The word Sadyo means – Instantaneous
The word sneha means – any fatty substance
Sadyo Snehana is a procedure of administration of Sneha to achieve Snigdha Lakṣaṇa immediately or within a shorter duration. It is based on the principles of Pravicārana Snehana.
Dalhana, Adhamalla and Cakrapani commentaries give the description that; Sadyo Snehana brings Snigdha Lakṣaṇa quickly on the day of administration.
Pūrva karma:
Administer Thriphala or kaṭuki (depends on the koṣṭha of the patient) for Deha Rūkṣana (sneha pūrvarūkṣaṇa) in the dose of 3 to 5 gms with hot water at night for 3-5 days (dīpana pācana can also be done if presence of āma is noticed) before Snehapāna followed by administration of hrasīyasīmātrā for one day in order to fix the sadhyosnehapāna dose.
Pradhāna karma:
Early morning after sunrise on the day of Snehapāna advises the patient to fulfil his nātural urges and ask him about his jīrṇājīrṇa symptoms to assess the agni. When a person is not in kṣudhita avastā, Sadyosneha recipes such as tilayavāgū, kṣīrayavāgū, ghee with saindhava, pāñcaprasṛtikī peya etc can be given.
Paścāt karma:
Instruct the patient to follow pathyāpathya mentioned under Snehapānavidhi.
Depending on the samyak snigdha lakṣaṇas and doṣa:
Utkleśāvasta the Śodhana procedures like Vamana, Virecana or Sirāvyadha can be decided.
अत्र यदा अहोरात्र परिणामिनी मात्रा क्रियते, तदा तदहर आहारो न कर्तव्यः अत एव तत्पानं पुरुष विशेष विषय कथने उक्तं -क्षुद् पिपास सह नराः इति
During the intake of the superior type of dose, the patient is required to observe complete fasting. That’s why, only persons who can stand hunger and thirst are eligible for the superior type of dose of oleation therapy.
If the dosage of oleation therapy of superior type is not properly administered, it might lead to very serious complications. If properly administered, the therapy in this dose is exceedingly helpful in eliminating all doṣa’s and as such is rejuvenator of the body, sense and mind.
The superior type of oleation therapy is to be administered only for the alleviation of doṣas and not for their elimination. Hence, it should not be administered as a part of the śodhana therapy.
Inference for indication of Prabhootha-mātrā-snehapāna.
Conditions | Inference |
Individual accustomed to the use of more of fat daily, who can withstand hunger and thirst for long time, who have strong digestive power and body strength | Uttama Bala, dṛḍha – śārīra, Bahudoṣa Otherwise involvement of asthyādi -gambhīradhātu including, marma as āśraya |
Abdominal tumors, snake bite, erysipelas, marma as āśraya. insanity, dysuria and constipation | |
Here sneha administered till the appearance of samyak-snigdha along with Klama- bhramadi jeeryāmana-lakṣaṇa ensuring the reach to gambhīra dhātus-courtesy-Punam supule |
This dose alone can take care of the vitiated doṣas and further śodhana is not necessary
दोषानुकर्षिणी मात्रा सर्वमार्गानुसारिणी।
बल्या पुनर्नवकारी शरीरेन्द्रियचेतसाम्॥ – च.सू. 13/34
If it is properly taken it alleviates all the ailments and doṣas quickly, it pervades all over the body easily, it also strengthens and rejuvenates the senses organs and mind.
The उत्तममात्रा sneha must be administered for शमन of doṣa’s. not for शोधना of doṣa’s.(uttama mātrā of Sneha is only for doṣa śamana).
आचार्य सुश्रुत has not used the word शमन (or) शमनार्थ. He says 8 snehapāna which is digested in 24 hrs is good for kuṣṭa, viṣa, unmāda, etc.
