स्नेह्स्मित्योपचाराद्धि जायन्ते दारुणा गदा: – Ch.Su-13/64
अकाले चाहितश्चैव मात्रया न च योजित
स्नेहो मिथ्योपचारच्च व्यापद्योताऽति सेविता॥ – Ch.Su-13/66
तन्द्रा सोत्क्लेश आनाहो ज्वर: स्तम्भो विसंज्ञता।
कुष्ठेनिकण्डू: पाण्डुत्वं शोफार्शस्यरुचितृषा।
जठरं ग्रहणीदोष स्तैमित्यं वाक्यनिग्रह।
शूलमामप्रदोषाश्च जायन्ते स्नेहविभ्रमात्॥ – Ch.Su.23/75
Excessive sleep, Fatigue, Nausea, Distension of abdomen with stools and lots of
flatus, Fever, Stiffness of the body, loss of consciousness, Swelling, piles, itching all over the
body, hives, skin diseases, colic pain, loss of strength, speech difficulties, Stiff thighs,
yellowish pale skin, Morbid thirst, IBS, Ulcerative colitis, and chrons. Various diseases of
aāma, Stiffness of the body, Dysfunction of sense organs, Vomiting, loss of taste and Other
symptoms pertaining to one or more of the doṣas undergoing abnormality caused by their
respective causes. The diseases mentioned under atisingdha lakṣaṇas like पाण्डुता etc., are
also sneha vyāpad only. Sneha Vyapat results when there is faulty administration of sneha by
the Vaidya without considering mātrā, kāla, ṛtu, anupāna etc. or if the patient does not follow
the rules during snehana karma.
Charaka and Vagbhata have mentioned snehavyāpad separately but susrutha has not narrated
snehavyāpad separately. But he says that Sneha Should be given incorrect Mātrā and sneha
dravya consumed in more than the required quantity can kill the person. Atisnigdhalakṣaṇaas
are the warning signs of the forthcoming vyāpads. A wise physician should intervene at an
appropriate time by observing the adverse effect of excessively administered fat so as to
prevent snehavyāpad.
The vyāpad can occur due to the mistake of Vaidya or may be due to the wrong doings of the
patient. (वैद्य कृत and रोगी कृत)
वैद्य कृत:
Advising snehapāna in a contra-indicated person, administering snehapānain an inappropriate
time, excessive or less dose, choosing wrong sneha and a wrong way of administering sneha
for e.g., administering śamana sneha where actually the patient needs a śodhanaangasneha.
Advising in appropriate diet regimen to the patient can also cause vyāpad to patient.
Administering sneha dravya in day time during summer season or to a patient who suffers
from vāta and pitta disease can cause tṛṣṇā, mūrchā, unmāda and kāmalā and administering
snehapāna in evening during winter season or to patients suffering from diseases of kapha
origin causes anāha, aruci, śūla and pāṇḍu.
If Snehapānais administered in Ajīrṇa and in Udeerna Pitta Grahani, tṛṣṇā is caused. Also, if
snehapāna is administered in a person who is having aggravation of vāta and pitta and during
hot season, it leads to tṛṣṇā. Due to excessive amounts of sneha or improper food regimen
after snehana, ajīrṇa is caused. Charaka explains that Accha Peya should not be given in pitta
dominant diseases when associated with āma as it causes samnjanāsha and also death.
Susrutha advises minimal snehapānadosein conditions like poison, trauma, eruptions,
oedema, skin diseases and diabetes, and if Vaidya over looks this it can lead to vyāpads
According to Charaka in case of kuṣṭa, prameha and śopha, sneha which is processed with
Guda, anupāma māṃsa, kṣīra, tila, masha, sura and gadhi should not be given. Instead, sneha
processed with Triphala, Pippali, Pathya and guggulu should be given.
In a nutshell, the vaidyākṛta Vyāpads can be categorised into
· Improper assessment of koṣṭha
· Improper assessment of Agni
· Improper identification of Prakrithi and Vikṛti of patient
· Improper assessment of Rogi and Rogabala
· Wrong fixation of dose
· Improper assessment of sneha kāla i.e. Season, Annakāla etc.
रोगी कृत:
अथ अज्यपानम् दद्यातखिल औषधंक्रियाक्रमंषु रोगाःप्रभवन्तिदेहिनां
भिषक्विशेषात् अहितमोहतां अपि वा तथा आतुरानात्मतयापचारतः lकल्याणकारकं – २८/१
In all treatment modalities starting from snehapānakriyas even if Vaidya genuinely wants the
cure of the patient’s disease, if the patient is anātmavata i.e.- not following the advice of the
physician and do’s and don’ts of the therapy, he will invite many diseases for sure.
