Nasya karma is considered one among Pañcakarma as it does the Śōdhana of Doṣās residing in Śiras and thereby Curing Ūrdhva Jatru Vikāras. Since Śiras is the seat of Śleṣma, Upasthitha Doṣā can be taken out by Nasya.
The word Nasya is derived from the root form NAS means Gati or motion
Nas + Yath à Nasya
According to Vācaspatya
नासिकाये हितं तत्र भवोवायत् नासादेशः।
Says, being in the nose or things beneficial to the nose.
According to Śhabdakalpa Druma
Says, medicines which is given through nasal opening.
औषधमौषधसिद्धो वा स्नेहो नासिकाभ्यां दीयत इति नस्यम् | ( Su/Chi/40/21)
Says, administration of medicine or medicated oil through the nose is known as Nasya.
नासायां प्रणीयमानमोउषधं नस्यम्|नावनं नस्यकर्मेतिच संज्ञां लभते||२|| (Ash Sang/Su/29)
Administration of medicine through the nasal route is known as Nasya. It’s also called as Nāvana or Nasta Karma.
नस्यमिति नासया दीयते इति नस्यम्। ( Sha/Ut Kh/8/1. Adhamalla vyākhyā)
Administration of medicine through nose.
नस्यं तत्कथ्यते धीरैर्नासाग्राह्यं यदौषधम्। (Sha/Ut Kh/8/2)
The medicine that is administered through nostrils in the courageous persons is Nasya.
Pañcakarma helps in eliminating Utkliṣṭa Doṣā through Āsanna Mārga (nearest route).
नासा हि शिरसो द्वारं तेन तद्व्याप्य हन्ति तान्||१|| (As Hr/Su/20/2)
Nose is the entry and exit door to the head through which we can administer the Nasya Dravya for Jatru Ūrdhva Vikāras.
ऊर्ध्वजत्रुविकारेषु विशेषान्नस्यमिष्यते| (As Hr/Su/20/2)
Nasya is the important Śōdhana for curing disease above clavicle.
शिरसः श्लेष्मधामत्वात्स्नेहाः स्वस्थस्य नेतरे| ( As Hr/Su/20/33 )
Śiras is the seat of Kapha Doṣā and Nāsā is the dwāra to Śiras. Hence Nasya is considered as important for Ūrdhvajatru vikāras.
आशुकृच्चिरकारित्वं गुणोत्कर्षापकृष्टता|| (As Hr/Su/20/34)
Nasya is having Āśukāri effect and Cirakāri effect as well.
आजन्ममरणं शस्तः प्रतिमर्शस्तु बस्तिवत्| (As Hr/Su/20/32)
Pratimarśa Nasya is good from birth to death just like Basti.
According to Caraka
नावनं चावपीडश्च ध्मापनं धूम एव च|
प्रतिमर्शश्च विज्ञेयं नस्तःकर्म तु पञ्चधा||८९||
( Cha/Si/9/89-92)
These are the five basic classification of Nasya. Each of these is further divided as
sub-classification (Nasya Bhedas)
Nāvana is of two types viz. a) Snehanam and b) Śōdhanam
स्नेहनं शोधनं चैव द्विविधं नावनं स्मृतम्|
Avapīḍa is of two types’ viz. a) Śōdhanam and b) Sthambhanam
शोधनः स्तम्भनश्च स्यादवपीडो द्विधा मतः |
Dhmāpāna has only one action of srotośōdhanam of Deha
चूर्णस्याध्मापनं तद्धि देहस्रोतोविशोधनम् |
Dhūma Nasya is of three types viz. a) Prāyogika b) Snaihika c) Vairechanika
विज्ञेयस्त्रिविधो धूमः प्रागुक्तः शमनादिकः|
Pratimarśa is the last type which do both the action of Snehana, Śamana and Śōdhana.
