UG Module 7 - Lesson 6



स्तम्भगौरवशीतघ्नं स्वेदनं स्वेदकारकम् |          (Ch.Su 22/11)


Snehana Nasya  

Samyak yoga:  

लाघवंशिरसोयोगेसुखस्वप्नप्रबोधनम् | 
विकारोपशमःशुद्धिरिन्द्रियाणांमनःसुखम् ||३३|| (Su/Chi/ 40/33) 

Lightness of head, good sleep, easy awakening, reduction in illness and clarity of sense is the Lakṣaṇa of Samyak Kriya Snehana Nasya. 


According to Ashtaṅga Hṛdaya 

सम्यक्स्निग्धेसुखोच्छ्वासस्वप्नबोधाक्षपाटवम् || (As Hr/Su/20/23) 

Easy breathing, good sleep and clarity of senses are the Lakṣaṇas of Snehana Nasya. 

Atiyoga Lakṣaṇa 

कफप्रसेकःशिरसोगुरुतेन्द्रियविभ्रमः | 
लक्षणंमूर्ध्न्यतिस्निग्धेरूक्षंतत्रावचारयेत् ||(Su/Chi/40/34) 

Excessive discharge, heaviness of head and disorders of sense organs. 

स्निग्धेऽतिकण्डूगुरुताप्रसेकारुचिपीनसाः|| (As Hr/Su/20/24) 

Itching, tastelessness and running nose is the Lakṣaṇas of Atiyoga Snehana Nasya. 

Treatment for Atiyoga: Rūkṣaṇa should be done. 

Ayoga Lakṣaṇa 

अयोगेवातवैगुण्यमिन्द्रियाणां च रूक्षता | 
रोगाशान्तिश्चतत्रेष्टंभूयोनस्यंप्रयोजयेत् || (Su/Chi/40/35) 

Vitiation of Vāta, dryness of sense organs and no remission of illness 

रूक्षेऽक्षिस्तब्धताशोषोनासास्येमूर्द्धशून्यता||(As Hr/Su/30/24) 

Uneasiness in eye movements, Śoṣa of eyes, void feeling of nose, mouth and head. 

Treatment for Ayoga: Nasya should be administered again. 

Śōdhana Nasya  

Samyak yoga:  

लाघवंशिरसःशुद्धिःस्रोतसांव्याधिनिर्जयः | 
चित्तोन्द्रियप्रसादश्चशिरसःशुद्धिलक्षणम् || (Su/Chi/40/38) 

Symptoms of Samyak Śōdhana Nasya is lightness and clarity of head and it’s channels, reduction in disease condition and  Prasada of chitta, sense organs. 

उरःशिरोलाघवमिन्द्रियाच्छ्यं[]स्रोतोविशुद्धिश्चभवेद्विशुद्धे||५१|| (Cha/Si/1/51) 

Lightness of chest and head, clarity of indriyas, clarity of srotases are thelakṣaṇas of Samyak śōdhana Nasya 

As per Caraka Lakṣaṇas of Ayoga are Gala Upalepa, Śiro Gurtwa and Niṣṭhīvana and its treatment includes Kaphaghna Cikitsa. 

Features of Atiyoga are feeling of Śiro, Śaṅkā, Sravaṇa, Arati, Toda and Timira and its treatment is Vātaghna Cikitsa. 

Dhūma Nasya 


कफश्चतनुतांप्राप्तःसुपीतंधूममादिशेत्| (Cha/Su/5/52) 

Lightness in Ura, Kaṇṭa and Śira are Samyak Lakṣaṇas. 

If the voice is not clarified and the throat is filled with  Kapha and head feels stiffened are  

are Ayoga Lakṣaṇas 

Lakṣaṇas of Atiyoga are palate, head and throat get dried up with heat sensation, the person gets thirsty and becomes unconscious, there is excessive bleeding,  excessive giddiness and fainting and dysfunctioning of sense organs. 


Cause of Nasya Vyāpat:  

तत्रहीनातिमात्रातिशीतोष्णसहसाप्रदानादतिप्रविलम्बितशिरसउच्छिङ्घतोविचलतोऽभ्यवहरतोवाप्रतिषिद्धप्रदानाच्चव्यापदोभवन्तितृष्णोद्गारादयोदोषनिमित्ताःक्षयजाश्च ||(Su/Chi/40/48) 

If we administer Hīna Mātrā, Atimātrā, Atiśīta, Uṣṇa, Sahasā Pradāna, Atipravilambita, Śiraso Ucchiṅghato, Vicalita Śiras, Abhyavarato, Pratiṣiddha Pradāna all these cause complications like Doṣā Utkleśa Nimittajanya and Doṣa Kṣaya Janya. Eg; Tṛṣṇā, Udgāra etc.  

Management of Nasya Vyāpat 

According to Caraka 

प्रतिश्यायेनवेस्नाते  स्नेहपानेऽनुवासने|| 
तत्रश्लेष्महरःसर्वस्तीक्ष्णोष्णादिर्विधिर्हितः|| (Cha/Si/9/111) 

If Nāvana Nasya administered in contraindicated conditions like Ajīrṇa, Bhuktabhakta, Toyapīta etc. or in untimely season or conditions, Nava Pratiśyāya, after Snāna, after Snehapāna, after Ānuvāsana Basti then Nasya may produce Kaphaja Rogas. Treatment for the same is all Tīkṣṇa Uṣṇa Kaphahara Kriyas. 

