स्तम्भगौरवशीतघ्नं स्वेदनं स्वेदकारकम् | (Ch.Su 22/11)
अवपीड्य यत्र कल्कादीनि दीयन्ते इत्यवपीडः; अनेन शिरोविरेचनार्थं दीयमानसैन्धवपिप्पल्यादिकल्कस्याप्यवरोधः| (Cha/Si/9/90 Cakrapāni)
Instillation of squeezed juice of leaves or paste of Auṣadha Dravyas is termed as Avapīḍa Nasya.
शृतशीतस्वरसादीनां पिचुनाऽवपीडनात् अवपीडः| (Su/Chi/40/21/ Dalhana)
If Nasya Dravya is taken from Kalka, Kvātha, Swarasa etc. it’s termed as Avapīḍa. These are very strong Śirovairecanikas.
Method of preparation
कल्कीकृतादौषधाधः पीडितो निःसृतो रसः॥
सोऽवपीडः समुद्दिष्टस्तीक्ष्णद्रव्यसमुद्भवः। (Sha/U/8/12)
Auṣadha Dravya such as fresh Patra, Kaṇṭha etc. is triturated well and squeeze to extract the juice out of it. This Rasa can be taken for Nasya.
Dose is 4,6 and 8 Bindu for Avara, Madhyam and Pravara.
Procedure of administration is same as that of Marśa Nasya.
This is a type of śōdhana Nasya where churna is used as Nasya dravya.
प्रध्मापनस्य तु|तत् षडङ्गुलया [५] नाड्या धमेच्चूर्णं मुखेन तु||१०७||
विरिक्तशिरसं (Cha/Si/9/107)
Powder of Auṣadhi should be blown by mouth into nostril through a tube of 6 Aṅgula length.
Method of administration
युञ्ज्यात्तं मुखवायुना| षडङ्गुलद्विमुखया नाड्या भेषजगर्भया||८||
स हि भूरितरं दोषं चूर्णत्वादपकर्षति| (As Hr/Su/20/8)
According to Videha
शुक्तिप्रमाणं जिघ्रेद्वा बद्धं सूक्ष्मेण वाससा ।
One Śukti Pramāṇa of powder is kept in Pottali of thin cloth and then the patient is asked to inhale deeply. Thus the fine particle will go inside the nostril.
According to Suśruta, this is indicated in Citta Vikāra, Kṛmija Vyādhi and Viṣa.
This is a type of śōdhana Nasya where churna is used as Nasya dravya.
प्रध्मापनस्य तु|तत् षडङ्गुलया [५] नाड्या धमेच्चूर्णं मुखेन तु||१०७||
विरिक्तशिरसं (Cha/Si/9/107)
Powder of Auṣadhi should be blown by mouth into nostril through a tube of 6 Aṅgula length.
Method of administration
युञ्ज्यात्तं मुखवायुना| षडङ्गुलद्विमुखया नाड्या भेषजगर्भया||८||
स हि भूरितरं दोषं चूर्णत्वादपकर्षति| (As Hr/Su/20/8)
According to Videha
शुक्तिप्रमाणं जिघ्रेद्वा बद्धं सूक्ष्मेण वाससा ।
One Śukti Pramāṇa of powder is kept in Pottali of thin cloth and then the patient is asked to inhale deeply. Thus the fine particle will go inside the nostril.
According to Suśruta, this is indicated in Citta Vikāra, Kṛmija Vyādhi and Viṣa.
Inhalation of medicated dhūma or fumes through nostrils is termed as dhūma nasya.
Difference Between dhūmapāna and dhūma nasya
शमनादिक इत्यत्र शमनशब्देन प्रायोगिकं गृह्णाति, तेन प्रायोगिकस्नैहिकवैरेचनिकधूमानां नासादीयमानानामिह ग्रहणं, मुखपेयस्तु धुमो न नस्यम्| (Cha/ Si/9/9,Cakrapāni)
Prāyogika, Snaihika and Vairecanika Dhūma administered through nose is Dhūma Nasya and through mouth is Dhūmapāna.
1.Prāyogika Dhūma Nasya
प्रायोगिकी च नित्यपेय धूमवर्ति संज्ञा।
That which is used daily is termed as prāyogika
Time of administration
प्रयोगपाने तस्याष्टौ कालाः सम्परिकीर्तिताः||३३||
वातश्लेष्मसमुत्क्लेशः कालेष्वेषु हि लक्ष्यते|
स्नात्वा भुक्त्वा समुल्लिख्य क्षुत्वा दन्तान्निघृष्य च|
नावनाञ्जननिद्रान्ते चात्मवान् धूमपो भवेत्| (Cha/Su/5/ 34)
Eight time are identified for prāyogika dhūma nasya
2. Snaihika Dhūma Nasya
स्नैहिकी स्नेहनकारिका।
Dhūma used to produce Snehana is called Snehana Dhūma Nasya. It’s prepared with Madhura Gana Drvaya added with Vasā, Ghṛta and Madhūcchiṣṭa.
3.Vairecanika Dhūma Nasya
Used for elimination of Doṣās
श्वेता ज्योतिष्मती चैव हरितालं मनःशिला||२६||
गन्धाश्चागुरुपत्राद्या धूमं मूर्धविरेचने [१] |२७| (Cha/Su/5/26)
Dravyas like Apamārga, Jyotiṣmatī, Haratāla, Manaḥśilā etc are used for Vairecanika Dhūma Nasya.
Length of Nāḍī used for Dhūma Nasya
Type of dhūma nasya | Length of Nāḍī | Frequency of inhalation in a day |
Prāyogika | 36 Aṅgula | 2 times |
Snaihika | 32 Aṅgula | 1time |
Vairecanika | 24 Aṅgula | 3-4times |
Method of administration:
ऋज्वङ्गचक्षुस्तच्चेताः सूपविष्टस्त्रिपर्ययम्||४८||
पिबेच्छिद्रं पिधायैकं नासया धूममात्मवान्|४९| (Cha/Su/5/48)
1.person should sit straight keeping his body, eyes and mind steady.
अवपीड्य यत्र कल्कादीनि दीयन्ते इत्यवपीडः; अनेन शिरोविरेचनार्थं दीयमानसैन्धवपिप्पल्यादिकल्कस्याप्यवरोधः|
(Ch.Si.9/90 Cakrapāni)
Instillation of squeezed juice of leaves or paste of Auṣadha Dravyas is termed as Avapīḍa Nasya.
प्रध्मापनस्य तु| तत् षडङ्गुलया नाड्या धमेच्चूर्णं मुखेन तु|
विरिक्तशिरसं (Ch.Si.9/107)
Powder of Auṣadhi should be blown by mouth into nostril through a tube of 6 Aṅgula length.