प्रतिमर्शो भवेत् स्नेहो निर्दोष उभयार्थकृत्|
एवं तद्रेचनं कर्म तर्पणं शमनं त्रिधा|
According to Suśruta,
तद्द्विविधं शिरोविरेचनं, स्नेहनं च |
तद्द्विविधमपि पञ्चधा |तद्यथा- नस्यं, शिरोविरेचनं, प्रतिमर्शो, अवपीडः, प्रधमनं च|
तेषु नस्यं प्रधानं शिरोविरेचनं च; नस्यविकल्पः प्रतिमर्शः, शिरोविरेचनविकल्पोऽवपीडः प्रधमनं च; ततो नस्यशब्दः पञ्चधा नियमितः ||२१|| ( Su/Chi/ 40/21)
Says, Nasya can be classified broadly into 2 types viz
This two can be categorised into five further.
Classification of Vāgbhaṭa
विरेचनं बृंहणं च शमनं च त्रिधाऽपि तत्||२| (As Hr/Su/20/2)
According to dosage Vāgbhaṭa classifies Nasya viz. a) Marśa and b) Pratimarśa.
According to Vāgbhaṭa (As Hr/Su/20/5-7)
According to Caraka ( Cha/Vi/8/151)
Nasya Dravya can be chosen based on the prayojya Aṅga or useful plant parts
Shirsha virecana gana in Cha/Su/2/3
अपामार्गस्य बीजानि पिप्पलीर्मरिचानि च|
विडङ्गान्यथ शिग्रूणि सर्षपांस्तुम्बुरूणि च||३||
अजाजीं चाजगन्धां च पीलून्येलां हरेणुकाम्|
पृथ्वीकां सुरसां श्वेतां कुठेरकफणिज्झकौ||४||
शिरीषबीजं लशुनं हरिद्रे लवणद्वयम्|
ज्योतिष्मतीं नागरं च दद्याच्छीर्षविरेचने||५||
In order to eliminate vitiating factors from the head seeds of Apamārga (Achyranthes aspera Linn.), Pippali (Piper longum Linn.), Marica (Piper nigrum Linn.), Vidaṅga (Embelia ribes Burm.f.), Śigru (Moringa oleiferaLam.), Sarṣapa (Brassica juncea Czern. & Coss), Tumburu (Zanthoxylum alatum (Roxb.) DC), Ajāji (Cuminum cyminum Linn.), Ajagandha (Gynandropsis gynandra (L.) Briquet), Pīlu (Salvadora persica Linn.), Ela (Elettaria cardamomum Maton), Harenu (Vitex negundo Linn.), Prithvika (Gardenia lucida Roxb.), Surasa (Ocimum sanctum Linn. ), Śveta (Ocimum sanctum Linn), kuṭheraka. (Orthosiphon pallidus), Phaṇijjaka (Ocimum canum Sims), seeds of Shireesha (Albizzia lebbeck (L.) Benth), Laśuna (Allium sativum Linn.), Haridrā dwaya (Haridrā (Curcuma longa Linn.), Daruharidrā (Berberis aristata), Lavana dwaya (Saindhava, Souvarchala), yotiṣmatī (Celastrus panniculatus), Nāgara (Zingiber officinale Rosc.).
Śirovirecanopaga gana in Cha/Su/4/13
ज्योतिष्मतीक्षवकमरिचपिप्पलीविडङ्गशिग्रुसर्षपापामार्गतण्डुलश्वेतामहाश्वेता इति दशेमानि शिरोविरेचनोपगानि भवन्ति (२७)
Jyotiṣmatī (Celastrus paniculatus), Kṣavaka (Centipeda minima), Marica (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum), Vidaṅga (Embelia ribes), Śigru (Moringa oleifera), Sarṣapa (Brassica nigra), Apamārga Bīja (seed of Achyranthus aspera), Śveta (Clitoria ternetea white variety), Mahāśveta (variety of Clitoria ternatea) are the Śirovirechanopaga Dravyas.
Nasya Dravya for daily use
Taila can be used daily for healthy person.
तैलमेव च नस्यार्थे नित्याभ्यासेन शस्यते||३३||
शिरसः श्लेष्मधामत्वात्स्नेहाः स्वस्थस्य नेतरे| ( As Hr/Su/20/33 )
औषधमौषधसिद्धोवा स्नेहो नासिकाभ्यां दीयत इति नस्यम् | (Su.Chi.40/21)
Administration of medicine or medicated oil through the nose is known as Nasya.
