The word ‘PIṆḌA’ means bolus. Piṇḍa Sveda refers to the sudation performed by bolus of drugs. Ṣāṣṭika Piṇḍa Sveda is performed in Ēkāṅga or Sarvāṅga with the bolus of boiled Ṣāṣṭika Śālī with Balāmūla Kvātha and Kṣīra. The main properties of Ṣāṣṭika are Snigdha, Gurū, Sthira, Śīta and Tridoṣaghna. Though a Sveda Karma, it has Bṛṃhaṇa Guṇa.
Materials required:
Oil for Talaṃ – 10ml
Rāsnādi Cūrṇa – 5g
Suitable oil for Abhyaṅga – 100ml
Coconut leaves/tongue cleaner – 2
Tissue paper/towel – 2
Masseurs – 2
Attendant – 1
a. For preparing Kvātha
b. For cooking rice
c. To heat the boluses in mixture of Kvātha and milk during the procedure (5litres capacity with wide mouth made of bronze)
d. A plate for carrying heated Poṭṭali
Preparation of the medicine:
Balāmūla Kvātha – 576g of Balāmūla is cleaned, crushed and boiled in 9 litres of water and reduced to 3 litres.
Ṣāṣṭika rice cooking – In 1.5 litres of Balāmūla Kaṣāya and 1.5 litres of milk, 500 g of Ṣāṣṭika rice should be added and boiled till it becomes thick and semisolid. Sufficient quantity of hot water can be used for proper cooking of the rice. Another method is that the Ṣāṣṭika rice can be semi cooked in pure water; gradually added milk and Kvātha; cooked again. The cooked rice should be divided into 4 equal parts and made into Poṭṭalis.
Pre-operative procedure:
The patient should be seated with leg extended over the droṇi and Talaṃ should be applied with suitable oil. Abhyaṅga should be then performed with prescribed oil for about 10 minutes. Out of 4 Poṭṭali s, 2 are kept in the mixture of Balāmūla Kvātha and milk (1.5 litres of each was already kept for this purpose), which should be put on a stove with moderate heat.
2 warm Poṭṭalis should be gently applied in a synchronised manner by the two therapists on two sides of Droṇi. It is followed by a gentle massage with other hand. They should ensure that the heat of the boluses is bearable to the patient by touching them over the dorsum of their hand. The temperature of the boluses should be maintained throughout the procedure by continuous relay of the four boluses after reheating by dipping in milk Kvātha mixture. The process should be continued till the patient gets Samyak Svinna Lakṣaṇa or until the contents of the boluses exhausted. This procedure is done in the seven positions as in Kāyaseka
or as advised by the physician.
The process should be carried out in seven positions as follows.
1. Sitting
2. Supine
3. Right lateral
4. Supine
5. Left lateral
6. Supine
7. Sitting
45 minutes -1hour, preferably done in morning hours in moderate climate.
Post-operative procedure:
At the end of the procedure, the medicine remained over the body should be scrapped of with the coconut leaves or with any similar device and the body is wiped dry with tissue paper or soft towels. After that medicated oil should be applied. Talaṃ should be removed and Rāsnādi Cūrṇa applied over the head. Gandharvahastādi kaṣāya (Pāthi Kaṣāya) can be given for drinking. The patient should take complete rest for at least half an hour, and then the patient is allowed to take warm water bath.
1. During the preparation of the rice, care should be taken to avoid over/under cooking and should be stirred frequently for the better extraction and cooking.
2.Tie bolus firmly to avoid leaking of contents during rubbing.
3. The therapists in both the sides of the patient should massage with the bolus in a synchronised manner.
4. Ensure uniformity of pressure and temperature on all the body parts.
5. Boluses should be applied with sufficient warmth (450C-50oC).
6. The therapy should be stopped at any time if the patient gets good perspiration or shivering.
Complications and management:
1. Shivering: It usually occurs due to the uneven distribution of temperature or prolonged time gap in between the taking up of new boluses; or if body is exposed to cold breeze immediately after the procedure. Allow the patient to take rest cover with a blanket and give warm liquid diet.
2. Fainting: Due to increased body temperature or low heat threshold of the patient or Atiyoga of Kriya Krama. Sprinkle cold water over the face and body, and put Talaṃ with appropriate medicated oil and Cūrṇa . Drākṣādi Kaṣāya can be given internally.
3. Rashes: Due to heat intolerance of the patient of Pitta Prakṛti . Apply Madhu & Ghṛta, preferably Śatadhaḥuta Ghṛta or Murivenna.
Diseases of Nervous system, Degenerative disorders, Phakka Rōga, Muscular dystrophy.
Increases Agnibalā, Dehapuṣṭi , softens the body part
The process by which the pudding or Pāyasa, prepared with Ṣāṣṭika rice is smeared over the body.
Procedure similar to Ṣāṣṭika Śālī Piṇḍa Sveda.
Indications: Muscular Atrophy, Motor Neuron Disease, Premature Senility
The process by which the pudding or Pāyasa, prepared with Ṣāṣṭika rice is smeared over the body.
Procedure similar to Ṣāṣṭika Śālī Piṇḍa Sveda.
Indications: Muscular Atrophy, Motor Neuron Disease, Premature Senility