UG Module 7 - Lesson 4




Nasyakarma Vidhi

Procedure of Nasya can be divided into three headings

  1. Pūrvakarma
  2. Pradhāna Karma
  3. Paścāt Karma

अथ नस्यार्हं नरमव्याहतवेगं धौतान्तर्बहिर्मुख़ं स्निग्ध
स्विन्नशिरसं नातिक्षुधितं प्रायोगिकधूमपानविशुद्धस्रोतसं
स्वास्तीर्णनिवातशयनस्थमुत्तानशिर्षमीषदुन्नतपादं प्रसा
रितकरचरणं जत्रूर्ध्वं पाणितापेन पुनः पुनः स्वेदयेत्|
ततः कनकरजतताम्रान्यतमशुक्तिस्थितं प्रदेयमौषधत्रि
भागमुष्णाम्बुप्रतप्तं किञ्चित् प्रलम्बितशिरसो वामहस्ता
ङ्गुष्ठकनिष्ठिकाभ्यामाक्रम्य नयनप्रच्छादनं चतुर्गुणं वासो
मध्यमया नासाग्रमुन्नमय्य प्रदेशिन्यनामिकाभ्यं चैकैकं
नासापुटं पर्यायेण पिधायेतरस्मिन् नासास्रोतसि दक्षिण
हस्तेन प्रनाड्या पिचुना वानवच्छिन्नमासिञ्चेत्||१५||
दत्तमात्रे तु नस्ये कर्णललाटकेशभूमिगण्डमन्यास्क
न्धपाणिपादतलान्यनुसुख़ं मर्दयेत्|शनैश्चोच्छिङ्ख़ेत्|
अनभ्यवहरंश्च वामदक्षिणपार्श्वयोरौषधं निष्ठीवेत्|
सकलं हि तदभ्यवहृतमग्निमवसादयेत्|
दोषं  संवर्धयेत्|एकपार्श्वनिष्ठीवनेन सर्वाः सिरा भेषजेन सम्यग्व्याप्यन्ते|
पुनः पुनश्चैनं स्वेदयेदाभेषजदर्शनान्नोछिङ्ख़न्निष्ठीवेच्च|
ततश्चैवमेव द्वितीयमंशमनुषेचयेत्तथा तृतीयं दोषादिबलेन
वा| विरेचने त्ववपीडे दोषबलमपेक्ष्य पश्चात् स्नेहमनु
षेचयेत्|निवृत्तनस्यं चैवमुन्निद्रमुत्तानं वाक्शतमात्रं शाय
येत्|ततः पुनरप्युत्क्लिष्टदोषशेषोपशान्तये वैरेचनिकं
यथार्हं वा धूमं पाययित्वोष्णोदकगण्डूषान् धारयेत्|
अथास्य स्नेहोक्तमाचारमादिशेत्|अतिद्रवपानञ्च वर्जयेत्|
पुनश्च तृतीयेऽहनि नस्यमवसेचयेत्|हिध्मास्वरोपग़ात
मन्यास्तम्भापतानकेषु शिरसि चानिलार्त्याद्यभिभूते प्रत्यहं
सायम्प्रातरुभयकालं वा|अनेन विधिना पञ्च सप्त
नव वा दिनानि दद्यादासम्यग्योगाद्वा||१८|| (As Sang/Su/29/


The person who is fit and to be administered Nasya,

  • Has to attend to his natural urges
  • Has to clean his face inside and outside
  • Head is to be subjected to Snehana and Svedana
  • He should not be very much hungry
  • Should have his passages of head purified and cleaned by the Prāyogika Dhūma.
  • Should be on a bed
  • Spread widely in a room devoid of air
  • His head should be slightly raised
  • The legs and arms should be stretched
  • His head or part above the clavicle should be fomented again and again by the warmth of the palms.

Pradhāna karma

  • The medicine is to be kept in a small container made of gold, silver or copper.
  • It should be of three parts and is  made hot by placing in hot water.
  • The head should be made to slightly bend and held with the thumb and little fingers of left hand.
  • Eyes are to be covered by a cloth which is very clean and has four folds.
  • The tip of the nose is to be held firmly and raised.
  • Each nostril is to be closed alternatively while dropping medicine by the index and little fingers.
  • The medicine is to be poured in an uninterrupted flow into the two nostrils alternately by the right hand of the physician, either by tube or by cotton-wad.
  • Immediately after administering the Nasya, one should gently and comfortably rub the area of ears, forehead, head, cheeks, nape of the neck, shoulders, palms and soles
  • Slowly the medicine is to be inhaled.
  • Don’t allow to swallow the medicine, it will hamper the Agni and further increase the doshas.
  • Allow the patient to spit the doshas to the alternate sides.
  • Otherwise the medicine won’t be reaching all the Sroatses equally.
  • Repeat the procedure till the doshas and medicine has properly came out.

Paścāt karma 

  • After Nasya Dravya has come out patient should be made to lie in supine posture for 100 Mātra duration.
  • For the subsidence of irritated Doshas, Vairecanika Dhūmapana is to be done.
  • And then Uṣṇa Udaka Gaṇḍūṣa is to be done.

This is a type of Sneha nasya in which only a small quantity of  oil is instilled into the nose. It can be used in all seasons.

Nāvana Nasya is of Snehana and Śōdhana. Pratimarśa can do both the action without any complications.

Dose :

ईषदुच्छिङ्घतः स्नेहो यावद्वक्त्रं प्रपद्यते |
नस्ये निषिक्तं तं विद्यात् प्रतिमर्शं प्रमाणतः (Su/Chi/40/43)

Oil instilled into the nostril which comes to oral cavity by light snuffing is the dose of Pratimarśa.

There is no need of specific Ācārika Vidhi or Parihāra Karma for Pratimarśa Nasya.

Benefits of Pratimarśa Nasya

आजन्ममरणं शस्तः प्रतिमर्शस्तु बस्तिवत्|
मर्शवच्च गुणान् कुर्यात्स हि नित्योपसेवनात्||३२||
 चात्र यन्त्रणा नापि व्यापद्भ्यो मर्शवद्भयम्| (As Hr/Su/20/32)

It’s good from birth to death just like enema therapy. It will benefit in the same way of Marśa Nasya if used daily without making any complications. It does not need any restriction and no fear of complications.

Difference Between Marśa and Pratimarśa Nasya



Age 7-80 yrs

Birth to death

Effect is Āśukāri


Benefits are more


Dose: 6,8,10

2 Bindu

Should follow strict regimens

Not essential to follow

More chance of Vyāpats

No Vyāpats


ईषदुच्छिङ्घतः स्नेहो यावद्वक्त्रं प्रपद्यते |
नस्ये निषिक्तं तं विद्यात् प्रतिमर्शं प्रमाणतः |   (Su.Chi.40/43)

Oil instilled into the nostril which comes to oral cavity by light snuffing is the dose of pratimarśa.