According to Caraka and Vāgbhaṭa, the Sneha Basti with dose equivalent to the Hrasva Mātrā of Snehapana is called as Mātrā Basti.
तस्यापि विकल्पोऽर्धार्धमात्रावकृष्टोऽपरिहार्यो मात्राबस्तिरिति[iii] (Su. Chi. 35/18)
According to Suśruta, Mātrā Basti is a type of Anuvāsana Basti and the dose is 1.5 Pala and can be administered without any restrictions.
यथेष्टाहारचेष्टस्य सर्वकालं निरत्ययः| [iv] (Cha. Si. 4/53)
Mātrā Basti is a procedure which is not having any restrictions to food and regimen and it can be safely administered in all the seasons.
According to Kaśyapa
Kanīyasī Mātrā | 1 Prakuñca |
Madhyama Mātrā | 1.5 Prakuñca |
Uttama Mātrā | 2 Pala |
For Bāla who is not on milk only diet | 0.5 Pala |
Ārohaṇa Mātrāof Mātrā Basti
ततोवृद्धिरष्टमाषकैरेवनवभिर्दिनैःसार्धपलंस्यात्॥ (Sha. Sam. Utt. 5/2)
Acharya Āḍhamalla in his commentary on Śāraṅgadhara Saṃhita explained the ĀrohaṇaKrama of MātrāBasti for 9 days starting with Ardha Pala (24 ml), increasing 8 Māṣa every day and ending with 1 ½ Pala (72 ml) on the ninth day.
Day | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Quantity of MātrāBasti in ml |
24 |
30 |
36 |
42 |
48 |
54 |
60 |
66 |
72 |
[i] Cha.Si 4/53
[ii] A.H. Su 19/68
[iii] Su. Chi 35/18
[iv]Cha. Si 4/53
[v]Cha. Si 4/52
कर्मव्यायामभाराध्वया(पा)नस्त्रीकर्षितेषु च|
दुर्बले वातभग्ने च मात्राबस्तिः सदा मतः| [i] (Cha. Si. 4/52)
Mātrā Basti is always useful for persons emaciated by excess activities, excercise, carrying heavy load, long way-faring, riding vehicles or indulging in sexual intercourse with women and for persons who are weak and who are afflicted with Vātika diseases.
शीलनीयः सदा च सः|
वातभग्नाबलाल्पाग्निनृपेश्वरसुखात्मभिः|[ii] (A. H. Su. 19/68)
Mātrābasti can be practiced always in children, the aged, those who are habituated to long walking, carrying loads, indulging in sex, physical activities, those who thinks too much, who are suffering from diseases of Vāta, fractures, debility, weak digestive power, for kings, wealthy persons and in persons who lead a luxurious life.
[i]Cha. Si 4/52
[ii]A.H. Su 19/68
तथापि तौ नाजीर्णे योज्यौ नचदिवास्वप्नः सेव्यः|| (A. S. Su. 28/8)
Mātrā basti should not be administered in the person having Ajīrṇa and who indulges in Divāsvapna.
बल्यं सुखोपचर्यं च सुखं सृष्टपुरीषकृत्|
स्नेहमात्राविधानं हि बृंहणं वातरोगनुत्|| [i] (Cha. Si. 4/54)
Mātrā Basti promotes strength and it can be administered without any strict regimental stipulations. It helps in easy voiding of stool. The Mātrā Basti which is a form of Anuvāsana Basti is nourishing and cures diseases caused by aggravated Vāta.
दोषघ्नो निष्परीहारो बल्यः सृष्टमलः सुखः| [ii] (A. H. Su. 19/69)
It conquers Doṣas and is without any strict regimental stipulations, gives strength, evacuates mala easily and is comfortable procedure.
[i]Cha. Si 4/54
[ii]A.H. Su 19/69