तद्दुष्टं शोणितमनिर्ह्रियमाणं शोफदाहरागपाकवेदना जनयेत् ||२९||[i]
Ayoga Symptoms include: –
Reasons that can produce Ayoga
तत्र, दुर्दिने दुर्विद्धे शीतवातयोरस्विन्ने भुक्तमात्रे स्कन्दत्वाच्छोणितं न स्रवत्यल्पं वा स्रवति ||२७||
मदमूर्च्छाश्रमार्तानां वातविण्मूत्रसङ्गिनाम् | निद्राभिभूतभीतानां नृणां नासृक् प्रवर्तते ||२८||[ii]
तदतिप्रवृत्तं शिरोऽभितापमान्ध्यमधिमन्थतिमिरप्रादुर्भावं धातुक्षयमाक्षेपकं दाहं पक्षाघातमेकाङ्गविकारं हिक्कां श्वासकासौ पाण्डुरोगं मरणं चापादयति ||३०||[iii]
Atiyoga lakṣaṇa include: –
Reasons that can produce Atiyoga
अत्युष्णेऽतिस्विन्नेऽतिविद्धेऽज्ञैर्विस्रावितमतिप्रवर्तते |[iv]
सम्यग्गत्वा यदा रक्तं स्वयमेवावतिष्ठते |
शुद्धं तदा विजानीयात् सम्यग्विस्रावितं च तत् ||३२||[v]
In proper puncturing the blood flows continuously and after the removal of Śastra the blood stops automatically.
[i] Su. Su 14/29
[ii] Su. Su 14/28
[iii] Su. Su 14/30
[iv] Su. Su 14/32
[v] Su. Su 14/32
अथ खल्वप्रवर्तमाने रक्ते एलाशीतशिवकुष्ठतगरपाठाभद्रदारुविडङ्गचित्रकत्रिकटुकागारधूम हरिद्रार्काङ्कुरनक्तमालफलैर्यथालाभं त्रिभिश्चतुर्भिः समस्तैर्वा चूर्णीकृतै र्लवणतैलप्रगाढै र्व्रणमुखमवघर्षयेत्, एवं सम्यक् प्रवर्तते ||३५||
अथातिप्रवृत्ते रोध्रमधुकप्रियङ्गुपत्तङ्गुपत्तङ्गगैरिकसर्जरसरसाञ्जनशाल्मलीपुष्पशङ्खशुक्ति माषयवगोधूमचूर्णैः शनैः शनैर्व्रणमुखमवचूर्ण्याङ्गुल्यग्रेणावपीडयेत् सालसर्जार्जुनारिमेद मेषशृङ्गधवधन्वनत्वग्भि र्वा चूर्णिताभिः क्षौमेण वा ध्मापितेन समुद्रफेनलाक्षाचूर्णैर्वा, यथोक्तर्व्रणबन्धनद्रव्यैर्गाढं बध्नीयात्, शीताच्छादनभोजनागारैः शीतैः प्रदेहपरिषेकैश्चोपचरेत्, क्षारेणाग्निना वा दहेद्यथोक्तं, व्यधादनन्तरं तामेवातिप्रवृत्तां सिरां विध्येत्; काकोल्यादिक्वाथं वा शर्करामधुमधुरं पाययेत्, एणहरिणोरभ्र शशमहिषवराहाणां वा रुधिरं; क्षीरयूषरसैः सुस्निग्धैश्चाश्नीयात्; उपद्रवांश्च यथास्वमुपचरेत् ||३६||[i]
शीतमधुरकषायान्नपानसेकप्रदेहप्रवातवेश्मभिर्वा स्कन्दनायोपचरेत्|
पद्मकादिक्वाथं शर्करामधुमधुरं क्षीरमिक्षुरसमेणहरिणाजोरभ्रमहिषवराहाणामन्यतमस्य सिरां विद्ध्वा रुधिरमामं ग़ृतभृष्टं वा पानं दद्यात्|
तेनैव वा दर्भपादमृदितेनानुवासयेत्|[ii]
Vāgbhaṭa Ācārya also mentioned similarly. After Śīta Madhura Kaṣāya Annapāna, Seka, and Pradeha, Skandana has to be adopted.