नासायां प्रणीयमानमौषधं नस्यम्|
नावनं नस्यकर्मेतिच संज्ञां लभते|| (AS.Su.29/2)
Administration of medicine through the nasal route is known as Nasya. It’s also called as Nāvana or Nasta Karma.
नासा हि शिरसो द्वारं तेन तद्व्याप्य हन्ति तान्|| (AH.Su.20/2)
Nose is the entry and exit door to the head through which we can administer Nasya
ऊर्ध्वजत्रुविकारेषु विशेषान्नस्यमिष्यते| (AH.Su.20/2)
Nasya is the important Śōdhana for curing disease above clavicle.
शिरसः श्लेष्मधामत्वात्स्नेहाः स्वस्थस्य नेतरे| (AH.Su.20/33 )
Śiras is the seat of Kapha Doṣā and Nāsā is the dwāra to Śiras. Hence Nasya is considered as important for Ūrdhvajatru vikāras.
आशुकृच्चिरकारित्वं गुणोत्कर्षापकृष्टता|| (AH.Su.20/34)
Nasya is having Āśukāri effect and Cirakāri effect as well.
आजन्ममरणं शस्तः प्रतिमर्शस्तु बस्तिवत्| (AH.Su.20/32)
Nasya is good from birth to death just like Basti.
नावनं चावपीडश्च ध्मापनं धूम एव च|
प्रतिमर्शश्च विज्ञेयं नस्तःकर्म तु पञ्चधा|| (Ch.Si.9/89-92)
Nāvanam, Avapīḍa, Dhmapānam, Dhūma and Pratimarśa are the basic classification of Nasya.
स्नेहनं शोधनं चैव द्विविधं नावनं स्मृतम्|
शोधनः स्तम्भनश्च स्यादवपीडो द्विधा मतः |
चूर्णस्याध्मापनं तद्धि देहस्रोतोविशोधनम् |
विज्ञेयस्त्रिविधो धूमः प्रागुक्तः शमनादिकः|
प्रतिमर्शो भवेत् स्नेहो निर्दोष उभयार्थकृत्|
एवं तद्रेचनं कर्म तर्पणं शमनं त्रिधा|
Nāvana is of two types, Snehana and Śōdhana. Avapīḍa is of two types, Śōdhana and Sthambhana. Dhmāpāna has only one action of Srotośōdhanam of Deha. Dhūma Nasya is of three types Prāyogika, Snaihika and Vairechanika. Pratimarśa is harmless and it serves both the purposes (Snehana and Śōdhana)
तद्द्विविधं शिरोविरेचनं, स्नेहनं च |
तद्द्विविधमपि पञ्चधा |तद्यथा- नस्यं, शिरोविरेचनं, प्रतिमर्शो, अवपीडः, प्रधमनं |
तेषु नस्यं प्रधानं शिरोविरेचनं च; नस्यविकल्पः प्रतिमर्शः, शिरोविरेचनविकल्पोऽवपीडः प्रधमनं च; ततो नस्यशब्दः पञ्चधा नियमितः| (Su.Chi.40/21)
Nasya can be classified broadly into Śirovirecana and Snehana
This two can be further categorised into five. They are Nasya, Śirovirecana, Pratimarśa, Avapīḍa and Pradhamana
ज्योतिष्मतीक्षवकमरिचपिप्पलीविडङ्गशिग्रुसर्षपापामार्गतण्डुलश्वेतामहाश्वेताइति दशेमानि शिरोविरेचनोपगानि भवन्ति | (Ch.Su.4/13)
Jyotiṣmatī (Celastrus paniculatus), Kṣavaka (Centipeda minima), Marica (Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum), Vidaṅga (Embelia ribes), Śigru (Moringa oleifera), Sarṣapa (Brassica nigra), Apamārga Bīja (seed of Achyranthus aspera), Śveta (Clitoria ternetea white variety), Mahāśveta (variety of Clitoria ternatea) are the Śirovirechanopaga Dravyas.
तैलमेव च नस्यार्थे नित्याभ्यासेन शस्यते॥
शिरसः श्लेष्मधामत्वात्स्नेहाः स्वस्थस्य नेतरे| (AH.Su.20/33 )
Taila only is ideal to be used daily for Nasya because Śiras is the seat of Kapha Doṣā and no
other fat can keep it healthy.