स्नॆहस्यसभिषादृष्टःकल्पःप्रथमकल्पिकः॥ – च. सू. १३/२६
औदनाद्यसम्बन्धीसतिपॆयः॥ चक्रपाणी on च. सू. ३/२६
Intake of simple (unmixed) unctuous substance is Acchapāna. It is said to be administered without mixing with food or any other substance. It is considered to be the best form of sneha administration, because it is highly effective in achieving samyak snehana lakṣaṇas very quickly.
In a nutshell.
Intake of accha sneha according to doṣa:
केवलं पैत्तिक सर्पिवातिके लवणान्वितम्। देयं बहुकफे चापि व्योष क्षारसमायुतम्॥
(su.ci 31/19)
In kevala pitta condition pure ghee, in kevala vāta condition ghee with salt and in excessive kapha vitiation ghee is mixed with vyoṣa etc is given as snehapāna.
Contra indications of अच्छपान:
स्नेहद्विषिक्षामोमृदुकोष्ठ: स्नेहमद्यनित्यश्च।
अध्वभारप्रजागरस्त्रिश्रान्तनाच्छपिबेयुस्ते॥ – Ka.Su – 22/25
अच्छपान should not be given to those who hate to take snehapāna, who are too tired, those who take sneha dravyas every day, liquor every day, those who do strenuous work and who always indulge in women.
अच्छपानकाल – duration of pure fat drinking:
According to Charaka,
The maximum and minimum period of pure fat administration is 7 and 3 days.
स्निह्यतिक्रूरकोष्ठस्तुसत्तरात्रेणमानव:॥ – Ch.Su. 13/51
सम्यक्स्निग्धोऽथवायावदत: सात्म्यीभवेतपरम्॥ – A.H.Su.16/29, 30
अच्छपान should be administered 3 days in mṛdu koṣṭha person and 7 days for the krūra koṣṭha person or till the symptoms of proper oleation appear. The acchasneha should not be administered more than 7 days because it will be accustomed to the administered person and It will not yield any desired effect or It may cause side effects.
The mātrā is decided upon considering the doṣa, agni, vaya, bala, etc of the patient. Excessive or less dose doesn’t yield any results rather it leads to complications. Snehapānamātrā -Dose of oily substances depends on doṣa and digestion. In Brhat trayees, there are two views regarding the mātrā of sneha. Charaka and Vaghbata have explained three mātrās whereas, Ācārya Sushruta has explained 5 mātrās as per time required for digestion.
अहोरात्रमहः कृत्स्नमर्धाहं च प्रतीक्षते
प्रधाना मध्यमा ह्रस्वा स्नेहमाना जरां प्रति।।
इति तिस्रः समुद्दिष्टा मात्रा स्नेहस्य मानतः – Ch. Su, 13/29
1) Hraswa Mātrā – the dose of sneha that is digested within 6 hours
2) Madhyama Mātrā – the dose of sneha that is digested within 12 hours
3) Uttama Mātrā-the dose of sneha that is digested within 24 hours
Table showing difference between śodhana accha sneha and śamana accha sneha.
Criteria | Śodhana accham | Śamana accham |
Mātrā | Madhyama (Charaka) Uttama (Vagbhata) | Madhyama |
Duration | 3 to 7 days | Till vyādhi śamana |
Time of administration | Fixed time early morning | When there is good appetite |
Anupāna | Depends on sneha | Depends on roga |
Samyak snigdha lakṣaṇa | Most of the lakṣaṇas are Visible | Only Certain lakṣaṇas are visible |
Post therapy | Followed by śodhana | Need not be followed by śodhana |
अनुपान for accha sneham:
जलमुष्णं घृते पेयं यूषस्तैलेऽनु शस्यते।
च सा मज्जास्तु मण्डः स्यात् सर्वेयूष्णमथाम्बु वा॥–
Uṣṇajalam is a universal anupāna for any snehadravyas. It helps for the disintegration of the fat. Helps in the better absorption of the given Sneha. Uṣṇajalam should not be advised for snehas of bhallātaka and tuvaraka because both are uṣṇa and tīkṣṇa in nature. Yūṣa is a very good anupāna for vāta. yūṣa contains more protein and alkaline in nature and it counteracts the vidāhi nature of the taila.
Vasā and majjā are gurutama in nature so lagu anupāna must be given. Maṇḍa is a simple starch and digested easily.
