क्षीराद्द्वौ प्रसृतौ कार्यौ मधुतैलघृतात्त्रयः|
खजेन मथितो बस्तिर्वातघ्नो बलवर्णकृत्||४| (Cha. Si.8/4)
Ingredients :
SL NO | Ingredients of Basti | Quantity |
1 | Kṣīra | 2 Prasṛta (192 g) |
2 | Madhu | 1 Prasṛta (96 g) |
3 | Taila | 1 Prasṛta (96 g) |
4 | Ghṛta | 1 Prasṛta (96 g) |
Indication :
Pañcaprasṛtika Basti is Vātahara, Bala Vardhaka and Varṇakara.
चत्वारः प्रसृता एको घृतात् सर्षपकल्कितः||८||
निरूहः पञ्चतिक्तोऽयं मेहाभिष्यन्दकुष्ठनुत् |९| (Cha. Si. 8/8)
SL NO | Ingredients of Basti | Quantity |
1 | Kaṣāya | 4 Prasṛta (400 ml) |
2 | Ghṛta | 1 Prasṛta (100 ml) |
3 | Sarṣapa Kalka | Not specified |
This recipe is called Pañcatiktaka Nirūha cures Meha (obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes), Abhiṣyanda (conjunctivitis) and Kuṣṭha (obstinate skin diseases including leprosy).
यवासकुशकाशानं मूलं पुष्पं च शाल्मलम्|
न्यग्रोधोदुम्बराश्वत्थशुङ्गाश्च द्विपलोन्मिताः||२२५||
त्रिप्रस्थं सलिलस्यैतत् क्षीरप्रस्थं च साधयेत्|
क्षीरशेषं कषायं च पूतं कल्कैर्विमिश्रयेत्||२२६||
कल्काः शाल्मलिनिर्याससमङ्गाचन्दनोत्पलम्|
वत्सकस्य च बीजानि प्रियङ्गुः पद्मकेशरम्||२२७||
पिच्छाबस्तिरयं सिद्धः सघृतक्षौद्रशर्करः|
प्रवाहिकागुदभ्रंशरक्तस्रावज्वरापहः||२२८|| (Cha.Chi.14/225-229)
Two Palas each of Yavāsa, Kuśa, Kāśa, flowers of semul and adventitious roots of Nyagrodha, Udumbara and Aśvatha should be added in six Prasthas of water, two Prasthas of milk and boiled till two Prasthas remain. This should be strained through a cloth, and to this, the paste of the resin from Śālmali (Mocarasa), Mañjiṣṭha, Candana, Utpala, seeds of Kuṭaja, Priyaṅgu and Padmakesara should be added. This effective recipe is called Picchā Basti and it should be added with ghee, honey and sugar as Āvāpa Dravya.
It cures dysentery, prolapsed rectum, bleeding per rectum and fever.
क्षीराद्द्वौ प्रसृतौ कार्यौ मधुतैलघृतात्त्रयः|
खजेन मथितो बस्तिर्वातघ्नो बलवर्णकृत्||४| (Ch. Si.8/4)
Pañcaprasṛtika Basti / Kṣīra Basti
Ingredients :
SL NO | Ingredients of Basti | Quantity |
1 | Kṣīra | 2 Prasṛta (192 g) |
2 | Madhu | 1 Prasṛta (96 g) |
3 | Taila | 1 Prasṛta (96 g) |
4 | Ghṛta | 1 Prasṛta (96 g) |
Indication :
Pañcaprasṛtika Basti is Vātahara, Bala Vardhaka and Varṇakara.
चत्वारः प्रसृता एको घृतात् सर्षपकल्कितः||८||
निरूहः पञ्चतिक्तोऽयं मेहाभिष्यन्दकुष्ठनुत् |९| (Ch. Si. 8/8)
Pañcatikta Kṣīra Basti
SL NO | Ingredients of Basti | Quantity |
1 | Kaṣāya | 4 Prasṛta (400 ml) |
2 | Ghṛta | 1 Prasṛta (100 ml) |
3 | Sarṣapa Kalka | Not specified |
This recipe is called Pañcatiktaka Nirūha cures Meha (obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes), Abhiṣyanda (conjunctivitis) and Kuṣṭha (obstinate skin diseases including leprosy).
यवासकुशकाशानं मूलं पुष्पं च शाल्मलम्|
न्यग्रोधोदुम्बराश्वत्थशुङ्गाश्च द्विपलोन्मिताः||२२५||
त्रिप्रस्थं सलिलस्यैतत् क्षीरप्रस्थं च साधयेत्|
क्षीरशेषं कषायं च पूतं कल्कैर्विमिश्रयेत्||२२६||
कल्काः शाल्मलिनिर्याससमङ्गाचन्दनोत्पलम्|
वत्सकस्य च बीजानि प्रियङ्गुः पद्मकेशरम्||२२७||
पिच्छाबस्तिरयं सिद्धः सघृतक्षौद्रशर्करः|
प्रवाहिकागुदभ्रंशरक्तस्रावज्वरापहः||२२८|| (Ch.Chi.14/225-229)
Picchā Basti
Two Palas each of Yavāsa, Kuśa, Kāśa, flowers of semul and adventitious roots of Nyagrodha, Udumbara and Aśvatha should be added in six Prasthas of water, two Prasthas of milk and boiled till two Prasthas remain. This should be strained through a cloth, and to this, the paste of the resin from Śālmali (Mocarasa), Mañjiṣṭha, Candana, Utpala, seeds of Kuṭaja, Priyaṅgu and Padmakesara should be added. This effective recipe is called Picchā Basti and it should be added with ghee, honey and sugar as Āvāpa Dravya.
It cures dysentery, prolapsed rectum, bleeding per rectum and fever.