क्षुत्तृष्णोल्लेखनस्वेदरूक्षपानान्न भेषजम्।
पिप्पलि त्रिफलाक्षौद्रपथ्यागोमूत्रगुग्गुलु।
यथास्वं प्रतिरोगं च स्नेहव्यापदि साधनम्॥
विरूक्षणे लङ्गनवत् कृतातिकृतलक्षणम्॥ -As-Su-25/48
If the oleating substance does not undergo digestion, producing thirst, the person should be
splashed with cold water in his head and face. If this is not alleviating thirst, the patient
should be given cold water to drink and made to vomit or foods which are dry in nature are
given inducing vomiting. These methods should be advocated even for persons who have all
these doṣas in equal proportion and in kapha vāta prakṛti persons.
To treat the sneha vyāpad the physician should ask the patient to control his hunger or thirst.
Besides that, the physician should administer emesis, perspiration, use of food and drinks
which create dryness, use of takrāriṣṭa (self-fermented herbal preparation with buttermilk),
khala (thick form of buttermilk), uddāla (a kind of rice grain), yava (barley), śāmyāka (Barile
millet), Kodrava (a variety of maize), Pippali, Triphala, Madhu, Pathya, Cow’s urine and
Guggulu (in different forms) and the treatment for particular diseases raised due to sneha
अमात्रयाऽहितो काले मिथ्याहारविहारतः।
स्नेहः करोति शोफार्शस्तन्द्रास्तम्भविसंज्ञताः॥
कण्डूकुष्ठज्वरोत्क्लेशशूलानाहभ्रमादिकान्।। (A.H.Su. 16/33)
Sneha vyāpat results when there is faulty administration of sneha by the vaidya without considering mātra, kāla, ṛtu etc , if the patient does not follow the rules during snehana karma, it produces śopha, arśa, tandrā, stambha, visañjñatā, kaṇḍū, kuṣṭha, jvara, utkleśa, śūla, ānāha, bhrama etc.
तन्द्रा सोत्क्लेश आनाहो ज्वर: स्तम्भो विसंज्ञता।
कुष्ठेनिकण्डू: पाण्डुत्वं शोफार्शस्यरुचितृषा।
जठरं ग्रहणीदोष स्तैमित्यं वाक्यनिग्रह।
शूलमामप्रदोषाश्च जायन्ते स्नेहविभ्रमात्॥ (Ch.Su. 13/75-76)
Tandrā, utkleśa, ānāha, jvara, stambha, visañjñatā, kuṣṭha, kaṇḍū, pāṇḍu, śopha, arśa, aruci, tṛṣṇa, jaṭhara, grahaṇī, staimitya, speech difficulties, stiff thighs, pain, various diseases of āma are the lakṣaṇas of Sneha vyāpad.
क्षुत्तृष्णोल्लेखनस्वेदरूक्षपानान्न भेषजम्।
पिप्पलि त्रिफलाक्षौद्रपथ्यागोमूत्रगुग्गुलु।
यथास्वं प्रतिरोगं च स्नेहव्यापदि साधनम्॥ (A.H.Su.16/34 )
Physician should ask the patient to control his hunger or thirst. Besides that, the physician should administer emesis, perspiration, use of food and drinks which create dryness, use of takrāriṣṭa (self-fermented herbal preparation with buttermilk), khala (thick form of buttermilk), uddāla (a kind of rice grain), yava (barley), śāmyāka (Barile millet), Kodrava (a variety of maize), pippali, triphala, madhu, pathya, cow’s urine and guggulu (in different forms) and the treatment for respective diseases raised due to sneha mithyālakṣaṇam.
तत्राप्युल्लेखनं शस्तं स्वेदः कालप्रतीक्षणम्।
प्रति प्रति व्याधिबलं बुद्ध्वा स्रंसनमेव च॥
तक्रारिष्टप्रयोगश्च रूक्षपानान्नसेवनम्।
मूत्राणां त्रिफलायाश्च स्नेहव्यापत्तिभेषजम्॥ (Ch.Su.13/77-78)
Vamana, sweda and sraṃsana are to be administered, after ascertaining the degree of severity of each vyāpad. A course of takra prayoga, mūtra prayoga, rūkṣānnapāna sevana, triphala prayoga are the remedies for the snehavyāpad.