The quantity of anupāna varies according to the quantity of sneha substance, the efficiency of the drugs used or the pharmaceutical process involved. Anupāna makes the fat to digest fast – chakrapani.
Vicharana sneha:
युक्त्यावचारयेत् स्नेह भक्ष्याद्यन्नेन बस्तिभि:।
रस भेदैकत्वाभ्या चतुष्षष्टिर्विचारणा।
Sneha when classified, applied and used as a substitute or alternative for primary one (Prathamakalpika) it is called as Pravicārana. Gangadhāra noted that, when Sneha is pre-eminently and particularly used in the form of Bhakṣa, Pāna, Leha, Abhyañjana etc. it is called as Pravicārana.
प्रविचार्यते अवचर्यतेऽनुकल्पेनपयुज्यतेऽनयेति प्रविचारणा । च.प.
The administration of Sneha along with various preparations like odana, vilepī etc. is known as pravicārana.
Caraka: (a) Mrdupāka (b) Madhyama pāka (c) Kharapāka
Susruta:(a) Mrdupāka (b) Madhyama pāka (c) Kharapāka(d) Dagdhapāka
sarangadhāra:(a) Mrdupāka (b) Madhyama pāka (c) Kharapāka(d)
Vagbhata :(a) Mrdupāka (b) Cikkaṇa pāka (c) Kharacikkaṇa pāka
Snehapāka with respect to prayogam
Name of the kriya | C.S. | S.S. |
Sar.Sam |
Abhyaṅga |
| Madhya | Khara |
Madhya |
Pāna | Madhya | Mrdu | Cikkaṇa (madhya) | Madhya |
Nasya | Mrdu | Madhya | Mrdu | Mrdu |
Vasti | Madhya | Khara | Cikkaṇa | Madhya |
Karṇapūraṇa |
| Khara |
अच्छपेयस्तु यः स्नेहो न तामाहुर्विचारणाम्।
स्नेहस्य स भिषग्दृष्टः कल्पः प्राथमकल्पिकः॥ (Ch.Su.13/26)
Intake of simple (unmixed) unctuous substance is Acchapāna. It is said to be administered without mixing with food or any other substance. It is considered to be the best form of sneha administration.
रसभेदैककत्वाभ्यां चतुःषष्टिर्विचारणाः॥
स्नेहस्यान्याभिभूतत्वादल्पत्वाच्च क्रमात्स्मृताः। (AH.Su.16/15)
Administering the oleating substances internally by mixing them with other food substances is known as vicāraṇa. Snehavicāraṇas are of 64 types in accordance with that number of combinations of rasas.
ओदनश्च विलेपी च रसो मांसं पयो दधि।
यवागूः सूपशाकौ च यूषः काम्बलिकः खडः॥२३॥
सक्तवस्तिलपिष्टं च मद्यं लेहास्तथैव च।
भक्ष्यमभ्यञ्जनं बस्तिस्तथा चोत्तरबस्तयः॥२४॥
गण्डूषः कर्णतैलं च नस्तःकर्णाक्षितर्पणम्।
चतुर्विंशतिरित्येताः स्नेहस्य प्रविचारणाः ॥ (Ch.Su – 23/25)
Odana, vilepī, rasa, māṃsa, dugdha, dadhi, yavāgū, sūpa, śāka, yūṣa, kāmbalika, khaḍa, saktu, tilapiṣṭa, madya, leha, bhakṣyanna, abhyaṅga, gaṇḍūṣa, karṇapūraṇa, nāsātarpaṇa, akshi Tarpaṇa, basti and uttarabasti are the twenty four vicāraṇa snehas.
खरोऽभ्यङ्गे स्मृतः पाको, मृदुर्नस्तःक्रियासु च।
मध्यपाकं तु पानार्थे बस्तौ च विनियोजयेत्॥१०४॥ (Ch.Ka – 12/104)
The khara pāka should be used for abhyaṅga, the mṛdu Pāka for nasya and the Madhyamapāka should be used as pāna and basti.
मृदुर्नस्ये, खरोऽभ्यङ्गे, पाने बस्तौ च चिक्कणः॥२१॥. (AH.Ka – 6/21)
The mṛdu pāka should be used for nasya, Khara Pāka should be used for abhyaṅga, cikkaṇa pāka should be used for pāna and basti.