देया दीप्ताम्न्ये मात्रा स्नेहस्य पलसंमिता। चक्रदत्ता
उत्तमस्य फलं मात्रा। शा.स.उ.117
The dose of शमनस्नेह is the amount which is digested in अहोरात्रं (that requires 24 hrs for digestion) Hence we can say the above indication of susruta is applicable to शमनस्नेह.
According to शारङ्गधरा and चक्रदत्त – शमनस्नेह quantity for administration is one पला i.e 40 gms.
Note: According to sharangara and chakradatta the dose of uttama mātrā snehapāna is one pala, which indirectly indicates that the śamana sneha dose is one pala.
वृंहणः स्नेहो रसमद्याद्यैः सह शस्यते ।
Bṛṃhaṇa sneha is administered along with Rasa, madya, etc…
“रस इत्यविशेषोक्तौ ज्ञेयो मांसभवो रसः ।
” इति तन्त्रान्तरोत्तया रस- शब्देन मांसरसोऽत्र बोद्धव्यः ।cha. Su.25/40.
From the word rasa, māṃsa rasa is understood (it is bṛṃhaṇa) (māṃsam bṛṃhaṇeeyanaam)
आद्यशब्देन क्षीरखण्डादेद्रव- रूपस्य ग्रहणम् ।
Ādya is kṣīra Madhya, ikṣu rasa etc.
From the above versus it is clear that the oleation for nourishment must be administered with food, which must be semi solid or liquid in nature. (drava svarūpa)
The word sabakta Denotes that the bṛṃhaṇa sneha must be taken along with food and it’s mātrā is minimal (hrasīyasī).According to taste, sātmya etc. the bṛṃhaṇa sneha Combinations are infinite. Samśodhana sneha and śamana sneha should not be used with sabhakta or ubhaya bhakta annakāla.
तस्मादन्नतः सभक्तो भक्तशब्देनात्रान्नकाल उपलक्षित इत्येषोऽर्थः ।” इति चन्द्रः ।
Utility of brhmanartha snehana:
Unction therapy in this dose produces oleation and stoutness of the body. It acts as aphrodisiac and increases strength of the body. This can be continued for longer duration as it won’t cause any complications. It can be administered in case of moderate vitiation of doṣas. Administering nourishing oleation before mid-day meal gives strength to the thighs, calves and waist, initiates the urges of urine, flatus and feces. improves health and cures the diseases of the lower part of the body. Drinking the nourishing type of fat during the middle of the midday meal produces the stoutness of the body, increases digestion and metabolism, strength, steadiness and relieves the pain in the abdomen and other diseases. Taken after the midday meal it causes stability of the sense organs and cure of the diseases of the upper parts of the body.
Unctuous substances are administered in low doses with food for nourishment purposes. This can be continued for a longer duration till proper nourishment is attained. A.H. Sūtra sthāna 16/20
सघःस्नेहनमिति तदहरेव । (Su.Chi.31, Dalhana)
Sadyo snehana brings snigdha lakṣaṇa quickly on the day of administration.
सघ इति तस्मिन्नेव दिवसे त्वरया स्नेहनं करोति । (Adhamalla)
Sadyo snehana brings snigdha lakṣaṇa quickly on the day of administration.
बालवृद्धादिषु स्नेहपरिहारासहिष्णुषु॥३९॥
योगानिमाननुद्वेगान् सद्यःस्नेहान् प्रयोजयेत्।। (A.H.Su. 16/40)
It is ideal for children, old persons and those who do not follow the regimen of Sneha.
सर्पिस्तैलवसामज्जातण्डुलप्रसृतैः शृ(कृ)ता।
पाञ्चप्रसृतिकी पेया पेया स्नेहनमिच्छता॥ (Ch.Su.13/ 90)
Pāñcaprasṛta peya is prepared with one prastha each of catur sneha and one prastha of rice.
