According to Ācārya Cakrapāṇi, (Cha. Si. 1/29)
All types of Sneha excluding Majjāare no doubt, described to be useful for Anuvāsana Basti.
संसृष्टभक्तं नवमेऽह्नि सर्पिस्तं पाययेताप्यनुवासयेद्वा||
तैलाक्तगात्राय ततो निरूहं दद्यात्र्यहान्नातिबुभुक्षिताय| (Cha. Si. 1/20)
For seven days starting from the day of Vamana or Virecana the patient should be given SaṃsarjanaKrama and on the 8th day he should be given normal food. So, after Samsarjana Krama on the ninth day after Vamana, the patient should be given ghee for Snehana if Virecana is intended to be given subsequently. Similarly on the 9th day after Virecana, Anuvāsana Basti should be given if Nirūha type of Basti is intended to be given subsequently.
For three days, there after Abhyaṅgashould be done and then Nirūha should be given when the person is not hungry. After Basti Pratyāgamana, JāṅgalaMāṃsarasa or any other appropriate diet depending upon the nature of Doṣas and the power of Agni should be given. Thereafter, when the patient has not taken a heavy meal in the night, Anuvāsana Basti should be given to him if he is fit for the same.
In Bhadra – ŚaunakaSaṃhita, Anuvāsana is suggested to be given after one month.
सद्योनिरूढश्चान्वास्यःसप्तरात्राद्विरेचितः|| (A. H. Su. 19/83)
Virecana should be administered a fort night after Vamana Karma and Nirūha Basti should be administered a fort night after Virecana Karma. Anuvāsana Basti should be administered immediately after Nirūha Basti but 7 days after Virecana Karma.
विरेचनात् सप्तरात्रे गते जातबलाय च| कृतान्नायानुवास्याय सम्यग्देयोऽनुवासनः[i] (Su. Chi. 37/3)
Anuvasana Basti should be administered seven days after purgation therapy, after the person has obtained strength and after he has partaken food.
शुद्धोनिरूहेणविरेचनंचतद्ध्यस्यशून्यंविकसेच्छरीरम्|| (Cha. Si. 1/26)
After Virecana Karma, a person should avoid NirūhaBasti for 7 days and a person who has taken Nirūha Basti should avoid Virecana for 7 days because it will have injurious effects on the body which is already empty by the earlier therapies.
[i]Su. Chi 37/3
सत्यपि दोषहरत्वे कटुतीक्ष्णोष्णादि भेषजादानात्|
दुःखोद्गारोत्क्लेशाहृद्यत्वकोष्ठरुजा विरेके स्युः||६||
अविरेच्यौ शिशुवृद्धौ तावप्राप्तप्रहीनधातुबलौ|
आस्थापनमेव तयोः सर्वार्थकृदुत्तमं कर्म||७||
बलवर्णहर्षमार्दवगात्रस्नेहान्नृणां ददात्याशु|८|
The Virecana therapy no doubt, causes elimination of Doṣas; but it involves intake Auṣadhawhich are Kaṭu, Tīkṣṇa, Uṣṇa in nature. This may cause unpleasantness, Udgāra, Utkleśa, Ahṛdyatva and pain in the Koṣṭha. Also for Bala who have Aprāpta Dhātu and Aprāpta Bala and for Vṛddha who have Prahīna Dhātu and Prahīna Bala, Virecana is contraindicated. Asthāpana Basti can, however, be given to both these types of patients which is excellent both for the elimination of Doṣas and nourishment of the body. This Basti therapy instantaneously promotes strength, complexion, sense of exhilaration and tenderness as well as unctuousness of the body
(Ref: Satoskar & Bhandarkar; Pharmacology)
अतोऽन्येषांत्र्यहात्प्रायःस्नेहंपचतिपावकः|[i] (Cha. Si. 4/46)
Persons who are Rūkṣa, who have a strong Agni, who perform Vyāyāmaregularly, who have Vātika rogas, who’s pelvic, hip region are afflicted with Vāta and those suffering from Udāvarta should be given Anuvāsana Basti daily. As the water falling over sand gets absorbed immediately, similarly the Sneha given to these Rogis gets digested immediately. In other cases, the Agni generally digests this Sneha in three days. In short, the persons who are habituated to Sneha need higher dose of Snehana through Anuvāsana.
रूक्षस्यबहुवातस्यद्वौत्रीनप्यनुवासनान् |
दत्त्वास्निग्धतनुंज्ञात्वाततःपश्चान्निरूहयेत् ||
अस्निग्धमपिवातेनकेवलेनातिपीडितम् |
स्नेहप्रगाढैर्मतिमान्निरूहैःसमुपाचरेत् || (Su. Chi. 37/44-45)
Person who are Rūkṣa, and have great aggravation of Vāta should be given 2 or 3 Anuvāsana Basti and after knowing his body is properly oleated, Nirūha may be given.
When the patient is suffering greatly from diseases of Vāta origin, then the intelligent physician should administer Nirūha Basti added with more quantity of fats even though he has not been given oleation earlier.
[i] Cha. Si 4/46