स्वेदादिः, स्याद्घृतंक्षीरंगर्भिण्यास्तुविशेषतः|||(Cha/Si/9/113) 

If Rūkṣa Nasya administered in Kāshme or debilitated, Virechite or after any Śōdhana, Garbhe or conceived lady, Vyāyāma Abhihate or tired after exercise, tṛṣi or thirsty in them vitiated Vāta may produce Vātaja diseases. Treatment for the same is Vātahara Kriyas like Snehana, Swedana, Bṛṃhaṇa. Specially for Garbhini Ghṛta or Kṣīra can be used. 



निवातोष्णसमाचारीहिताशीनियतेन्द्रियः| (Cha/Su/5/69) 

Snehācārika Vidhi should be followed like living in Nivāta Gṛha and not exposing to excess Vāta, Uṣṇa Sevana, controlling Indriya is told as Parihāra Viṣaya.  


As per Suśruta, Rajo-Dhūma-Sneha-Ātapa-Madya-Drvapāna-Śiraosnāna-Yāna-Krodha should be avoided. 

शीतोपचारातपशोकरोषांस्त्यजेदकालाहितभोजनं|५५|  (Cha/Si/1/54) 

After any Śōdhana including Nasya excessive sitting, standing, talking, travelling, day sleeping, coitus, holding natural urges should be avoided. Indulgence in cold activities, sunlight, greif, anger should be avoided. Avoid intake of untimely and non-conducive foods.  

Parihara Kāla  

कालस्तुबस्त्यादिषुयातियावांस्तावान्भवेद्द्विःपरिहारकालः|    (Cha/Si/1/54) 


Parihara kāla is the double number of days of undergoing the Śōdhana or Nasya.  















सम्यक्स्निग्धे सुखोच्छ्वासस्वप्नबोधाक्षपाटवम् ||     (AH.Su.20/23)

Easy breathing, good sleep and clarity of senses are the Lakṣaṇas of Snehana Nasya.

उरःशिरोलाघवमिन्द्रियाच्छ्यं स्रोतोविशुद्धिश्च भवेद्विशुद्धे||     (Ch.Si.1/51)

Lightness of chest and head, clarity of indriyas, clarity of srotases are the lakṣaṇas of Samyak śōdhana Nasya

यदा चोरश्च कण्ठश्च शिरश्च लघुतां व्रजेत्||    (Ch.Su.5/52)

Lightness in ura, Kaṇṭa and Śira are Samyak Lakṣaṇas.

तत्र हीनातिमात्रातिशीतोष्णसहसाप्रदानादतिप्रविलम्बितशिरस उच्छिङ्घतो विचलतोऽभ्यवहरतो वा प्रतिषिद्धप्रदानाच्च व्यापदो  भवन्ति तृष्णोद्गारादयो दोषनिमित्ताः क्षयजाश्च ||   (Su.Chi.40/48)

If we administer Hīna Mātrā, Atimātrā, Atiśīta, Uṣṇa, Sahasā Pradāna, Atipravilambita, Śiraso Ucchiṅghato, Vicalita Śiras, Abhyavarato, Pratiṣiddha Pradāna all these cause complications like Doṣā Utkleśa Nimittajanya and Doṣa Kṣaya Janya. Eg; Tṛṣṇā, Udgāra etc. 


अजीर्णे भोजने भुक्ते तोये पीतेऽथ दुर्दिने|
प्रतिश्याये नवे स्नाते  स्नेहपानेऽनुवासने||
नावनं स्नेहनं रोगान् करोति श्लैष्मिकान् बहून्|
तत्र श्लेष्महरः सर्वस्तीक्ष्णोष्णादिर्विधिर्हितः||     (Ch.Si.9/111)

If Nāvana Nasya administered in contraindicated conditions like Ajīrṇa, Bhuktabhakta, Toyapīta etc. or in untimely season or conditions, Nava Pratiśyāya, after Snāna, after Snehapāna, after Ānuvāsana Basti then Nasya may produce Kaphaja Rogas. Treatment for the same is all Tīkṣṇa Uṣṇa Kaphahara Kriyas.

क्षामे विरेचिते गर्भे व्यायामाभिहते तृषि|
वातो रूक्षेण नस्येन क्रुद्धः स्वाञ्जनयेद्गदान्||
तत्र वातहरः सर्वो विधिः स्नेहनबृंहणः|
स्वेदादिः, स्याद्घृतं क्षीरं गर्भिण्यास्तु विशेषतः||    (Ch.Si.9/113)

If Rūkṣa Nasya administered in Kshāme or debilitated, Virechite or after any Śōdhana, Garbhe or conceived lady, Vyāyāma Abhihate or tired after exercise, tṛṣi or thirsty in them vitiated Vāta may produce Vātaja diseases. Treatment for the same is Vātahara Kriyas like Snehana, Swedana, Bṛṃhaṇa. Specially for Garbhini Ghṛta or Kṣīra can be used.

निवातोष्णसमाचारी हिताशी नियतेन्द्रियः|   (Ch.Su.5/69)

Living in Nivāta Gṛha and not exposing to excess Vāta, Uṣṇa Sevana, controlling Indriya is told as Parihāra Viṣaya. 


अत्यासनस्थानवचांसि यानं स्वप्नं दिवा मैथुनवेगरोधान्|| 
शीतोपचारातपशोकरोषांस्त्यजेदकालाहितभोजनं च|    (Ch.Si.1/54)

After any Śōdhana including Nasya excessive sitting, standing, talking, travelling, day sleeping, coitus, holding natural urges should be avoided. Indulgence in cold activities, sunlight, greif, anger should be avoided. Avoid intake of untimely and non-conducive foods.

कालस्तु बस्त्यादिषु याति यावांस्तावान् भवेद्द्विः परिहारकालः|    (Ch.Si.1/54)

Parihara kāla is the double number of days of undergoing the Śōdhana or Nasya.