Padmakadi Kvātha is advised along with Śarkara and Madhu. Kṣīra and Ikshu Rasa also advised.
The blood of animals was advised in Pāna form with Ghṛta as well as anuvāsana with rakta triturated with darbha.
[i] Su. Su. 14/34-36
[ii] AS. Su. 36/19
Electrolytes play a vital role in maintaining homeostasis within the body. They help to regulate myocardial and neurological functions, fluid balance, oxygen delivery, acid-base balance and much more. Electrolyte imbalances can develop by the following mechanisms: excessive ingestion; diminished elimination of an electrolyte; less drinking or excessive elimination of an electrolyte.
Total body water is distributed in two major compartments: 55.755 is intracellular fluid (ICF), and 25-45% is extracellular fluid (ECF). The ECF is further subdivided into intravascular (plasma water) and extravascular (interstitial) spaces in a ratio of 1:3 extracellular fluid volume deficit is a common fluid disorder in surgical patients. The fluid deficit is not water only, but water and electrolytes in approximately the same percentage as they exist in normal extracellular fluid.
Functions of body water
Types of dehydration
Management of Water imbalance
(A) Water deficit
(B) Water excess
Electrolyte Imbalance
An Electrolyte is a substance when dissolved in solution dissociates into ions or can be defined that an Electrolyte is a substance, which develops an electrical charge when dissolved in water.
Functions of body electrolytes
Hyper natraemia
Clinical features include: –
Clinical features include: –
Clinical features include: –
Clinical features include: –
Deficiency of Magnesium
Clinical features include: –
Magnesium deficiency is best treated by parenteral administration of magnesium chloride or sulphate solution about 2mEq of magnesium per kg body weight administered daily when the renal function is good.
Excess of Magnesium
Clinical features include:
Clinical features include: –
Early-stage symptoms:
Later stage symptoms:
Hypocalcaemia presents with clinical features like:
Hypovolemic shock is an emergency condition in which severe blood and fluid loss make the heart unable to pump enough blood to the body due to decreased preload. It leads to multiple organ failure.
Causes includes: Haemorrhage, Severe diarrhoea and vomiting, Excessive diuresis, Burns etc
Initial treatment for shock states includes:
Can be surgical measures as well as bandaging and cauterisation, based on cause of ongoing haemorrhage.
Solution for volume replacement includes: –
E.g.: Normal saline, Ringer solution, Lactated ringer solutions
E.g.: Hypertonic saline
E.g.: Dextrans, Gelatines, Hetastarch, Human albumin
Only after volume replacement
Used to improve Cardiac Output
E.g.: Dobutamine
E.g.: Noradrenaline, Dopamine, Adrenaline
It is the condition in which the blood is lost through Rectum. Blood in the stool can be bright red or maroon in colour. There are chances that patient may complain of pain per rectum and anus and abdominal pain or cramping. The bleeding may arise from any part of the GI-Tract including rectum.
Hematemesis is the vomiting of blood. The vomited blood volume in excess of 5.5 litres could be life threatening.
Minimal blood loss
Significant blood loss
The bleeding or haemorrhage from the nose, referred to as epistaxis, is caused by the rupture of tiny, distended vessels in the mucous membrane of any area of the nose. It is common in all age groups.
Common site of epistaxis is the anterior septum, where three major blood vessels enter the nasal cavity:
Types of Epistaxis
Management of epistaxis
Management of Epistaxis depends on the location of the bleeding site. A nasal speculum or headlight may be used to determine the site of bleeding in the nasal cavity. Most nosebleeds originate from the anterior portion of the nose. Initial treatment may include applying direct pressure.
If these measures are unsuccessful, additional treatment is indicated.