प्राज्यमांसरसास्तेषु, पेया वा स्नेहभर्जिता॥
तिलचूर्णश्च सस्नेहफाणितः, कृशरा तथा।
क्षीरपेया घृताढ्योष्णा, दध्नो वा सगुडः सरः॥
पेया च पञ्चप्रसृता स्नेहैस्तण्डुलपञ्चमैः।
सप्तैते स्नेहनाः सद्यः, स्नेहाश्च लवणोल्बणाः॥ (A.H.Su. 16/42)
Māṃsa rasa prepared from more quantity of meat, peya fried with sneha, powder of tila mixed with fat and half boiled molasses, kṛśara cooked along with green gram mixed with the same things as above, kṣīra/ peya mixed with more quantity of ghee and made warm, dadhisara mixed with guḍa, pāñcaprasṛta peya (thin gruel prepared from one prastha each of ghṛta, taila, vasā, majjā and taṇḍula). The above seven formulations can be used as sadya sneha. These seven recepies are known as sadya snehana.
शमनःक्षुद्वतोऽनन्नोमध्यममात्राश्चशस्यते। (A.H.Su.16/19)
Administration of the Sneha internally in medium dosage, on empty stomach when the person is hungry, is known as śamana sneha.
प्रभूतस्नेह नित्या ये क्षुत्पिपासासहा नराः।
पावकश्चोत्तमबलो येषा ये चोत्तमा बले॥
गुल्मिनः सर्पदष्ठाश्च विसर्पोपहताश्च ये।
उन्मत्ताः कृच्छ्रमात्राश्च गाढवर्चस एव च।
पिबेयुरुत्तमा मात्रां तस्याः पाने गुणाञ्छृणु।
विकाराञ्छमयत्येषा शीघ्रं सम्यकप्रयोजिता। (Ch.Su. 13/30-33)
Śamana Sneha is indicated in those, who are habituated to sneha intake, those who can withstand hunger or thirst, those who have excellent digestive fire, in very strong persons, if the person is suffering from gulma, sarpadaṣṭa, visarpa, unmatta, kṛcchramūtra and gāḍhavarca etc.
This dose will mitigate the disorders quickly if properly administered, expels the doṣas from all channels, when the person has good and strong digestive capacity, can digest any type of fat daily and can withstand any type of discomfort.
बृंहणो रसमद्याद्यैः सभक्तोऽल्पःहितः स च। (A.H.Su.16/20)
Administration of unctuous substances in a minimum dosage, which is mixed with meat soup, alcohol and along with the food for a longer period for the nourishment of the body is known as Brumhana sneha.
मृदुकोष्ठाल्पदोषेषु काले चोष्णे कृशेषु च॥ (A.H.Su.16/ 20-21)
It is indicated for children, aged, suffering from thirst, having aversion towards unctuous substances, habituated to take alcoholic drinks, sexual indulgence and taking unctuous substances, persons having poor digestive power, leading comfortable life, delicate persons, those afraid of difficulties, mṛdu koṣṭha etc. where there is mild increase of doṣas, emaciated, and also, for others, during summer.
ये तु वृद्धश्च बालाश्च सुकुमारा: सुखोचिता:||
रिक्त कोष्ठत्वमहितं येषां मन्दाग्नयश्च ये |
ज्वर अतिसार कासश्च येषां चिरसमुथिताः||
स्नेहमात्राम् पिबेयुस्ते ह्रुस्वां ये चावरा बले || (Ch.Su.13/35-36)
Those who are old, young (children), those with tender physique, living luxurious life, those who cannot tolerate hunger or have difficulty with empty stomach, those suffering from poor digestion, patients suffering from jvara, atisāra and kāsa, those having poor body strength are advised to consume the smallest dose of sneha.
परिहारे सुख च येषा मात्रा स्नेहन बृंहणि
वृष्या बल्या निराबाधा चिरं च अपि अनुवर्तते || (Ch.Su.13/ 40)
The lowest dose of sneha has minimal restrictions for its consumption. It does oleation and produces stoutness in the body, acts as an aphrodisiac, gives strength to the body, never causes any complication and can be used for longer duration.