannipātajaand SaṃsargajaDoṣas.
शाखागताः कोष्ठगताश्च रोगा मर्मोर्ध्वसर्वावयवाङ्गजाश्च|
ये सन्ति तेषां न हि कश्चिदन्यो वायोः परं जन्मनि हेतुरस्ति||३८||
विण्मूत्रपित्तादिमलाशयानां [१] विक्षेपसङ्घातकरः स यस्मात्|
तस्यातिवृद्धस्य शमाय नान्यद्बस्तिं विना भेषजमस्ति किञ्चित्||३९||
तस्माच्चिकित्सार्धमिति ब्रुवन्ति सर्वां चिकित्सामपि बस्तिमेके|(Cha.Si.1/38-40)
The diseases of Śākhā, Koṣṭha, MarmaPradeśa, Ūrdhvāṅga and Sarvānga is caused due to the vitiation of VātaDoṣā. Vāta is responsible for the dislodgement and combination of vit, Mūtra, Pitta and Kapha with their Āśaya. Hence any malfunctioning in the body is caused by VātaDoṣā and Basti is the prime line of management for VātaDoṣā. So it is considered as ArdhaCikitsā and some even say it is PūrṇaCikitsā or complete treatment.
न चान्यदाश्वङ्गबलाभिवर्धनं निरूहबस्तेः शिशुवृद्धयोः परम्||(Cha.Si.11/36)||
There is no therapy other than NirūhaBastiwhich is effective and instantaneously promotes the growth of limbs and physical strength to both Śiśuand Vṛddhapersons.
कर्मान्यद्बस्तिसमं न विद्यते शीघ्रसुखविशोधित्वात्|
आश्वपतर्पणतर्पणयोगाच्च निरत्ययत्वाच्च||५||
सत्यपि दोषहरत्वे कटुतीक्ष्णोष्णादि भेषजादानात्|
दुःखोद्गारोत्क्लेशाहृद्यत्वकोष्ठरुजा विरेके स्युः||६||
अविरेच्यौ शिशुवृद्धौ तावप्राप्तप्रहीनधातुबलौ|
आस्थापनमेव तयोः सर्वार्थकृदुत्तमं कर्म||
बलवर्णहर्षमार्दवगात्रस्नेहान्नृणांददात्याशु| (Cha.Si.10/5-7)
There is no other therapy for SukhaŚodhana which can doĀśuSantarpaṇaor Apatarpaṇawithout causing any complications. ThoughVirecanais considered as the prime ŚodhanaKarma, the VirecakaDravyasare havingKaṭu, Tīkṣṇaand Uṣṇaproperties, and which may produce certain abdominal discomforts like belching, nausea etc. Children and old aged people are not suitable for Virecana Karma because of the immaturity of the tissues and less strength in children and diminution of tissues and reduction in strength in old aged people. Hence by considering these conditions, AsthāpanaBastican be administered to these types of patients which is essential for the elimination of Doṣas and nourishment of the body. The BastiCikitsā instantaneously promotes Bala, Varṇa, Harṣa, Mārdavatāas well as GātraSneha.
आपादतलमूर्धस्थान् दोषान् पक्वाशये स्थितः|
वीर्येण बस्तिरादत्ते खस्थोऽर्को भूरसानिव|| (Cha.Si.7/64)
Basti introduced into the Pakvāśaya acts upon the whole body and on every system of the body, from head to toe and draws out the impurities by its potency similar to the sun which evaporates the water from the earth by its heat.
यद्वत् कुसुम्भसम्मिश्रात्तोयाद्रागं हरेत् पटः|
तद्वद्द्रवीकृताद्देहान्निरूहो निर्हरेन्मलान्|| (Cha.Si.7/65)
As the cloth absorbs the dye from water mixed with the powder of Kusumbha, similarly Basti drags out the Malāsfrom the body which have undergone liquefaction due to Snehana and Svedana.
बस्तिस्तस्मात् सर्वकर्मप्रधानं
सर्वातङ्कान् हन्ति निःशेषतश्च|
स्रोतांस्यन्तः शोधयित्वा च कुर्या–
दोजस्तेजः शुक्रमेधाग्निदीप्तिम्|| (As.Sa.Kal.5/25)
BastiCikitsā is considered as the Pradhāna Karma, because it cures vatavikaras present all over the body from its root, does Srotośodhana, and benefits the ojas, tejas,sukra, medhaand andagnidipti.
किन्त्वेतानिविशेषतोऽनिलाद्रक्ष्याणि,अनिलोहिपित्तकफसमुदीरणेहेतुःप्राणमूलंच,सबस्तिकर्मसाध्यतमः,तस्मान्नबस्तिसमंकिञ्चित्कर्ममर्मपरिपालनमस्ति| (Cha. Si. 9/7)
Marmas are to be protected from aggravated Vātabecause this aggravated Vātais responsibe for the excitation of Pitta and Kaphaand the Prāṇais dependent upon this Vāta. This Vātais best treated by Basti.Therefore there is none other than Bastitherapy which can safeguard the vital organs.
विश्वक्स्थितंदोषचयंनिरस्यसर्वान्विकारान्शमयेन्निरूहः|| (Cha. Si. 1/27-28)
NirūhaBasti prevents ageing process of the body, promotes happiness, longevity, strength, Agni, Medha, voice and complexion, performs all functions, NirūhaBasti is harmless for infants, old persons and youth, helps in curing all diseases, helps in drawing out faeces, Kapha, Pitta, Vāyu and urine, provides fitness or compactness to the body, enriches semen and promotes strength. While eliminating accumulated Doṣās from the entire body, NirūhaBasti alleviates all the diseases.